Distribution Gallery Menu Bar and Buttons

The Distribution Gallery menu bar has the menus summarized in Table 4.

Table 4. Distribution Gallery Menus


Command Summary


Commands that copy, paste, modify, and delete distributions. You can copy from any category you are allowed to use but you can only paste, modify, and delete within the Favorites category or new categories you or others have created. You cannot modify or delete distributions in the Basic and All categories; these categories are reserved only for unmodified distributions shipped with Crystal Ball.


Commands that create, delete, view and modify properties of, and rearrange category folders in the Category pane. You can use two additional commands to share categories with others (Publish) and use categories others have shared (Subscribe).


Commands that change how distributions are displayed in the Distribution pane (as Thumbnails, Large Icons, or Small Icons) and hide or show distribution details and descriptions.


Commands that display online help for the Distribution Gallery and the selected distribution.

The Fit button at the bottom of the Distribution Gallery opens the Crystal Ball distribution fitting feature. This feature can help you select an appropriate distribution for the assumption you are defining. For more information, see Fitting Distributions to Historical Data.

The Help button displays online help for the currently selected distribution.