5 Component Property Features

This chapter describes component properties of the BI Mobile App Designer.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Working with Tables

The following sections describe additional features of tables in the Mobile App Designer:

5.1.1 Customizing Alternating Row Colors

By default, alternating table rows in apps display a different gradient for easier viewing. You can customize the alternating row color.

To set an alternating row color:

  1. Select the table to display its properties.

  2. Under Table Options, click the value shown for Alternate Row Color to launch the color picker. Figure 5-1 shows the Alternate Row Color option.

    Figure 5-1 Alternating Row Color Property

    Setting alternating row color
  3. Choose a color and click OK.

5.1.2 Setting Table Options

Figure 5-2 shows the Table properties

Figure 5-2 The Table Properties

Table toolbar

Use the Table properties to perform the following: Set the Number of Rows to Display

The Rows to Display property controls the number of rows of data displayed as follows:

  • When designing an app, this property sets the number of rows that are displayed for the table within the app designer.

  • When viewing the app, this property sets the size of the scrollable region for the table.

The default is 10 rows of data.


Displaying more rows of data can impact the performance of the app designer. Define Filters for Data Displayed in the Table

See Section 3.20, "Global Filters." Show or Hide the Total Row

By default, the app designer inserts a total row in a table that sums numeric columns. To remove the total row, deselect the Show Grand Total Row option.

The total row can be further customized using the Total Cell properties. For more information see Section 5.1.5, "Customizing Table Totals."

5.1.3 Customizing Column Headers

Figure 5-3 shows the Table Column Header properties.

Figure 5-3 The Table Column Header Properties

Table Column Header properties

Use the Table Column Header options to perform the following:

  • Edit the font properties of the table header column

  • Edit the cell properties of the table header including border weight, style, and color and background fill color

  • Set the vertical and horizontal alignment of the table header

5.1.4 Customizing Table Data Display

The Column properties display when you select a specific column in a table. Figure 5-4 shows the Column properties

Figure 5-4 Table Column Properties

Table Column Properties

Use the Column Formatting properties to:

Use the Column Data properties to: Applying Conditional Formats to a Table Column

To apply a conditional format:

  1. Select the table column to display its properties.

  2. Click the Highlight button. This launches the Highlight dialog.

    Figure 5-5 The Highlight Dialog

    Highlight dialog
  3. Enter the fields to define a condition and format to apply, as described in Table 5-1.

    Table 5-1 Fields to Define Conditions and Formats

    Field Description

    Data Field

    Select the data field to apply the condition to. All elements are available regardless of whether they are included as table columns. For example, you may want to highlight in red all employees with salaries greater than $10,000, but not actually include the salary element in the table.


    Select from the following operators: is equal to, is not equal to, is less than, is greater than, is less than or equal to, is greater than or equal to, is between


    Enter the value or values appropriate for the operator selected. You can enter a static text value or choose a data field

    Important: If entering a date value, use one of the following XSL date or time formats: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

    Font Family

    Select the font to apply to the row of data that meets the condition. You can also apply bold, italic, or underline emphasis.


    Select the size of the font to apply to the row of data that meets the condition.


    Click the color box to open the Color Picker. Choose one of the predefined colors or click Custom Color to define a color to apply to the font.

    Background Color

    Click the color box to open the Color Picker. Choose one of the predefined colors or click Custom Color to define the background color to apply to the row. Managing Formats

After you have added conditional formats, use the Manage Formats command to edit or delete a format.

To manage formats:

  1. Click the Manage Formats button to launch the Manage Conditional Formats dialog.

    Figure 5-6 Managing Conditional Formats

    Manage Conditional Formats dialog
  2. Hover the cursor over an item to display the actions toolbar. Use the toolbar buttons to edit the format, move the format up or down in the order of application, delete, or add another format. The order of the conditions is important because only the first condition that is met is applied. Setting Table Data Formatting Options

The options you see in the Data Formatting region depend on the data type of the column you selected. These features are described in the following sections: Formatting Numeric Data Columns

If the column contains numeric data, the following formatting options are available:

  • Format - Select one of the common number formats from the list. The format is applied immediately to the table column. The formats are categorized by Number, Percent, and Currency, as shown in Figure 5-7.

    Figure 5-7 Number, Percent, and Currency Formats

    Data formatting options

    To apply a format not available from this list, see Section, "Custom Data Formatting."

  • Decimal position - Use the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the number of decimal positions displayed to the right of the decimal point.

  • Thousands Separator - Select this checkbox to show the grouping separator (for example, 1234.00 displays as 1,234.00). Formatting Date Type Data Columns

If the column contains dates, the following formatting options are available:

  • Format - Select one of the common date formats from the list. The format is applied immediately to the table column. The formats are categorized by Date and Time, as shown in Figure 5-8.

    Figure 5-8 Date and Time Formats

    Date and Time formats Custom Data Formatting

BI Mobile App Designer supports the use of format masks for custom data formatting. The display of the output depends on the locale selected for viewing the app.

To apply custom data formatting:

  1. Select a data field or column.

  2. The data formatting Properties. are displayed as shown in Figure 5-9.

  3. Figure 5-9 Data Formatting Properties

    Data formatting properties
  4. Under Data Formatting, select Custom Format

  5. Enter the format mask in the text box. For example, for a column that contains product totals, you can enter #,###.00 formatting mask to display total values with two zeros to the right of the decimal place. See Custom Number and Date Formats for the list of supported formats.

    Entering a custom format About the Sort Option

To sort the data in a column, select the column, then in the Properties pane, select the Data tab. Under the Sort group select None, Ascending, or Descending.

To sort by more than one column, select the column, the sort order, and then assign a Priority to each column.

To apply multiple sort orders to a table:

  1. Select the column.

  2. On the Column properties, click the Data tab. Under Sort, select Ascending or Descending.

  3. From the Priority list, select 1.

    Figure 5-10 shows the Priority list.

    Figure 5-10 Priority List

  4. Select the next column you want to sort by.

  5. On the Column properties, click the Data tab. Under Sort, select Ascending or Descending.

  6. From the Priority list, select 2.

  7. Repeat Steps 1 - 6 for each column you want to sort by, applying the appropriate priority for each column. Removing a Sort Order

To remove a sort order applied to a column:

  1. Select the column.

  2. On the Column properties, click the Data tab. Under Sort, select None. About Grouping

"Grouping" groups together elements in the data of the same value. In a table, applying grouping can make the table easier to read. After you group elements in a table, you can also add a subtotal row for each group. Grouping can be applied to a table column header or to a table column. Apply Group Left

To apply group left to a table column:

  1. Select the Table Column to display its properties.

    Selecting the table column header
  2. Click the Data tab of the properties pane. Under the Grouping properties, select Group Left.

    Selecting Group Left

    Like values are now grouped together for the selected column of your table.

    Example Group Left Applying Subtotals

To further enhance a table, you can add a subtotal row to display for each grouped occurrence of the element.

To apply subtotals for a grouped column:

  1. Select the table column of the grouped column.

  2. On Data tab of the properties pane, select Subtotals. Your table now shows a subtotal row for each group.

    Adding subtotals

5.1.5 Customizing Table Totals

The app designer automatically inserts a grand total row when you insert a data table to the page. As shown in the section on grouping, you can also insert subtotal rows within the table based on a grouping field. To edit the attributes of the cells in a grand total or subtotal row, select the cell that displays the total and use the options in the Total Cell properties shown in Figure 5-11.

Figure 5-11 The Total Cell Properties

Total Cell Toolbar

On Total Cell Formatting properties tab you can:

  • Edit the font properties of the total cell

  • Edit the cell properties of the total cell including border weight, style, and color and background fill color

  • Set the vertical and horizontal alignment of the cell contents

  • Apply formatting to the cell data

  • Apply a formula to the cell

  • Apply conditional formatting to the cell

On Total Cell Data properties tab you can:

  • Apply a formula to the data Formatting Total Cell Data

See Section, "Setting Table Data Formatting Options." Applying a Formula

By default, the formula applied to a Total Cell within a numeric column is a sum of the column items. The Formula option enables you to apply a different formula.

On the Total Cell Properties Data tab, you can select from a list of alternative formulas.

Figure 5-12 Formula selection list for a Table Total Cell

Selecting a formula for the total cell

5.1.6 Inserting Links to Table Column Data

See Section 5.5, "Adding Static or Dynamic Links."

5.2 Working with Pivot Tables

This section includes the following topics about working with pivot tables in the Mobile App Designer:

5.2.1 Customizing the Pivot Table

Use the Pivot Table properties to:

  • Apply filters to the pivot table data

  • Customize the display of total rows Applying Filters

See Section 3.20, "Global Filters" for a description of adding filters to tables. Customizing the Display of Totals

You can customize the display of grand total and subtotal rows.

By default, the pivot table displays the grand total rows, but not subtotal rows:

  • Row Grand Total - Inserted at bottom of table

  • Row Subtotal - Inserted at top of each subgroup, with no row header

  • Column Grand Total - Inserted at the far right

  • Column Subtotal - Inserted to the left of each column subgroup, with no header

Change the positioning and display of totals and subtotals by clicking the appropriate tab in the properties and selecting the desired properties.

5.2.2 Customizing Pivot Table Headers

Select the column or row header of the pivot table and use the Pivot Table Header properties to perform the following:

5.2.3 Customizing Pivot Table Data

Select the data area of the pivot table and use the Pivot Table Data properties to perform the following actions. The commands in the Pivot Table Data properties are the same as the corresponding commands in the table Column properties. See the references for more information on their use.

5.3 Adding Filters to Tiles, Charts, Tables, and Pivot Tables

Apply a filter to refine the items displayed in tiles, charts, tables, and pivot tables. For example, apply a filter to:

  • Display only the top 10 salaries

  • Display only the bottom 25 store sales

  • Display only employees in the IT department

  • Display only sales that are between $10,000 and $20,000 and in the Southern region

You can add multiple filters and manage the order in which they are applied to the page component. See Section 3.20, "Global Filters."

5.4 Adding a Search Filter to Navigation and Accordion Lists

If the column that you select to create a navigation list or accordion list has many items, you can add a search filter to enable users to find specific items in the list more quickly. Figure 5-13 shows the data search filter option enabled for a navigation page.

Figure 5-13 Example of Data Filter for a Navigation List

Adding Filter to Navigation List

To add a search Data Filter for a Navigation or Accordion list:

  1. Select the Label field on your Navigation or Accordion page. Figure 5-14 shows selecting the Label field of a Navigation page.

    Figure 5-14 Selecting the Label Field

    Selecting label field
  2. On the Properties pane, set the Show Data Filter property to True.

    Show Data Filter property

Note that the data filter does not display during design time. To see how the data filter displays at run time, Preview the app.

5.5 Adding Static or Dynamic Links

You can add links to Data Field components or table Columns. Links can be to any of the following:

  • Web page - tapping the linked item in the app page opens a Web page in your mobile device browser.

  • E-mail - opens the mobile device mail app and populates the To: field with the e-mail address provided in the link.

  • Phone - when tapped on a phone, displays an alert to initiate dialing the number.

  • SMS - launches the message app to initiate a text message to the number.

To add links:

  1. Select the Data Field or the table Column in the app page for which you want to add a link to display the properties. Figure 5-15 shows the Add Link option from the Properties pane.

    Figure 5-15 Link Command Shown in the Properties Pane

    Link command
  2. In the Link dialog, choose the type of link to add from the Link To menu. When you make a selection, the region where you define the link content displays the appropriate prompts.

    Link dialog choosing Link to Type
  3. Specify the link to associate with the data field or column data. You can specify a static link or build a dynamic link using fields from your data. You can combine static text with data fields. To use a data field in your link definition, select the data field from the list and use the shuttle button to move it to the link definition.

When you click OK, the link displays in the Link region of the Properties pane.

Link text displayed

Example: Create E-Mail Link with Data Field Source

Assume your app includes a table of employees. Your app data includes e-mail address as a data field. To add the e-mail link to each employee name:

  1. Select the table column to enable the Column properties

  2. Click the Link command.

  3. In the Link dialog, select E-mail from the Link To list.

  4. Position your cursor to the right of mailto:

  5. Select the data field that contains the e-mail address and click the shuttle button to move it to the link definition area. as shown in Figure 5-16.

    Figure 5-16 Defining E-Mail Link Using a Data Field

    Defining a Link

Example: Create E-Mail Link from Combination Static Text and Data Field Source

Now assume you want to include the e-mail address for each employee, but the data does not contain the e-mail address field. Instead, you must construct the e-mail address from a combination of the FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME fields and static text.

To construct the e-mail link:

  1. Select the table column to enable the Column properties

  2. Click the Link command.

  3. In the Link dialog, select E-mail from the Link To list.

  4. Position your cursor to the right of mailto:

  5. To construct the link:

    • Select the data field that contains FIRST_NAME and click the shuttle button to move it to the link definition area.

    • Enter a period.

    • Select the data field that contains LAST_NAME and click the shuttle button to move it to the link definition area.

    • Enter the domain: @example.com

      Figure 5-17 Using Data Fields and Static Text to Define Link

      Defining a link

5.6 Features of Metric Fields

Metric fields are fields that calculate a measure, such as sum of revenue or count of orders. Examples of metric fields are the aggregated data fields you define for navigation and accordion pages.

When you select the measure field on an app page, the metric field properties enable you to customize display and calculation options. Figure 5-18 shows the Metric Field properties.

Figure 5-18 The Metric Field Properties

Metric field toolbar

The properties enable you to:

5.6.1 Apply Data Formatting

  • Data Formatting - Select one of the common number formats from the list. The format is applied immediately to the field. The formats are categorized by Number, Percent, and Currency, as shown in Figure 5-19.

    Figure 5-19 Number, Percent, and Currency Formats

    Decimal position

    To apply a format not available from this list, see Section 5.6.2, "Apply Custom Data Formatting."

  • Decimal position - Enter the number of decimal positions to show to the right of the decimal point.

    Decimal position
  • Show/Hide Thousands Separator - Enable this checkbox to show the grouping separator (for example, 1234.00 displays as 1,234.00).

5.6.2 Apply Custom Data Formatting

To apply custom data formatting:

  1. Select the data field or table column. to display its properties.

  2. Under Data Formatting, select Custom Format

  3. Enter the format mask in the text box. For example, for a column that contains product totals, you can enter #,###.00 formatting mask to display total values with two zeros to the right of the decimal place. See Custom Number and Date Formats for the list of supported formats.

    Entering a custom format

5.6.3 Update the Formula

To update the formula, click the Data tab. The formula option is available for several components including:

  • Column

  • Table Total Cell

  • Chart Measure Field

  • Pivot Table Data

Not all options are applicable to each component type. Predefined Formulas Available from the Menu

The menu provides the predefined formulas described in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Predefined Formulas

Formula Description

No Formula

Removes any mathematical formula from a numeric column.

Blank Text

Removes the display of any data, text or numeric.


Returns the count of the number of occurrences of the element in the current group.

Count Distinct

Returns a count of the distinct values of an element in the current group.


Sums the values of the element in the current group.


Displays the average of the values in the current group.


Displays the highest value of all occurrences in the current group.


Displays the lowest value of all occurrences in the current group.

For non-numeric data, only the following formula options are supported:

  • Blank Text

  • Count

  • Count Distinct Applying Custom Formulas

To apply a custom formula to a field, use the Calculated Fields feature. For more information, see Section 3.19, "Calculated Fields."

5.6.4 Add Stoplight Formatting

For details on adding stoplight formatting, see Section 3.10.3, "Stoplight Formatting for Navigation and Accordion Pages."

5.7 Setting Borders

Several components enable setting a border around the item. For example:

  • Table columns

  • Table column headers

  • Table total cells

  • Frame cells

  • Text items

  • Lists

To set the border around a component:

  1. Select the component to display its properties.

  2. Click the Border icon.

    Set Border command
  3. In the Border dialog set the following values for each border:

    • Width - enter a value in pixels (px), points (pt) inches (inch), or centimeters (cm)

    • Style - select from Solid, Double, Dotted, or Dashed

    • Color - click the color to launch the color picker

    Set Border dialog

    To use the same values for all borders, select Use same value for all sides and set the values for the top border only.

  4. Click OK.

5.8 Setting Margins

Several components allow you to customize the margins around the component, these include tiles, tables, and charts.

To set margins:

  1. Select the component to display its properties.

  2. Click the Margin tool.

    Clicking the Properties pane
  3. Enter the new margin values and select the unit of measurement.

    Figure 5-20 Customizing Tile Margins

    Setting Tile margins
  4. Click OK.

5.9 Using the Color Picker

The Color Picker enables you to change the color of the selected item.

Color picker

You can select a new color in any of the following ways:

  • Enter the hexadecimal value for the color in the Choose a color text box.

  • Select the Last Used Color.

  • Select the Default Color.

  • Choose one of the common colors presented or recently used colors.

  • Click Custom Color to define a custom selection.

Custom color dialog

To define a custom color:

  1. Drag your mouse over the color palette to the color desired; or, enter the Red, Green, and Blue color model values.

  2. Use the slider bar to increase or decrease the color saturation.

  3. Click OK.

5.10 Custom Number and Date Formats

Mobile App Designer supports a set of number and date format masks to enable you to customize how your data displays.

5.10.1 Supported Number Format Mask Definitions

Table 5-3 lists the supported number format mask definitions.

Table 5-3 Supported Number Format Mask Definitions

Symbol Location Meaning



Digit. Each explicitly set 0 appears, if no other number occupies the position.


Format mask: 00.0000

Data: 1.234

Display: 01.2340



Digit. When set to #, only the incoming data is displayed.


Format mask: ##.####

Data: 1.234

Display: 1.234



Determines the position of the decimal separator. The decimal separator symbol used is determined at runtime based on locale.


Format mask: #,##0.00

Data: 1234.56

Display for English locale: 1,234.56

Display for German locale: 1.234,56



Determines placement of minus sign for negative numbers.



Determines the placement of the grouping separator. The grouping separator symbol used is determined at runtime based on locale.


Format mask: #,##0.00

Data: 1234.56

Display for English locale: 1,234.56

Display for German locale: 1.234,56



Separates mantissa and exponent in a scientific notation.


0.###E+0 plus sign always shown for positive numbers

0.###E-0 plus sign not shown for positive numbers


Subpattern boundary

Separates positive and negative subpatterns. See the Note that follows the table.


Prefix or Suffix

Multiply by 100 and show as percentage


Prefix or Suffix

Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix.


Subpattern boundary: A pattern contains a positive and negative subpattern, for example, "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)". Each subpattern has a prefix, numeric part, and suffix. The negative subpattern is optional. If absent, the positive subpattern prefixed with the localized minus sign ("-" in most locales) is used as the negative subpattern. That is, "0.00" alone is equivalent to "0.00;-0.00". If there is an explicit negative subpattern, it serves only to specify the negative prefix and suffix. The number of digits, minimal digits, and other characteristics are all the same as the positive pattern. That means that "#,##0.0#;(#)" produces precisely the same behavior as "#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)".

5.10.2 Supported Date Format Mask Definitions

Table 5-4 lists the supported Mobile App Designer date format mask definitions.

Table 5-4 Supported Date Formats

Symbol Meaning


The day of the month. Single-digit days do not have a leading zero.


The day of the month. Single-digit days have a leading zero.


The abbreviated name of the day of the week.


The full name of the day of the week.


The numeric month. Single-digit months do not have a leading zero.


The numeric month. Single-digit months have a leading zero.


The abbreviated name of the month.


The full name of the month.


The year without the century. If the year without the century is less than 10, the year is displayed with a leading zero.


The year in four digits.


The period or era. This pattern is ignored if the date to be formatted does not have an associated period or era string.


The hour in a 12-hour clock. Single-digit hours do not have a leading zero.


The hour in a 12-hour clock. Single-digit hours have a leading zero.


The hour in a 24-hour clock. Single-digit hours do not have a leading zero.


The hour in a 24-hour clock. Single-digit hours have a leading zero.


The minute. Single-digit minutes do not have a leading zero.


The minute. Single-digit minutes have a leading zero.


The second. Single-digit seconds do not have a leading zero.


The second. Single-digit seconds do have a leading zero.


Displays seconds fractions represented in one digit.


Displays seconds fractions represented in two digits.


Displays seconds fractions represented in three digits.


Displays seconds fractions represented in four digits.


Displays seconds fractions represented in five digits.


Displays seconds fractions represented in six digits.


Displays seconds fractions represented in seven digits.


The AM/PM designator.


Displays the time zone offset for the system's current time zone in whole hours only. (This element can be used for formatting only)


Displays the time zone offset for the system's current time zone in whole hours only. (This element can be used for formatting only)


Displays the time zone offset for the system's current time zone in hours and minutes.


The default time separator.


The default date separator.


Quoted string. Displays the literal value of any string between two ' characters.


Quoted string. Displays the literal value of any string between two " characters.