Note: To use any of the following features, your environment must be configured to use multiple sites. Additionally, when working in a multiple site environment, if your administrator has configured site access control, you may not have access to all sites. Commerce Service Center will limit functionality to, and will return information only for, sites to which you have access.

Commerce Service Center supports the optional creation and management of multiple sites. If your environment has been configured to use multiple sites, site components and properties will be available using the site picker that is found throughout the Commerce Service Center interface. By using the drop down menu for Sites, you can select sites that have been configured for your environment.

When your administrator configures sites, they configure the following site properties:

Once your administrator has configured a site, the site is known as an enabled and registered site, and, if you have been granted access, is accessible in Commerce Service Center.

Sharing within Sites

Sites can share specified objects. For example, sites can be configured to share shopping carts. Sites that share a shopping cart are identified in a Site Group that contains the shopping cart Shareable.

A site group provides Commerce Service Center with a way to reference a number of sites. Site groups can be configured to contain shareables. Shareables are components or properties that are shared across defined sites (contained within a site group). Your administrator configures the site groups and the shareables used by these site groups. When a site group contains shareable items, the site group is also known as a sharing group. Note that there may be multiple sites available when you are working with catalogs, price lists and sales price lists.

Note that if you are working in a multiple site environment, with sites that have been added to site groups, you may not be able to see all of the sites within a site group if you have not been given access specifically to the site group. A situation may occur where, if you do not have access to the full site group, you may not be able to work with all of the items that are available to a shopper in the shareable shopping cart. If this occurs, request full access to the site group from you administrator.

Sites within a site group may share the same profile realm. A profile realm allows site developers to provide specified groups of external users to see given sites within a group. External user profiles can access all sites that are members of the site’s realm. When working in an environment that has configured profile realms, you will be able to see all of the external user profiles associated with the real. You may not be able to see all of the sites associated with the profile realm, if site access has been limited. For additional information on sites and site configuration, refer to the Multisite Administration Guide.

When you log into Commerce Service Center, you will be using the default site, which includes a default price list, a default sales list and a default catalog. However, you can change from the default site to another using the site picker. .As you change sites, the context of the site changes. When a site’s context changes, you may see different information on the screen, and the availability of items such as products, SKUs, catalogs and price lists, may change.

Navigating Between Sites

The site picker displays different information depending on the configuration of your environment. The header on the Commerce page displays drop down menus that show the name of the current site and current price and sales lists, if enabled. The site picker also displays the current catalog.

If there are multiple sites, the site picker can be used to select other sites, catalogs or price and sales lists by using the drop down menus. Clicking Select another Site from the Site drop down menu opens the site picker window, allowing you to review and select available sites and site groups.

When you are working with catalogs and price lists, be aware that functionality may vary based upon the way that these components are set up by your administrator.

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