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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

Interface ManagementConfiguration

public interface ManagementConfiguration

The methods createMgmtConfigBean and deleteMgmtConfigBean can be used for offline mode definition of a Persistent Configuration and reassociation/migration etc. They can also be used in Online mode as well and Notifications will be sent out to Listeners (ConfigContextChangeListener) registered with the Context


Method Summary
<T extends ConfigBean>
createMgmtConfigBean(java.lang.String serviceProviderDescName, java.lang.String configBeanName)
          Method to create a new ServiceInstanceDescriptor for a given ServiceProvider.
 void deleteMgmtConfigBean(java.lang.String configBeanName)
<T extends ConfigBean>
getMgmtConfigBean(java.lang.String configBeanName)
          Management Config Beans are only supported for ServiceInstanceDescriptors.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getMgmtConfigBeanNames()
 java.lang.String getTenantId()


Method Detail


java.lang.String getTenantId()
the ID of the tenant whose config is being held by this context, or Null if this is the default Configuration Context.


<T extends ConfigBean> T getMgmtConfigBean(java.lang.String configBeanName)
                                       throws TenantRegistrationException
Management Config Beans are only supported for ServiceInstanceDescriptors. Management Config Beans for other types of Jps Configuration elements was discussed but not considered useful at this point. Usage: AuditConfigBean cls = JpsConfigService.getInstance().<AuditConfigBean>getMgmtConfigBean("myauditDesc");
Type Parameters:
T - the classname of the instanceConfigBeanClass attribute of a (SPD) ServiceProviderDescriptor. When this classname is not present in the SPD (legacy jps-config.xml) then it is assumed to be the default classname that would be defined for every SPD as part of this project.
configBeanName - it is also the name of the persistence (DAO) layer Service Instance Descriptor.
the Configuration Bean that can be used for Online and Offline changes to the service Configuration
TenantRegistrationException - if there is no registered ServiceInstance Descriptor with the supplied configBeanName


<T extends ConfigBean> T createMgmtConfigBean(java.lang.String serviceProviderDescName,
                                              java.lang.String configBeanName)
Method to create a new ServiceInstanceDescriptor for a given ServiceProvider. When a persist operation is called on this JpsConfigBean the corresponding Persistence (DAO) Layer ServiceInstanceDescriptorP object would be persisted to the persistent configuration with the name provided in the serviceInstanceDescName argument.
Type Parameters:
T - the classname of the instanceConfigBeanClass attribute of a (SPD) ServiceProviderDescriptor. When this classname is not present in the SPD (legacy jps-config.xml) then it is assumed to be the default classname that would be defined for every SPD as part of this project.
serviceProviderDescName - the name of an existing ServiceProvider Descriptor for which an Instance Descriptor needs to be defined
configBeanName - the name of the Config Bean and inturn the ServiceInstanceDescriptor to be created new.
the newly created ConfigBean Should this exception be also thrown if there is a config bean with another name registered for the same ServiceProvider ?.


void deleteMgmtConfigBean(java.lang.String configBeanName)
                          throws TenantRegistrationException
configBeanName - delete the named config bean. This would also cause deletion of the corresponding ServiceInstanceDescriptor from the Persistence Layer.
TenantRegistrationException - if there is no registered ServiceInstance Descriptor with the supplied configBeanName


java.util.List<java.lang.String> getMgmtConfigBeanNames()
the names of Management Config Beans available in this context.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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