3 Working with Choice Groups and Choices

This chapter describes Choice Groups and Choices and how to add, modify, clone, delete, and move Choice Groups and Choices.

Choices can be organized into groups of choices, in other words, Choice Groups.

This enables the following:

Choice Groups and Choices are structured in a hierarchical fashion. Both attributes and rules of Choice Groups and Choices are inherited from parents to children. This allows Oracle RTD to have Choice Groups configured in a way that ensures uniformity when the Inline Service is first deployed, but also allows the flexibility to add additional individual Choices and Choice Groups through the Decision Center interface after the Inline Service is deployed.

This chapter contains the following topics:

3.1 About Modifying and Redeploying Inline Services

There are three areas where permissions can be set for users of Decision Center:

  • Editing permission for the Inline Service with which you are working.

  • Permission to deploy to a server, potentially in a cluster.

  • Permission to use a perspective in Decision Center.

In order to edit and redeploy an Inline Service, you must have permission to edit, permission to deploy to a server, and permission to use the Design perspective.

If you receive an error when trying to open the Inline Service for editing, you may not have permission on Real-Time Decision Server or with the Inline Service to edit. Contact your system administrator to check your rights.

In general, to make changes to the Inline Service:

  1. When opening the Inline Service, select Open the Inline Service for editing. This gives you exclusive editing rights to the Inline Service.

  2. Change to the Design perspective.

  3. Select the element that you would like to modify, and use the editing pane to make changes.

  4. Redeploy to Real-Time Decision Server using the Redeploy button on the toolbar. The Inline Service is redeployed to the deployment state in which it was opened for editing. By default, deployment states are: Development, QA, and Production. Your system administrator may have added custom states.

  5. To promote an Inline Service to a new state, use the Promote button on the toolbar. Choose the deployment state to which you want to promote the Inline Service.

As you redeploy or promote an Inline Service, you have the option to keep the Inline Service open for editing. This retains your exclusive editing rights for the Inline Service. If you choose to redeploy without keeping it open for editing, others will be able to edit the Inline Service.

Certain elements of deployed Inline Services can be modified by the business user in Decision Center. The following sections outline the process for modifying Inline Services.

3.2 Adding Choice Groups or Choices

Adding a Choice Group and adding a Choice are different procedures.

This section contains the following topics:

3.2.1 Adding Choice Groups

To add a Choice Group:

  1. Select the Choice Group under which you want the new group to appear, then select the Configuration tab.

    You cannot create a new top-level Choice Group.

  2. Use the New Group subtab to create a new Choice Group object.

  3. Name the Group and click Create. The Group is created under the Choice Group you originally selected.

3.2.2 Adding Choices

To add a Choice:

  1. Select the Choice Group in which you want the new Choices to appear, then select the Configuration tab.

  2. Use the New Choices subtab to create new Choice objects.

  3. Enter up to ten Names for the Choices, then click Create. The Choices are created under the Choice Group you originally selected. They inherit the attributes of the Choice Group.

See Section 3.3, "Modifying Choice Groups or Choices" for information about setting choice attributes.

3.3 Modifying Choice Groups or Choices

To modify a Choice Group or Choice:

  1. Select a Choice Group or Choice to modify, then select the Configuration tab.

  2. Use the Basic subtab to modify the Name or Description.

  3. Use the Attributes subtab to modify the value of the attributes. Attributes may only be edited at the Choice level.

3.4 Cloning Choice Groups or Choices

To clone a Choice Group or Choice:

  1. Select the Choice Group or Choice to modify, then select the Configuration tab.

  2. Use the Clone subtab to clone the object. Cloning an object produces an identical object, with the same values for all attributes. The only difference is the name given to the new object.

  3. To change attribute values on Choices, use the Attribute tab.

3.5 Deleting Choice Groups or Choices

To delete a Choice or Choice Group:

  1. Select the Choice Group or Choice you want to delete, then select the Configuration tab.

  2. Use the Delete subtab to delete Choice Groups or Choices.

  3. Confirm the deletion, then click Delete.

3.6 Moving Choices

To move a Choice:

  1. Select the Choice Group that contains the Choices to move, then select the Configuration tab.

  2. Use the Move subtab to move Choices.

  3. Select the Choices to move and the Choice Group in which to move them, then click Save.