You are here: Section Rules Reference > Section Rules Summary > CreateSubExtractList


Use this section level rule to process multiple items of the same type within a single transaction. This rule produces a temporary extract list which contains each record of the same type within a transaction.

The temporary extract list is based on the search mask and key you define. The system can then populate variable fields using the data in the temporary extract list.

Note The CreateSubExtractList rule is used with the SetRecipFromImage rule.


CreateSubExtractList (Search,Keys)

CreateSubExtractList (From,To)

CreateSubExtractList (Drop)

CreateSubExtractList (Append)




Defines a search criteria; see Search Criteria.


This variable defines the scope of the search:

Keys((offset1,length1),(offset2,length2),….(offsetN, lengthN))

From( ) To ( )

The From(mask) includes the record specified in the from mask. The To(mask) indicates where to stop. The To(mask) does not include the record specified in the To(mask).


This parameter drops the temporary sub-extract list that was created and removes the records from the cached extract records for that transaction. You will no longer have access to these records.


This parameter adds the temporary sub-extract list that was created to the end of the extract list.