Setting Sensitivity Chart Preferences

  To control the appearance of a sensitivity chart:

  1. In the sensitivity chart window, select Preferences, and then Chart.

  2. Use the General tab of the Chart Preferences dialog to set the following features:

  3. Optional: On the Chart Type tab, select one of these chart types:

    Table 9. Sensitivity Chart Types  

    Chart TypeDescriptionExample

    Bar (directional)

    The default; horizontal bars to the right and left of the 0 line showing magnitude and direction of sensitivity

    Directional Bar Chart

    Bar (magnitude)

    Horizontal bars to the right of the 0 line showing magnitude of sensitivity but not direction

    Magnitude Bar Chart


    A circle divided into proportional wedges showing the magnitude of sensitivity (only available for Contribution To Variance view)

    Pie Chart

  4. For bar charts, select whether to use a different color for each assumption (the default), or whether to use the same color for all assumptions.

    If you clear Show Multiple Colors, you can select a specific color to use for all assumptions.

  5. Optional: Select whether to show value labels on the chart (the default), or clear Show Values On Chart to show only graphics but no values.

  6. Optional: Select Defaults at any time to restore all settings to their original default values.

  7. Optional: To apply the settings to more than one chart, click Apply To. Then, specify how they should be applied (see Applying Settings to Multiple Charts for details) and click OK.

  8. Click OK to apply all settings to the active chart.

You can apply different combinations of settings for special effects. For example, Figure 37, Transparent, Three-Dimensional Sensitivity Pie Chart shows a sensitivity pie chart with 3D and Transparency chart effects. Assumptions have similar values and ranks to the directional bar chart shown in Figure 36, Sensitivity Chart for the Selected Forecast.

Figure 37. Transparent, Three-Dimensional Sensitivity Pie Chart

This figure displays a Pie chart, showing sensitivity as  transparent, three-dimensional.