The DTD for SQL repository definition files is installed in the <ATG11dir>/DAS/lib/classes.jar archive. It can also be referenced with this URL:

gsa_1.0.dtd - document type for GSA templates
@version $Id: //product/DAS/version/11.0/Java/atg/dtds/gsa/gsa_1.0.dtd#2
$$Change: 534451 $

<!-- Flag datatype, and values -->
<!ENTITY % flag "(true | false)">

<!-- The whole template -->
<!ELEMENT gsa-template (header?,
     (item-descriptor | add-item | update-item | print-item | remove-item |
     transaction | development-line | query-items | remove-all-items |
     export-items | import-items | print-ddl | dump-caches | load-items)*)>

<!-- The header -->
<!ELEMENT header (name?, author*, version?, description?)>

<!-- Name of template -->

<!-- The author(s) -->
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Version string -->
<!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Description string -->
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>

<!-- cache-mode datatype and values -->
<!ENTITY % cache-mode "(disabled | simple | locked | distributed | distributedJMS
 | distributedHybrid )">

<!ENTITY % property-cache-mode "(disabled | inherit)">

<!-- Item descriptors -->
<!ELEMENT item-descriptor ((property | table | attribute | named-query)*,
                           (property | table | attribute | named-query)*)>

<!ATTLIST item-descriptor
        xml:id          ID      #IMPLIED
        display-name    CDATA   #IMPLIED
        display-name-resource CDATA   #IMPLIED
        default %flag;"false"
        super-type      CDATA   #IMPLIED
        sub-type-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        sub-type-value  CDATA   #IMPLIED
        copy-from      CDATA   #IMPLIED
        content        %flag;  "false"
        folder         %flag;  "false"
        use-id-for-path %flag;  "false"
        content-name-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        content-path-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        content-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        content-length-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        content-checksum-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        folder-id-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        last-modified-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        display-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        version-property CDATA #IMPLIED
        id-space-name   CDATA   #IMPLIED
        id-space-names   CDATA   #IMPLIED
        text-search-properties  CDATA   #IMPLIED
        item-cache-sizeCDATA   #IMPLIED
        item-cache-timeout CDATA   #IMPLIED
        item-expire-timeout CDATA   #IMPLIED
        query-cache-size CDATA   #IMPLIED
        query-expire-timeout CDATA   #IMPLIED
        id-separator CDATA  ":"
        versionable %flag;   #IMPLIED

<!-- Property tag - defines one property descriptor for an item descriptor -->
<!ELEMENT property (derivation?, (option | attribute)*)>
<!ATTLIST property
        xml:id          ID      #IMPLIED
        property-type   CDATA   #IMPLIED
        data-type       CDATA#IMPLIED
        data-types       CDATA#IMPLIED
        item-type       CDATA#IMPLIED
        sql-type        CDATA   #IMPLIED
        sql-types       CDATA   #IMPLIED
        component-item-type CDATA #IMPLIED
        component-data-type CDATA #IMPLIED
        display-name-resource CDATA #IMPLIED
        default         CDATA  #IMPLIED
        editor-class    CDATA   #IMPLIED
        category        CDATA   #IMPLIED
        category-resource        CDATA   #IMPLIED
        cascade         CDATA   #IMPLIED
        repository      CDATA   #IMPLIED
        group           CDATA   #IMPLIED

<!-- Derived properties have an associated derivation which
     specifies how the dervied property values are derived -->
<!ELEMENT derivation (expression*)>
<!ATTLIST derivation
          method              CDATA     #IMPLIED
          user-method         CDATA     #IMPLIED
          override-property   CDATA     #IMPLIED

<!-- A derived property expression, when evaluated
     specifies a value used in deriving a derived
     property value -->
<!ELEMENT expression (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Defines a table for an item descriptor -->
<!ELEMENT table (property | attribute)*>
<!ATTLIST table
        xml:id          ID      #IMPLIED
        nameCDATA      #REQUIRED
        multi-column-name   CDATA         #IMPLIED
        type                (primary|auxiliary|multi)     "auxiliary"
        id-column-name      CDATA          #IMPLIED
        id-column-names     CDATA          #IMPLIED
        shared-table-sequence   (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)     "1"

<!-- Options are possible values for enumerated attributes -->
<!ATTLIST option
          xml:id          ID      #IMPLIED
          value         CDATA           #IMPLIED
          resource      CDATA           #IMPLIED
          bean          CDATA           #IMPLIED
          code          CDATA           #IMPLIED>

<!-- The attribute tag is used to specify the list of feature descriptor values
<!ELEMENT attribute EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST attribute
          xml:id          ID      #IMPLIED
          name         CDATA           #REQUIRED
          value        CDATA           #IMPLIED
          bean         CDATA           #IMPLIED
          data-type    CDATA           #IMPLIED>

<!-- this tag specifies an RQL statement to be used as a filter
     for an item descriptor
<!ELEMENT rql-filter (rql,param*)>

<!-- RQL query string itself -->

<!-- RQL query parameters -->
<!ATTLIST param
          name         CDATA           #IMPLIED
          value        CDATA           #IMPLIED
          bean         CDATA           #IMPLIED
          data-type    CDATA           #IMPLIED>

<!-- The named-query element. This specifies an association between a
     user-defined name and a Query representation -->
<!ELEMENT named-query (rql-query | sql-query)>

<!-- The rql-query element. Identifies an association between a user-defined
     name and an RQL query string, that can later be retrieved by name from
     the corresponding repository view that this tag is found under -->
<!ELEMENT rql-query (query-name, rql)>

<!ELEMENT sql-query (query-name,
         stored-procedure %flag; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT returns (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT input-parameter-types (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT dependencies (#PCDATA)>

<!-- The query-name element, which indicates the user-defined name of a named
     query instance -->
<!ELEMENT query-name (#PCDATA)>

<!-- The transaction element.  It surround the operation elements
     add-item, print-item etc.  Note that add-item tags in this element
     are processed one at a time.  They cannot make forward references
     to other items and no attempt is made to satisfy database integrity
     constraints (beyond that automatically done with the cascade operator)
     Use the import-items tag if you want to load in items with forward
     references.  -->
<!ELEMENT transaction (add-item | update-item | print-item | remove-item |
                       transaction | query-items | remove-all-items |
                       export-items | load-items | rollback-transaction)*>

<!-- The development-line element. It surround the operation elements
     add-item, print-item etc.  Note that add-item tags in this element
     are processed one at a time.  They cannot make forward references
     to other items and no attempt is made to satisfy database integrity
     constraints (beyond that automatically done with the cascade operator)
     Use the import-items tag if you want to load in items with forward
     references.  -->
<!ELEMENT development-line (add-item | update-item | print-item | remove-item |
                       transaction | query-items | remove-all-items |
                       export-items | load-items)*>
<!ATTLIST development-line

  The import-items element.  This tag only contains add-item tags.  These
  tags can contain forward references.  The tags are processed in three
  passes - pass one creates all items.  Pass two, sets required properties
  and optional properties which do not refer to other items.  Pass three
  sets the remaining properties and updates the item -->
<!ELEMENT import-items (add-item)*>

<!-- Procedural tags for adding and modifying items -->
<!ELEMENT add-item (set-property*)>
<!ATTLIST add-item
          item-descriptor CDATA         #REQUIRED
          id              CDATA         #IMPLIED
          tag             CDATA         #IMPLIED
          on-commit       CDATA         #IMPLIED
          skip-add        CDATA         #IMPLIED
          repository      CDATA         #IMPLIED
          no-checkin      %flag;        "false"

<!-- Procedural tags for adding and modifying items -->
<!ELEMENT update-item (set-property*)>
<!ATTLIST update-item
          item-descriptor CDATA         #REQUIRED
          id              CDATA         #IMPLIED
          tag             CDATA         #IMPLIED
          skip-update     CDATA         #IMPLIED

<!-- Procedural tag for removing an item -->
<!ELEMENT remove-item EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST remove-item
          item-descriptor CDATA         #REQUIRED
          id              CDATA         #IMPLIED
          tag             CDATA         #IMPLIED
          remove-references-to %flag;   "false"

 Procedural tag for removing all items.  Only enabled if the system
 property atg.allowRemoveAllItems is set on startup
<!ELEMENT remove-all-items EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST remove-all-items
          item-descriptor CDATA         #REQUIRED

<!-- Procedural tag for exporting the data required to recreate one or more
     item-descriptors.  The item-descriptors attribute specifies a comma
     separated list of one or more item descriptor names.  If none are
     specified, all item-descriptors are exported -->
<!ELEMENT export-items EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST export-items
          item-descriptors CDATA        #IMPLIED
          skip-references  %flag;        "false"

<!-- Procedural tag for querying and printing an item -->
<!ELEMENT query-items (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST query-items
          item-descriptor CDATA         #REQUIRED
          query           CDATA         #IMPLIED
          print-content   CDATA         #IMPLIED
          quiet           %flag;        "false"
          id-only         %flag;        "false"

<!-- Procedural tag for caching a list of items -->
<!ELEMENT load-items (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST load-items
          item-descriptor CDATA         #REQUIRED
          properties      CDATA         #IMPLIED
          load-all-items  %flag;        "false"
          quiet           %flag;        "false"

<!-- Procedural tag for printing an item -->
<!ELEMENT print-item EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST print-item
          item-descriptor CDATA         #IMPLIED
          path            CDATA         #IMPLIED
          folder          CDATA         #IMPLIED
          id              CDATA         #IMPLIED
          tag             CDATA         #IMPLIED
          print-content   CDATA         #IMPLIED

<!-- Sets a property value.  Used only in the add-item and update-item tags -->
<!ELEMENT set-property (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST set-property
          name          CDATA           #REQUIRED
          value         CDATA           #IMPLIED
    add %flag;        "false"
    remove %flag;          "false"

<!-- Sets a property value.  Used only in the add-item and update-item tags -->
<!ELEMENT rollback-transaction EMPTY>

<!-- Procedural tag for printing the DDL needed -->
<!ELEMENT print-ddl EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST print-ddl
          database-name CDATA           #IMPLIED

<!-- Procedural tag for dumping the caches of one or more
     item-descriptors.  The item-descriptors attribute specifies a comma
     separated list of one or more item descriptor names.  If none are
     specified, all of the caches for the repository are dumped. The
     dump-type attribute specifies if the output should be formatted as
     a list of item ids or as XML that can be later used to pre-cache
     the items -->
<!ELEMENT dump-caches EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST dump-caches
          item-descriptors CDATA        #IMPLIED
          dump-type (debug|queries|both)     "debug"

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