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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


Uses of Class

Packages that use CredStoreException   


Uses of CredStoreException in


Subclasses of CredStoreException in
 class CredentialAlreadyExistsException
          This is the CSF (Credential Store Framework) exception.
 class CredentialExpiredException
          This is the CSF (Credential Store Framework) exception.
 class CredentialNotFoundException
          This is the CSF (Credential Store Framework) exception.


Methods in that throw CredStoreException
 void CredentialMap.clear()
          Deletes all the entries from the map and store.
 boolean CredentialStore.containsCredential(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String key)
          Returns true if an entry associated with the specified map name for this key exist in this store, false otherwise.
 boolean CredentialMap.containsKey(java.lang.String key)
          Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
 boolean CredentialStore.containsMap(java.lang.String mapName)
          Returns true if an map associated with the specified map name exist in this store, false otherwise.
 void CredentialStore.deleteAllCredentials()
          Removes all the Credential objects from this CredentialStore You need delete CredentialAccessPermission permission to execute this API.
 void CredentialMap.deleteCredential(java.lang.String key)
          Removes the Credential objects associated with the specified key.
 void CredentialStore.deleteCredential(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String key)
          Removes the Credential objects associated with the specified mapName and key.
 void CredentialStore.deleteCredentialMap(java.lang.String mapName)
          Removes the CredentialMap objects associated with the specified mapName.
 void CredentialStore.deleteStore()
          Deprecated. This has beed deprecated because there are no explicit delete of store are supported.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> CredentialStore.getAliases()
          Deprecated. This method has been deprecated. Please use getMapNames instead.
 Credential CredentialMap.getCredential(java.lang.String key)
          Returns the Credential object associated with the specified key.
 Credential CredentialStore.getCredential(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String key)
          Returns the Credential objects associated with the specified mapName and key.
 CredentialMap CredentialStore.getCredentialMap(java.lang.String mapName)
          Returns the CredentialMap of Credential objects associated with the specified mapName.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> CredentialStore.getMapNames()
          Returns the Set of all the available mapName.
 boolean CredentialMap.isEmpty()
          Check if this credential map is empty.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> CredentialMap.keySet()
          Returns the Set instance.
static CredentialMap CredentialFactory.newCredentialMap()
          Creates the new Credential Map instance which can be used for setting the keys and values
static DataSourceCredential CredentialFactory.newDataSourceCredential(java.lang.String url, int port, java.lang.String name, char[] password)
          Creates a new DataSourceCredential credential
static DataSourceCredential CredentialFactory.newDataSourceCredential(java.lang.String url, int port, java.lang.String name, char[] password, java.util.Calendar expiryTime)
          Creates the new time bound DataSourceCredential credential
static DataSourceCredential CredentialFactory.newDataSourceCredential(java.lang.String url, int port, java.lang.String name, char[] password, java.lang.String description)
          Creates a new DataSourceCredential credential
static DataSourceCredential CredentialFactory.newDataSourceCredential(java.lang.String url, int port, java.lang.String name, char[] password, java.lang.String description, java.util.Calendar expiryTime)
          Creates the new time bound DataSourceCredential credential
static GenericCredential CredentialFactory.newGenericCredential(java.lang.Object credential)
          Creates the new GenericCredential credential
static GenericCredential CredentialFactory.newGenericCredential(java.lang.Object credential, java.util.Calendar expiryTime)
          Creates the time bound GenericCredential credential
static GenericCredential CredentialFactory.newGenericCredential(java.lang.Object credential, java.lang.String description)
          Creates the new GenericCredential credential
static GenericCredential CredentialFactory.newGenericCredential(java.lang.Object credential, java.lang.String description, java.util.Calendar expiryTime)
          Creates the time bound GenericCredential credential
static PasswordCredential CredentialFactory.newPasswordCredential(java.lang.String name, char[] password)
          Creates the new PasswordCredential credential
static PasswordCredential CredentialFactory.newPasswordCredential(java.lang.String name, char[] password, java.util.Calendar expiryTime)
          Creates the time bound PasswordCredential credential
static PasswordCredential CredentialFactory.newPasswordCredential(java.lang.String name, char[] password, java.lang.String description)
          Creates the new PasswordCredential credential
static PasswordCredential CredentialFactory.newPasswordCredential(java.lang.String name, char[] password, java.lang.String description, java.util.Calendar expiryTime)
          Creates the time bound PasswordCredential credential
 void CredentialMap.resetCredential(java.lang.String key, Credential credential)
          Override the Credential object to the specified key.
 void CredentialStore.resetCredential(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String key, Credential credential)
          Overrides the Credential object for the specified mapName and key.
 void CredentialStore.resetCredentialMap(java.lang.String mapName, CredentialMap credentialMap)
          Overrides the CredentialMap of Credential objects for the specified mapName.
 void CredentialMap.setCredential(java.lang.String key, Credential credential)
          Assigns the Credentialobject to the specified key.
 void CredentialStore.setCredential(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String key, Credential credential)
          Stores the Credential object for the specified mapName and key.
 void CredentialStore.setCredentialMap(java.lang.String mapName, CredentialMap credentialMap)
          Stores the CredentialMap of Credential objects for the specified mapName.
 int CredentialMap.size()
          Returns the number of mappings in this map.
          Deprecated. This method has been deprecated. Please use persist if needed.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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