You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > FormDescription


Use this form set level rule to write out a form or several forms, which contain descriptions of the other forms included in the form set. You can also specify a DAL script you want the system to execute to get the actual descriptions to use.

Note This capability exists in Documaker Desktop. This rule provides the capability to Documaker Server.






(Optional) This parameter tells the system not to overflow the form description line section if there are not enough Form Description Line fields to include the maximum number of selected forms. Keep in mind that if this parameter is turned on and there are more forms than there are Form Description Line fields, some of the descriptive information may be lost. The default is the system will overflow to accommodate all selected forms.

Keep in mind...

INI options

You can use these INI options to tell the system how to represent form group lines on form description lines.

< FormDescTable >

IncludeKey2 = No

BoldKey2 = No

Key2Prefix =

Key2PostInc = 0

IncludeDuplicateForms = No

IncludeFormName = No

StartFromFirstForm =

ColumnFormat = No

ExludedForm =

IncludeFormDesc =

< FormDescription >

Script =



FormDescTable control group


Enter Yes to enable Key2 descriptions. By default, the form description lines only contain descriptions of the forms. Optionally, you can include descriptions for form groups, such as lines of business. These form groups are called Key2s.


Use this option to present Key2 descriptions in a bold font. The system determines which font to use by querying the font defined on the field and selecting its bold equivalent. The fonts of normal Form Description Lines fields (not assigned a Key2 name) are changed to their non-bold counterparts.


Enter the text you want to appear before each Key2 description line. The system automatically adds a single space after the text. By default, this option is blank and does not affect the description lines.

For instance, if you enter Form Applicable – the system prefixes all Key2 descriptions with that text. The output might look like this:

Form Applicable — General Liability Coverage


Use this option to add blank lines between Key2 descriptions the form descriptions. For example, if you include Key2 descriptions, and set this option to one, you out put might look like this:

Form Applicable – General Liability Coverage


Form 1 Automobile Coverage

Form 2 Homeowner Coverage


If you want the system to include duplicate forms, set this option to Yes. The system excludes the duplicate forms from the form description lines as a default.


Enter No if you want to suppress the form name from the form description lines. By default, the system includes the form names.


Enter Yes if you want the system to include forms starting from the first form. By default, only forms placed after the first form that contains a FORM DESC LINE field are included in the list of forms.

Note that the form that contains the form description lines is not included in the list unless this option is turned on.


By default, the system writes out the form description lines in a columnar format with the form name on the left and pads the text based on the longest form name. To have the system write out the form description lines in a non-columnar format, set this option to No. If set to No, the system adds the form description to the end of the form name, separated by two spaces.


To exclude a certain form from the form description lines, enter the name of the form you want to exclude. Here is an example:

ExludedForm = Form Applicable

To exclude multiple forms, include a separate ExcludedForm option for each form, as shown here:

ExludedForm = Form1

ExludedForm = Form2

ExludedForm = Form3


Set this option to No if you want to suppress the description from the form description lines. The system includes the form description by default.

Do not set this option and the IncludeFormName option to No. If you do, the system writes the form description without the form name

FormDescription control group


The name of DAL script you want the system to execute.


This example shows how you can call a DAL script to customize the description placed in the Form Description Line fields. To use this functionality, make sure you have the Script option set up in the FormDescription control group:

< FormDescription >

Script = AddDate.DAL

Now suppose you want to add (11/10) to the end of each description line. You would set up the Script option to call the DAL script that contains the logic to do so. Here is an example of the DAL script:

FName = FormName( )

FDesc = FormDesc( )

return(FName & " " & FDesc & " (11/10)");

Below is an example of the description lines generated without calling DAL script.

DEC Page Common Policy Declarations

END Page Endorsement Page

CG DEC General Liability Declarations

Here is an example of the output when you call the DAL script:

DEC Page Common Policy Declarations (11/10)

END Page Endorsement Page (11/10)

CG DEC General Liability Declarations (11/10)

See also