This section describes how to associate a site ID with any existing data (orders, gift lists, and so on). This step is necessary so that the multisite features can identify data that belongs to the existing application. You create these associations by populating a number of site ID columns in your database with the ID of the site that corresponds to your existing application. The schemas include site ID columns for any tables that contain data that require site association (generally, although not always, these columns are named site_id). For example, to indicate that gift lists belong to an existing application, you populate the dcs_giftlist table’s site_id column.

The site ID columns fall into these categories:

The following section describes the various site ID columns, their intended uses, and how they get populated. For versioned tables that are manually populated, you need only populate the publishing schema. The other schemas will be populated upon deployment.

Core Platform


Description of Site ID Column(s)


The site_id column of this table stores the sites property of the SEOTags repository items. This property allows you to associate one or more sites with an SEOTags item, effectively allowing you to define different page titles, meta keywords, and descriptions for each site. If you need to differentiate page titles, keywords, or descriptions for your sites, manually populate this column. Otherwise, you can ignore it.

Core Commerce


Description of Site ID Column(s)


The site_id column in this table stores site membership data for scheduled order objects. Manually populate all scheduled order objects with the site ID that corresponds to your old site. Also, scheduled orders that are based on existing orders should use the same site IDs as the existing orders.


The site_id column in this table stores site membership data for catalog items in the Catalog repository. This column is populated when you assign one or more catalogs to a site in Site Administration or Merchandising. After assigning a catalog to a site, the site ID columns for the catalog’s child categories, products, and SKUs must also be populated with this same ID. This process is handled by the Catalog Maintenance Service. See Registering a Site and Associating it with a Catalog for details.


The site_id columns in these tables store site membership data for categories, products, and SKUs, respectively. These columns must be populated with the same site IDs that are associated with the ancestor catalogs. This process is handled by the Catalog Maintenance Service. See Registering a Site and Associating it with a Catalog for details.


The site_id in this table stores site membership data for catalog folders. This column should be populated so that existing catalog folders appear and perform as expected in Merchandising. See Registering a Site and Associating it with a Catalog for details on how to do so.


The site_id column in this table stores the site a gift item is associated with. To avoid potential display issues, this property should be manually populated with the site ID that corresponds to the old site.

Note: The exception to this rule is if you only have one catalog for all your sites, in which case you can skip this step.


The site_id column in this table stores the site from which a gift list was created. Manually populate this column for all gift lists but not for wish lists. No site ID should be stored for wish lists because there is only one wish list per profile and it should not be associated with any specific sites. To retrieve a list of gift lists that should be marked with a site ID, query the dcs_user_giftlist table. For a list of wish lists, query the dcs_user_wishlist table. The following SQL statement sets the site ID for gift lists only to MySiteId:

Update dcs_giftlist set site_id = 'MySiteId' where id in (select giftlist_id from dcs_user_giftlist)

Note: The value of the site_id column is used in conjunction with the GiftlistManager.siteScope property to determine which gift lists may be accessed from any given site. See Gift and Wish Lists in a Multisite Environment in the Core Commerce Programming Guide for more information.


The site_id column in this table stores site constraints for promotions. If this property is empty, the associated promotion is valid on all sites. Use Merchandising to configure promotions that need to be constrained to specific sites. Manual population of this column is not necessary.


The site_id column in this table represents the site that a shopping cart item is associated with. Manually populate the site_id column for any orders you intend to keep after you convert your application to multisite.


The dcspp_order table represents customer orders. This table includes two site ID-related columns, creation_site_id and site_id. The DCS module populates the creation_site_id column when the first item with a non-null site ID is added to the order. By contrast, the site_id column is modified over the lifespan of the order. During the course of normal site usage, the site_id column is updated with the current site ID:

- Each time a new item is added to the order, including when the quantity of an existing item in the cart is updated.

- When the order is submitted.

Manually populate both the creation_site_id and site_id columns with the site ID that corresponds to your old site.

Oracle Commerce Business Intelligence


Description of Site ID Column(s)

See list in description

Oracle Commerce Business Intelligence adds a number of site ID-related columns to existing tables. All of these columns are required and must be populated with some value. For existing applications, the migration script sets the site ID columns to 0 which represents an unspecified site. If you want to associate an application’s existing data with a site ID, you must manually populate the site_id column values. The affected tables and their columns are listed below.



arf_line_item(submitted_site_id, origin_site_id,


arf_return_item(submitted_site_id, item_site_id)




Custom Application Data

In addition to the tables listed in the sections above, you should also consider whether your application has custom data that should be made site-specific. For example, Commerce Reference Store adds the following tables that contain site-specific data:


Description of Site ID Column(s)


The site_id column of this table represents the site a customer was on when an out-of-stock item was added to the cart. This data allows you to create a back-in-stock e-mail notification that uses an appropriate site context.


This table holds data that supports promotional content items, such as category and product URLs that the customer can click when viewing the promotional content item. The site_id column of this table stores the site the promotional content item is associated with, making it possible to create a link to the associated site’s page In the absence of a category or product link.


This table holds details, such as store name, address, and phone number, for physical stores. The site_id column of this table indicates which site the physical store is associated with.

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