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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

Interface JpsMsgCode

public interface JpsMsgCode

This interface defines all the Jps Error & Message Codes. These codes are categorized based on jps module types

Nested Class Summary
static interface JpsMsgCode.ADMIN
          For JMX, ASCTL and MAS Range: JPS-05500 - JPS-05899
static interface JpsMsgCode.ATTRIBUTE
          FOR Attribute Service Range: JPS-09400 - JPS-09499
static interface JpsMsgCode.AUDIT
          FOR Audit Store Range: JPS-08500 - JPS-08999
static interface JpsMsgCode.AUTHENTICATION
          For login modules, authentication etc.
static interface JpsMsgCode.AUTHORIZATION
          For policy store runtime Range: JPS-03000 - JPS-03499
static interface JpsMsgCode.COMMON
          For common usage - user manager, jps config etc.
static interface JpsMsgCode.CONFIG
          For jps configuration Range: JPS-01500 - JPS-01999
static interface JpsMsgCode.CONFIG_MGMT
          For OES Configuration management Range: JPS-10600 - JPS-10649
static interface JpsMsgCode.CONFIGSERVICE
          Configuration Service Range: JPS-10000 - JPS-10099
static interface JpsMsgCode.CREDSTORE
          For credential store Range: JPS-01000 - JPS-01499
static interface JpsMsgCode.ID_MGMT
          For identity store, user-role API operations Range: JPS-02500 - JPS-02999
static interface JpsMsgCode.KEYSTORE
          For Keystore service Range: JPS-06500 - JPS-06999
static interface JpsMsgCode.OC4J_INTEGRATION
          For OC4J/JPS integration Range: JPS-05000 - JPS-05499
static interface JpsMsgCode.OPENAZ
          For OPENAZ Service Range: JPS-08000 - JPS-08499
static interface JpsMsgCode.PATCHING
          For Patching Range: JPS-07000 - JPS-07499
static interface JpsMsgCode.POLICY_MGMT
          For policy store management Range: JPS-04000 - JPS-04499
static interface JpsMsgCode.POLICYSTORE_MGMT
static interface JpsMsgCode.SSO_INTEGRATION
          For IdM, JSSO, SSO, COREID Range: JPS-04500 - JPS-04599 When adding ranges, please check first for non-overlapping of code ranges.
static interface JpsMsgCode.TRUST
          For Trust Service Range: JPS-07500 - JPS-07999
static interface JpsMsgCode.UPGRADE
          For Migration and Upgrade Range: JPS-06000 - JPS-06499


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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