Adding and Modifying User-defined Distributions in the Distribution Gallery

Several Crystal Ball features enable you to add user-defined distributions to the Distribution Gallery for future use and share them with other Crystal Ball users. This section describes how to add a user-defined distribution from the Define Assumption dialog. Then, you can select a user-defined distribution and use the Edit menu of the Distribution Gallery or right-click and use the shortcut menu to copy, paste, modify, delete, print, or e-mail the distribution. You can also use the View menu to edit Distribution Gallery summaries and descriptions. For more information, see Distribution Gallery Menu Bar and Buttons.

  To add a user-defined distribution to the Distribution Gallery:

  1. With Crystal Ball running, select a cell and follow the steps in Defining Assumptions to open the Define Distribution dialog, select a distribution, and enter parameters.

  2. Alternatively, select an existing assumption and open the Define Distribution dialog.

  3. In the Define Assumption dialog, select Edit, and then Add To Gallery.

  4. The Add To Gallery dialog opens, where you can name the new distribution and select a category for it.

  5. Click OK.


    If you created correlation data, it is not saved although the distribution type and any parameter settings are saved.

The new distribution is available for use just as another other distribution in the Distribution Gallery.