You are here: Section Rules Reference > Section Rules Summary > SpanAndFill


Use this section level rule to take a field and span its width between two other fields, filling the field with a fill character.


SpanAndFill (SpanField,LeftField,RightField)




Enter the name of the field you want to span. This field must be the first parameter.


Enter the field you want to be on the left.


Enter the field you want to be on the right.

Note This rule does not move the field vertically. Only the width and horizontal location are changed.

The filler character is used to span the width between the end of the text in the left field and the beginning of the text in the right field. If either field is empty, the left coordinate of the field is used.

You can use any rule to map the fill character into the SpanField. For example, you can use the HardExst rule to map a character such as a period or asterisk. Only the first character of the mapped data is used as the filler character. If no data is found in the SpanField, the system uses periods (.) as the fill character.

Note You may want to use the JustFld rule on your right-most field to make sure the field is right justified.

Keep in mind...

See also