Help Commands

The Help commands display online help, online documents, example models, the General Preferences dialog, the Crystal Ball About Box, and more (Table 2, Crystal Ball Help Commands).

Table 2. Crystal Ball Help Commands


Command Action

Help, Help button

Displays online help for Crystal Ball

Resources, Resources button

In the Crystal Ball ribbon, displays menus for Crystal Ball technical support, Crystal Ball and EPM documentation, example models, the Welcome screen, and the licensing dialog

Technical Support

Opens the Crystal Ball Web page with a link to technical support

Crystal Ball Documentation

Displays groups of available online documentation for Crystal Ball and directs you to their location on the Internet

Oracle EPM Documentation

Displays the OTN index for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management documentation, including Crystal Ball

Example Models

Displays a list of available example models so you can load your choice into Crystal Ball

Welcome Screen

Displays a Welcome screen that enables you to automatically activate the process capability features for quality programs such as Six Sigma, set percentile preferences frequently used in the Oil and Gas industry, and activate accessibility features for those with visual impairments (Crystal Ball Welcome Screen).


Displays the Activate a License dialog for entering a Crystal Ball serial number and activating a license

General Preferences

Opens the General Preferences dialog where you can indicate how to display alerts and other messages, whether to retrieve help from the Internet or your local computer, and whether to activate accessibility features for those with visual impairments (Setting Crystal Ball General Preferences).

About, About Crystal Ball button

Offers version and other information about the current Crystal Ball release including the current username