You are here: Adding Job and Form Set Rules > Rules Used in Single-Step Processing

Rules Used in Single-Step Processing

Specific rules are used to combine the execution and functionality of the GenTrn, GenData, and GenPrint programs into a single step. These rules are listed below, with a brief description.

Note You can find more information, including a detailed description of how processing occurs, in the Documaker Administration Guide.

Here’s a list of the rules required for single-step processing.




Use this rule to send transactions to a batch you specify using INI options.


Use this rule to send a transaction’s form set to a specified print batch based on the number of printed pages plus the multi-mail code defined in the transaction.


Use this rule to send a transaction’s form set to a specified batch based on the number of printed pages created when the system processes the transaction.


Use this rule to load the FORM.DAT file into an internal linked list within the GenData program. You must include this rule in the AFGJOB.JDT file because the RunSetRcpTbl rule is dependent on the list this rule creates.


Use this rule to load printer and recipient batch information. This rule sets up PRTLIB data, initializes print options, and loads a table which contains page totals for recipient batch files.

Use this rule when you run the GenData program by itself to execute GenTrn and GenPrint processes. This rule, when combined with the PrintFormset rule, prints form sets.


Use this rule to set the cache the system uses to store recipient information in memory. With this rule you can tell the system the amount of memory to set aside and use for storing information in the Key1 and Key2 fields, often used to store the company and line of business.


Use this rule when you use the GenData program by itself to execute the GenTrn and GenData steps. When combined with the InitPrint and PrintFormset rules, it creates the output files created during the GenPrint step.


Use this rule to create and populate a list of records which contain page ranges and total page counts for each recipient batch file.


Use this rule to paginate the form set and merge in or propagate field data.


Use this rule when you run the GenData program by itself to execute GenTrn and GenPrint processes. This rule, when combined with the InitPrint rule, prints form sets.


Use this rule to process the queue you specify. This rule loops through the list of functions for the queue you specify and then frees the queue when finished.


This rule tells the system to process each field on all of the sections triggered by the SETRCPTB.DAT file. If you use the StandardFieldProc rule is in your JDT, you must also include the WriteNAFile rule.


This rule tells the system to process each section triggered by the SETRCPTB.DAT file.


Use this rule to append the NAFILE.DAT file data records for the current form set into an existing NAFILE.DAT file.


Use this rule to create the POLFILE.DAT file.


Use this rule to write page counts for each recipient.