Defining Custom Reports

  To define a custom report:

  1. Click the upper half of the Create Report icon, Create Report icon.

    If you click the lower half, you can print a predefined report with current options. To change options settings, select Report Preferences before you select a report.

  2. Click the Custom button.

  3. In the Custom Report dialog, select one or more items in the Report Sections group to include in the report:

    • Report Summary — The report title, date and time, Run Preferences settings, and run statistics

    • Forecasts — Forecast information, including the name, charts, percentiles, statistics, and more

    • Assumptions — Assumption information, including parameters, charts, percentiles, statistics, and correlations

    • Decision Variables — Decision variable information, including type (continuous or discrete) with step if discrete, plus lower and upper bounds

    • Charts (Overlay, Trend, Sensitivity, Scatter) — Includes the selected type of chart(s) in the report. You can scale the size of the charts by entering a percentage in the text box.


      Microsoft Excel charts cannot be created for assumptions defined as custom distributions.

    • Predictor Series — Available if Predictor data is present; available selections include chart size, forecast information, prediction intervals, statistics, autocorrelation data, and methods

    • OptQuest Results — Available if active OptQuest optimization data is present; displays OptQuest results including summary data, chart size, the best solution, plus constraint, decision variable, and target forecast data.

    If you have activated the process capability features and have generated capability metrics, you can include them in the custom report (Including Capability Metrics in Reports).

  4. As each item is highlighted in the Report Sections group, select appropriate settings in the Details group:

    • Report Summary: Report Title, Date/Time, Run Preferences (Run Preferences settings for the report), Run Statistics

    • Forecasts: Summary, Chart And Size, Statistics, Percentiles, Parameters

    • Assumptions: Chart And Size, Statistics, Percentiles, Correlations


      Select Include unspecified correlations to show calculated correlations as well as those entered directly.

    • Decision Variables: Type, Step Size, Bounds

    • Overlay Charts: Chart And Size

    • Trend Charts: Chart And Size

    • Sensitivity Charts: Chart And Size

    • Scatter Charts: Chart And Size

    • OptQuest Results: Summary, Chart (size), Best Solution, Constraints, Decision Variables, Target Forecasts

    • Predictor Series: Chart (size), Forecast, Prediction Intervals, Statistics, Autocorrelations, Methods

      When no details are selected for a custom report section, only a single row is output with the Crystal Ball item name and the cell reference.

  5. For each item selected in Report Sections, select whether to display all of that type of item, only selected items, or all open items. Optional: If you select Choose, a dialog opens so you can select the box in front of each item to display.

  6. When these settings are complete, click OK.

  7. In the Create Report dialog, click the Options tab to display it (Setting Report Options).

  8. When all the report options are set, click OK.