Setting Preferences with Shortcut Keys

Table 6 lists key combinations that can be used to cycle through settings available in the Chart Preferences dialog. Most of these commands work on the primary distribution — the probability distribution for assumptions, and frequency for forecasts and overlay charts.


You can also use Ctrl+(view number) to cycle through views in Split View, while Ctrl+(chart number) cycles through multiple open charts.

Table 6. Shortcut Keys for Chart Preferences

Shortcut Key

Command Equivalent



View menu; Preference , then chartname Preferences , then View

Cycles through chart views — Frequency, Cumulative Frequency, Reverse Cumulative Frequency (for assumption and forecast charts)

Ctrl+b; Ctrl+g

Preferences, then Chart Preferences, then General, then Density

Cycles through bin or group interval values to adjust the number of columns or data points


Preferences, then Chart Preferences, then General, then Gridlines

Cycles through gridline settings: None, Horizontal, Vertical, Both


Preferences, then Chart Preferences, then Chart Type, then Type

Cycles through chart types: Area, Line, Column; for sensitivity charts: Bar (direction), Bar (magnitude), Pie (in Contribution To Variance view)


Preferences, then Chart Preferences, then General, then 3D Chart

Cycles between two-dimensional and three-dimensional chart display


Preferences, then Chart Preferences, then Chart Type, then Marker Lines, then central tendencies

Cycles through central tendency marker lines: None, Mean, Median, Mode (except for sensitivity and trend charts)


Preferences, then Chart Preferences, then General, then Legend

Toggles the legend display on and off


Preferences, then Chart Preferences, then Chart Type, then Marker Lines, then Percentiles

Cycles through percentile marker lines: None, 10%, 20%,…90%


View menu; Preferences, then chartname Preferences

Cycles through window views: Chart, Statistics, Percentiles, Goodness Of Fit (if distribution fitting is selected — except for trend charts)