This section provides examples of the configuration files required to create data collection components. The example components collect operational data about abandoned orders. Oracle Commerce Business Intelligence does not collect this data by default. See general information about data collection components in Data Collection Process.

Example Event Listener Component

This section provides example configuration files for an event listener component. See general information about these components in Event Listener Component.

Create an event listener component with the following component configuration file:


Register the event listener component with the Core Platform messaging system patch bay. Configure it to receive the events that contain the operational information that you want to collect. For example, the message-sink element in the following XML configuration file registers an event listener component to receive abandoned order events. Add a file like this to the configuration path of your Web application at /atg/dynamo/messaging/dynamoMessagingSystem.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
Example Event Queue Component

This section provides example configuration properties for an event queue component. See general information about these components in Event Queue Component.

Create an event queue component with the following component configuration file:

Example Data File Writing Component

This section provides example configuration properties for a data file writing component. See general information about these components in Data File Writing Component.

Create a data file writing component with the following component configuration file:


# --------------------------------------
# Log file path and name properties
# --------------------------------------

# The base directory for log files
# The file name for log files. This may include a subdirectory.
# Insert an optional unique identifier in each file name
# The component that will generate the unique identifiers
# The file name extension for log files

# --------------------------------------
# Logged data configuration
# --------------------------------------

# --------------------------------------
# Log file rotation scheduling properties
# --------------------------------------

# An identifier for the scheduled task
# The log file rotation schedule
schedule=every 1 hour without catch up
# The maximum number of records in a log file. If the number of records
# reaches this threshold, the application will rotate the file.
# The centralized Dynamo scheduling component
# The messageSource component that will send log rotation messages
# The Java Messaging Service (JMS) type

# --------------------------------------
# Enable or disable this component
# --------------------------------------


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