You are here: Section Rules Reference > Section Rules Summary > DelImageOccur


Use this section level rule to delete a specific occurrence of a section on a form, for each occurrence of the form.


DelImageOccur (Occurrence,Form,KillSpace)





The section occurrence to delete. Positive numbers indicate the count is from the beginning. Negative numbers indicate the count is from the end.


The form name. If there are multiple sections, separate the section names with commas, such as


If you specify a form name, the rule only works on those forms. If you omit the form names, the rule affects all forms that include the section.


(Optional) If you include this parameter, the system removes the space after the specified occurrence of the section.

If you include this parameter, you must include it before the form name. Here is an example:

DelImageOccur 1,KillSpace

DelImageOccur 1,KillSpace,Form1

Any form specified before the KillSpace parameter is not affected by this parameter. Consider this example:

DelImageOccur 1,Form1,KillSpace,Form2,Form3

The first occurrence of the current section in Form1 is removed but the space where this section was placed is not removed. However, the first occurrence of the current section is removed from From2 and From3. Furthermore, the system also removes the space after the specified occurrence of the section.

To use this rule, you must also add the following rule to the AFGJOB.JDT file:


Add this rule after the RunSetRcpTbl rule. You can omit the rule level number.

See also