J WebCenter

This appendix provides a detailed discussion of the support available for the accurate monitoring of Oracle Webcenter based applications.

J.1 Creating WebCenter Suite Definitions

You can create suite definitions for WebCenter-based applications in the same way as for any other supported Oracle Enterprise architectures. The procedure to create suites is fully described in Section 10.1.1, "Creating Suite Definitions".

J.2 Enabling Monitoring of WebCenter Applications

The adf-faces-databinding-rt.jar file provides a DMS-based implementation for the ExecutionContextProvider(oracle.adfinternal.view.faces. context.AdfExecutionContextProvider) class. The implementation class has been pre-registered in the .jar file, but the feature itself can only be enabled by specifying the following application context parameter in the web.xml file:

  <description>This parameter notifies ADF Faces that the ExecutionContextProvider
               service provider is enabled. When enabled, this will start
               monitoring and aggregating user activity information for the client
               initiated requests. By default, this param is not set or is false.
  </description>  <param-name>oracle.adf.view.faces.context.ENABLE_ADF_EXECUTION_CONTEXT_PROVIDER</param-name>

J.3 Specifying the Cookie Technology

Because Oracle WebCenter is based on the Java technology, it is most likely that your Oracle WebCenter applications will use the JSESSIONID state cookie. To enable RUEI to monitor and track users over the complete session, you should ensure the cookie path is set to "/". If your Oracle WebCenter application uses another cookie name for state tracking, you need to update the application definition to reflect this. In addition, be aware that user name recognition is based on the j_username construction. See Section 12.2, "Specifying the Session Tracking Mechanism" for more information on cookie configuration.

J.4 Data Items

The WebCenter specific data items shown in Table J-1 are reported by RUEI.

Table J-1 WebCenter Data Items

Item Description

WebCenter Component

The display name of the component activated by the previous end-user action

WebCenter Component Client ID

A unique identifier for the element clicked by the end-user on the previous page

WebCenter Component Type

The type of the component activated by the previous end-user action.

WebCenter Component Type Class

The ID of the component activated by the previous end-user action.

WebCenter Event Type

The type of action that was triggered by this hit.

WebCenter Page

The name of WebCenter page.

WebCenter Region

The regionViewId comes from the UserActivityInfo.

WebCenter Service

Known as the WebCenter service which comes from WebCenter space type or other public page.

WebCenter Space

The display name of the space translated from the space ID.

WebCenter Space ID

The ID of space comes from the URL.

WebCenter Space Type

The type of WebCenter space comes from the WebCenter space templates name.

WebCenter User Input

The input of user, the search content, and other input.

WebCenter View ID

The ViewID identifier (for the part) of the screen part where the previous end-user action took place.

Further Information

Detailed information about the architecture and functionality of Oracle ADF can be obtained from the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework. This is available at the following location:
