A Task is a worker object that allows the CIM framework to make a change in the system. Task objects implement the execute method in the atg.cim.worker.ITask interface.

ITask defines the methods shown:

package atg.cim.worker;
import java.io.Serializable;

 * ITask objects are serializable javabeans that perform an action.
public interface ITask extends Serializable {

   * Called by the CIM Framework before calling execute(). Logic checking if the
   *task can be executed should be placed in this method.
   * @return true if the object has all the values needed to execute
  public boolean canExecute();
 * Logic to perform a task should be placed in this method.  Code should update
 *the message property so the framework may retrieve the last state of the
 * The IProgressMonitor may be null, so logic should test before using this
 * @throws TaskException
public void execute(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws TaskException;

 * Called by the CIM Framework before calling undo(). Logic to check should be
 *placed in this method.
 * @return true if the object can undo
public boolean canUndo();

 * Logic to return a system to its before-execute state.
 * The IProgressMonitor may be null, so logic should test before using this
 * @throws TaskException
public void undo(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws TaskException;

 * Retrieve the text describing the state of the component for UI display.
 * @return String containing the status of the component.
public String getMessage();


It is a good practice to end your class names with Task (for example: ATGPathTask).

You can extend the atg.cim.worker.Task class to create custom tasks, as shown in the Example: Writing a HelloWorld Task section.

The progressMonitor method can be used to display a status bar for any task that is defined in its XML as “long-running.” In the provided configuration scripts, tasks such as schema creation and data import are considered long-running. It can show progress when the amount of work is unknown (similar to the Windows spinning hourglass cursor), or to show increments of a known amount of work as they are completed. The Progress Monitor interface is shown here:

public interface IProgressMonitor {

  /** Class version string */
  public static final String CLASS_VERSION = "$Change: 509503 $$DateTime:
2008/09/16 13:48:09 $$Author: acollege $";

   * Constant indicating an unknown amount of work.
  public static final int UNKNOWN = -1;

   * Called by worker object at the start of a long running task.  Should only be
   *called once on a given
   * IProgressMonitor instance.
   * @param pTaskMsg - msg to display to the UI
   * @param totalWork - the total number of units to be processed.  Value may be
   *IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN for
   * when the total number of work units is not known in advance
  public void beginTask(String pTaskMsg, int pTotalWork);

   * Called numerous times by a worker object as a long running task is being
   * @param work the number of units of work completed for this call.  This is an
   *incremental value,
   * not the cumulative amount of work performed so far.
  public void worked(int pWork);

   * Called once by worker object when work has been completed
  public void setTaskComplete(boolean pComplete);


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