You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > PaginateAndPropagate


Use this form set level rule to paginate the form set and merge in or propagate field data.


;PaginateAndPropagate;Debug FooterMode;




If you include this parameter, the system writes debug information about pagination to the log file.

For performance reasons, you would not typically use this option unless directed by support.


This parameter controls how the footers are treated in regards to pagination. You can enter 0, 1, or 2. The default is zero (0) which is the standard way the rule handles footers.

Normally this rule is placed in the Base Form Set Rules section of the AFGJOB.JDT file at or near the end of the rule list. This location is important because you want the rule to execute as one of the first steps of transaction post-processing. Place this rule after the PrintFormset rule in the Base Form Set Rules section of the AFGJOB.JDT file when running in single-step mode.

This rule is a post-process rule, meaning that initial pagination and propagation takes place before the rule is called. This rule then goes back through the form set.


Here are some examples:


;PaginateAndPropagate;2,Debug FooterMode(2);


Note The PaginateAndPropagate rule looks for the CanSplitImage indicator. If missing, sections are paginated in the standard method.

Footer modes 1 and 2 search the logical page for footers marked as copy-on-overflow and then determine the upper limit of those footers. That point becomes the lower limit of the body sections.

As the system checks the body sections to determine if they exceed the lower limit, it raises the lower limit if there is another footer with a higher limit. This prevents the a large footer at the bottom of a long logical page from affecting pages on which it does not appear.

Modes 1 and 2 differ in how they handle an overlap when a footer is encountered that raises the lower limit above a body section that is already determined to fit on the page.

With mode 1, the system increases the limit and reevaluates the section on that page. It also lets the second from the last page have a large area reserved with nothing printed.

With mode 2, the system moves the footer to the next page so the footer can appear on a page by itself.

With mode zero (0), the default, the system searches the logical page for all footers and determines the upper limits of the footers. That becomes the lower limit of the body sections. When a body section exceeds this lower limit, the system splits the logical page into two pages.

The section that exceeds the limit and all following sections are moved up and to the second page. Sections on the first page marked as copy-on-overflow are copied to the second page. Sections on the second page marked as copy-on-overflow are copied back to the first page. The system then searches the second page for all footers, determines the upper limit of that footer, and continues the process.

Note Previously, this rule was known as the PaginateAndPropogate rule. You can use either spelling.

See also