Changing Trend Chart Views

Use the trend chart View menu to change the placement of the certainty bands within the trend chart. The default setting centers the bands around the median of each forecast. You can change the location of the bands so that they are anchored at either the high end or the low end of the projected forecast ranges.

Smaller bands are always displayed on top of larger bands. This obscures the larger bands. Do not confuse the actual width of a band with the portion that is visible. To change band size and display bands one at a time, see Selecting Certainty Bands.

  To change the placement of the certainty bands:

  1. In the trend chart, open the View menu or choose Preferences, and then Trend.

  2. Select a view (Table 8).


    To use a Crystal Ball shortcut key instead of the View menu, press Ctrl+d to cycle through views.

    Table 8. Trend Chart Views  




    Centered On Median

    Centred on Median Chart

    The default; displays forecasts centered around the median of each forecast value.


    Cumulative Chart

    Displays the forecasts anchored at the lower end of the forecast range; shows the certainty that the forecast values will be at or below a given value (cumulative probability).

    Reverse Cumulative

    Reverse Cumulative Chart

    Displays the forecasts anchored at the higher end of the forecast range; shows the certainty that the forecast values will be at or above a given value (reverse cumulative probability).