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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

Interface ConfigListener

public interface ConfigListener

Clients of OPSS Configuration Service should implement this interface to get notifications about configurations entering and leaving the configuration system and their various state changes.


Method Summary
 void process(ConfigEvent event, java.lang.String contextId)
          NOTE: When the Event is a CONFIG CHANGED event then the method processConfigChanges would be invoked instead of this method.
 void processConfigChanges(java.lang.String contextId, java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent[] changes)


Method Detail


void process(ConfigEvent event,
             java.lang.String contextId)
NOTE: When the Event is a CONFIG CHANGED event then the method processConfigChanges would be invoked instead of this method. For all other ConfigEvent's this method would be invoked on the listener.
event - the Event that occurred
contextId - the Id of the named configuration context for which the event occurred.


void processConfigChanges(java.lang.String contextId,
                          java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent[] changes)
contextId - the contextId of the named configuration context that has changed
changes - the changes to the configuration. TODO: need to revisit if this is a sufficient abstraction to capture configuration changes. the current thinking is this is not sufficient, we may have to handle addition or deletion of service instances, global property changes versus ServiceInstance specific changes in properties.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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