Fitting Distributions to Assumptions with the Batch Fit Tool

The Batch Fit tool fits probability distributions to multiple data series. You can select any or all of the probability distributions (binomial, normal, triangular, uniform, and so on) to fit to any number of series limited only by the size of the spreadsheet.

Batch Fit is intended to help you create assumptions when you have historical data for several variables. It selects which distribution best fits each series of historical data, and gives you the distribution and its associated parameters for you to use in the model. This tool also gives you a table of goodness-of-fit statistics for the best fitting distribution and provides a matrix of correlations calculated between multiple data series so you can easily see which series are related and to what degree.

To use the Batch Fit tool, the data series must be contiguous (in adjacent rows or columns) in either rows or columns.

You can select any combination of probability distributions to fit to all the data series.

For an example, see the Oracle Crystal Ball Reference and Examples Guide.