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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

Interface JpsUtilMigrationCredIfc

public interface JpsUtilMigrationCredIfc

This interface exposes required API's for migration of credential data.

Method Summary
 void disableSkip()
          This method is used for disabling skip option for credential store used within the API.
 void enableSkip()
          This method is used for enabling skip option for credential store used within the API.
 void migrateAliasScopedCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext, JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration, java.lang.String srcAliasName, java.lang.String dstJpsContext, JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration, java.lang.String dstAliasName)
          Method to migrate all the credentials in a given alias in a credential store(source) to a given alias in another credential store (destination)
 void migrateAliasScopedCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext, JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration, java.lang.String srcAliasName, java.lang.String dstJpsContext, JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration, java.lang.String dstAliasName, boolean overwrite)
          Method to migrate all the credentials in a given alias in a credential store(source) to a given alias in another credential store (destination)
 void migrateCredentialData(CredentialStore srcCredStore, CredentialStore dstCredStore)
          Method to migrate all the credentials in a credential store(source) to another (destination)
 void migrateCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext, JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration, java.lang.String dstJpsContext, JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration)
          Method to migrate all the credentials in a credential store(source) to another (destination)
 void migrateCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext, java.lang.String dstJpsContext)
          Method to migrate all the credentials in a credential store(source) to another (destination)
 void migrateCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext, java.lang.String dstJpsContext, boolean overwrite)
          Method to migrate all the credentials in a credential store(source) to another (destination)


Method Detail


void migrateCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext,
                           java.lang.String dstJpsContext)
                           throws JpsException
Method to migrate all the credentials in a credential store(source) to another (destination)
srcJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the source credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the destination credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).


void migrateCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext,
                           java.lang.String dstJpsContext,
                           boolean overwrite)
                           throws JpsException
Method to migrate all the credentials in a credential store(source) to another (destination)
srcJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the source credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the destination credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
overwrite - updates the credentials in the destination store with new values if true


void migrateAliasScopedCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext,
                                      JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration,
                                      java.lang.String srcAliasName,
                                      java.lang.String dstJpsContext,
                                      JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration,
                                      java.lang.String dstAliasName)
                                      throws JpsException,
Method to migrate all the credentials in a given alias in a credential store(source) to a given alias in another credential store (destination)
srcJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the source credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file). Default context is assumed if found null.
srcConfiguration -
srcAliasName - if null, will try to lookup the source credential store, if the credential contains only one map/alias, that name is taken as srcaliasName.
dstJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the destination credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file). Default context is assumed if found null.
dstConfiguration -
dstAliasName - if null, will be assigned the resolved value of srcAliasName.
CredentialNotFoundException - if the srcAliasName specified is not found in the source credential store


void migrateAliasScopedCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext,
                                      JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration,
                                      java.lang.String srcAliasName,
                                      java.lang.String dstJpsContext,
                                      JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration,
                                      java.lang.String dstAliasName,
                                      boolean overwrite)
                                      throws JpsException,
Method to migrate all the credentials in a given alias in a credential store(source) to a given alias in another credential store (destination)
srcJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the source credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file). Default context is assumed if found null.
srcConfiguration -
srcAliasName - if null, will try to lookup the source credential store, if the credential contains only one map/alias, that name is taken as srcaliasName.
dstJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the destination credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file). Default context is assumed if found null.
dstConfiguration -
dstAliasName - if null, will be assigned the resolved value of srcAliasName.
overwrite - updates the credentials in the destination store with new values if true
CredentialNotFoundException - if the srcAliasName specified is not found in the source credential store


void migrateCredentialData(java.lang.String srcJpsContext,
                           JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration,
                           java.lang.String dstJpsContext,
                           JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration)
                           throws JpsException
Method to migrate all the credentials in a credential store(source) to another (destination)
srcJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the source credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
srcConfiguration - The JpsConfiguration object that has the srcJpsContext
dstJpsContext - The JPS Context which defines the destination credential store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstConfiguration - The JPSConfiguration object that has the dstJpsContext


void migrateCredentialData(CredentialStore srcCredStore,
                           CredentialStore dstCredStore)
                           throws JpsException
Method to migrate all the credentials in a credential store(source) to another (destination)
srcCredStore - source credential store object
dstCredStore - destination ceredential store object
JpsException - underlying JpsException


void enableSkip()
This method is used for enabling skip option for credential store used within the API.
none -


void disableSkip()
This method is used for disabling skip option for credential store used within the API.
none -

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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