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Package Thor.API.Exceptions

Exception Summary
tcAddFieldFailedException This exception is raised whenever there is an error while adding a field to user defined form(object/process)
tcAddFormFieldPropertyFailedException This exception is raised whenever there is an error while adding a property to user defined form(object/process)
tcAdminGroupInvalidException This exception is raised if administrator group is not allowed to be updated
tcAdministratorAlreadyAssignedException The user has already been assigned to a request, if the administrator try to assign the request again to the same user, this exception raised
tcAdminNotFoundException This exception is raised whenever the specified administrator group has not been assigned to the specified request, object or form
tcAlreadyMemberException This exception is raised while assining a specified user to a group, if that user is already a member of the specified group
tcAPIException This is generic exception raised while using API operations.
tcAttributeMissingException This exception is raised, if any of the required attributes are missing in the attributes list passed to a perticular operation.
tcAttributeNotFoundException This exception is raised, if an attribute passed in an attributes list is not a valid attribute.
tcAwaitingApprovalDataCompletionException This exception is raised whenever the user tries to complete the tasks manually without providing the data required for approval process task completion
tcAwaitingObjectDataCompletionException This exception is raised whenever the user tries to complete the tasks manually without providing the data required for task completion
tcBulkException This exception is raised whenever a bulk operation is called and the operation is only successfull on some of the bulk transactions.
tcChallengeInfoException This exception is raised if any information is missing regarding the system challenge question's answers.
tcChallengeNotSetException This exception is raised whenever the user tries to login without providing the answers to the system challenge questions.
tcColumnNotFoundException This exception is raised whenever the specified column does not exist in the result set
tcContactTypeNotFoundException tcContactTypeNotFoundException is subclass of class Exception and is a form of Throwable that indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch.
tcContactTypeNotUniqueException tcContactTypeNotUniqueException is subclass of class Exception and is a form of Throwable that indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch.
tcCycleDetectedException This exception is raised whenever there is a cyclic dependency of object occurs
tcDataNotProvidedException This exception is raised whenever data is not provided to the object
tcDataObjectNotFoundException This exception is raised whenever one or more data objects specified are not found
tcDeleteNotAllowedException Whenever user tries to delete a field/property from the form, if he/she does not have the permission to do the same this exception is raised
tcDuplicateGroupException Whenever the user tries to create a group with a name which is already there in the database this exception is raised.
tcDuplicateLookupCodeException This exception is raised whenever the user tries to add a lookup code which is there alresdy there in the database.
tcDuplicateOrganizationException tcDuplicateOrganizationException is thrown if Organization with the specified Name already exists.
tcDuplicatePropertyException tcDuplicatePropertyException is thrown if specified property has more than one value.
tcDuplicateQueueException tcDuplicateQueueException is thrown if specified queue name is already in use.
tcDuplicateSelfRegistrationException tcDuplicateSelfRegistrationException is thrown if the user is already registered and an attempt is made to register the user again.
tcDuplicateUserException tcDuplicateUserException is thrown if a user with the specified login already exists.
tcEntitlementNotFoundException tcEntitlementNotFoundException is raised if the specified does not exist or if the entitlement is not a valid entitlement key.
tcEventDataReceivedException tcEventDataReceivedException is thrown if the Event with the specified key has already been closed for data.
tcEventNotFoundException tcEventNotFoundException is thrown if the reconciliation event with the specified key does not exist.
tcExistingAdministratorException tcExistingAdministratorException is thrown if the administrator group is already added.
tcExistingMemberException tcExistingMemberException is thrown if Member group already exists as part of the Queue.
tcFormEntryNotFoundException tcFormEntryNotFoundException is thrown if the form that is associated with an instance of an object in the system does not exist.
tcFormFieldNotFoundException tcFormFieldNotFoundException is thrown if the form field with the specified key does not exist.
tcFormNotFoundException tcFormNotFoundException is thrown if the User-defined form does not exist for object instance with the specified key.
tcGroupNotFoundException tcGroupNotFoundException is thrown if the specified group key is not valid or does not exist.
tcIDNotFoundException is thrown if during reconciliation process the ID generated by the initialization method is not found or is not valid.
tcInsufficientPrivilegeException tcInsufficientPrivilegeException is thrown if sufficient privileges do not exist for carrying out the specified task.
tcInvalidAttributeException tcInvalidAttributeException is raised if one of the attributes is not a valid attribute or if a group key is provided as an attribute or if one or more of the attributes in the map are invalid attributes of the specified IT Resource instance or if one or many of the provided attributes do not exist or if Queue Key is provided as an attribute.
tcInvalidColumnException tcInvalidColumnException is thrown if the specified Column Code does not exist.
tcInvalidEmailTypeException tcInvalidEmailTypeException is thrown if the email definition is not of type request or provisioning.
tcInvalidLookupException tcInvalidLookupException is thrown if the Lookup Code does not exist.
tcInvalidManagerException tcInvalidManagerException is thrown if the specified request manager key is not a valid manager / no manager found for the request manager key.
tcInvalidMemberGroupException tcInvalidMemberGroupException is thrown if member is not allowed to be added or removed to the specified group.
tcInvalidNameException tcInvalidNameException is thrown if the name is invalid for example the length of form name exceeds the maximum characters allowed or form with the specified name already exists or form type is invalid or the specified name has invalid characters.
tcInvalidOperationException tcInvalidOperationException is thrown if the operation being performed is invalid for example while enabling, disabling or deleting an organization if the specified operation is not valid.
tcInvalidParentException tcInvalidParentException is thrown if the Parent Queue Key does not exist.
tcInvalidPermissionsException tcInvalidPermissionsException is thrown if the specified member group does not have valid write or delete permissions.
tcInvalidQuestionException tcInvalidQuestionException is thrown if an invalid question is entered / specified question is not defined as a valid question.
tcInvalidResponseException tcInvalidResponseException is thrown for the invalid response from the user with specified key request.
tcInvalidRoleException tcInvalidRoleException is thrown if the specified role is invalid.
tcInvalidStatusException tcInvalidStatusException is thrown if the request approval(Standard Approval) process has an invalid status.
tcInvalidUpdateException tcInvalidUpdateException is thrown if the updation made is invalid or upadtion is made with an invalid attribute name.
tcInvalidUserException tcInvalidUserException is thrown if the user is invalid for example if an attempt is made to assign the specified user who is not a member of one of the groups assigned with administrative privileges as an administrator .
tcInvalidValueException tcInvalidValueException is thrown if the specified value does not exist or the value is invalid or if the value cannot be added to the lookup (because it is a duplicate, etc).
tcITResourceDefinitionNotFoundException tcITResourceDefinitionNotFoundException is thrown if the IT resource definition with the specified key does not exist.
tcITResourceNotFoundException tcITResourceNotFoundException is thrown if the specified IT Resource instance does not exist.
tcLocationNotFoundException tcLocationNotFoundException is thrown if the location with the specified key does not exist.
tcLoginAttemptsExceededException tcLoginAttemptsExceededException is thrown if the specified user has exceeded the maximum number of login attempts permitted.
tcMemberGroupNotFoundException tcMemberGroupNotFoundException is thrown if One or many of the member group keys do not exist.
tcMultipleMatchesFoundException tcMultipleMatchesFoundException is thrown if multiple matches are found for a specified key.
tcNoAdapterException tcNoAdapterException is thrown if an adapter with the specified name doesn't exist.
tcNoApprovalException tcNoApprovalException is thrown if the Object instance with the specified key does not have an associated approval process.
tcNoEmailAddressException tcNoEmailAddressException is thrown if the specified group does not have an email address
tcNoLookupException tcNoLookupException is thrown if the specified column does not have a lookup attached to it.
tcNoSuchTaskAttributeException tcNoSuchTaskAttributeException is thrown if a schedule task attribute with the specified name doesn't exist.
tcNotAtomicProcessException tcNotAtomicProcessException is thrown if Process instance with the specified key is not an instance of an atomic process.
tcNotExistingAdministratorException tcNotExistingAdministratorException is thrown if Administrator does not associate with the queue or Administrator does not exist.
tcNotExistingMemberException tcNotExistingMemberException is thrown if member group specified is not part of the queue or the member does not exist.
tcNotLookupFieldException tcNotLookupFieldException is thrown if the Form Field with the specified key is not a lookup field.
tcNotProvisionedException tcNotProvisionedException is thrown if the Object instance for the specified user with does not have an associated provisioning process.
tcNumberOfChallengesMismatchException tcNumberOfChallengesMismatchException is thrown if the number of questions answered correctly does not match the number of correct answers required or the number of questions answered do not match the questions defined.
tcObjectFormAssignedException tcObjectFormAssignedException is thrown if the specified object is already assigned to the form.
tcObjectFormNotAssignedException tcObjectFormNotAssignedException is thrown if the specified object is not assigned to the given form.
tcObjectNotApprovedException tcObjectNotApprovedException is thrown if the Object instance with the specified key does not have the correct status or is not approved.
tcObjectNotAssignedException tcObjectNotAssignedException is thrown If one or many of the objects are not assigned to the given access policy.
tcObjectNotFoundException tcObjectNotFoundException is thrown if the specified object or object instance is not found.
tcOrganizationNotFoundException tcOrganizationNotFoundException is thrown if the specified organization does not exist.
tcPasswordExpiredException tcPasswordExpiredException is thrown if the specified user's Xellerate password has expired.
tcPasswordIncorrectException tcPasswordIncorrectException is thrown if the password given for the specified user is not correct.
tcPasswordMismatchException tcPasswordMismatchException is thrown if while changing the password for the specified user the confirmed password is not the same as new password.
tcPasswordPolicyException tcPasswordPolicyException is thrown if the Password Policy Fails for specified password.
tcPasswordResetAttemptsExceededException tcPasswordResetAttemptsExceededException is thrown if the specified user has exceeded the maximum number of password reset attempts allowed.
tcPolicyFailedException tcPolicyFailedException is thrown if throw the policy fails while setting the new password.
tcPolicyNotFoundException tcPolicyNotFoundException is raised if the specified policy does not exist or if the policy is not a valid policy key.
tcProcessFormException tcProcessFormException is thrown if the specified form with the specified key does not exist or the specified form is not of Object type.
tcProcessNotFoundException tcProcessNotFoundException is thrown if the process instance with the specified key does not exist for the specified form.
tcPropertyAlreadyAssignedException tcPropertyAlreadyAssignedException is thrown if the specified property has already been assigned to the given form field.
tcPropertyNotAssignedException tcPropertyNotAssignedException is thrown if the specified property has not been assigned to the given form field.
tcPropertyNotFoundException tcPropertyNotFoundException is thrown if the specified property of the specified form's field does not exist.
tcProvisioningNotAllowedException tcProvisioningNotAllowedException is thrown if the resource does not have a provisioning process associated with it or logged in user does not have permission to create the specified resource instance or there is some error while provisioning a resource.
tcQuestionsNotDefinedException tcQuestionsNotDefinedException is thrown if the questions for the specified user does not exist.
tcQueueNotFoundException tcQueueNotFoundException is thrown if the requested specified queue does not exist.
tcRecursiveProxyException tcRecursiveProxyException is thrown if there is a recursive proxy for the specified user being set as a proxy for a particular user.
tcRemoteManagerNotFoundException tcRemoteManagerNotFoundException is thrown if the Remote Manager with the specified key does not exist.
tcRequiredDataMissingException tcRequiredDataMissingException is thrown if the required data is not present for the specified field.
tcRevocationNotAllowedException tcRevocationNotAllowedException is thrown if the specified user does not have permission to revoke the object instance.
tcRuleNotFoundException tcRuleNotFoundException is thrown when one or many of the rule keys do not exist.
tcScheduledTaskNotFoundException tcScheduledTaskNotFoundException is thrown if a schedule task with the specified name doesn't exist.
tcSODTopologyNotFoundException This exception is raised whenever the specified it resource property field "TopologyName" does not exist in the result set
tcStaleDataUpdateException tcStaleDataUpdateException is thrown if the data you are updating is stale
tcTaskNotFoundException tcTaskNotFoundException is thrown when one or more task key passed are invalid.
tcUpdateNotAllowedException tcUpdateNotAllowedException is thrown if the updates to the specified field with specified value are not allowed.
tcUserAccountDisabledException tcUserAccountDisabledException is thrown if the specified user account is disabled.
tcUserAccountInvalidException tcUserAccountInvalidException is thrown if the specified user account is invalid.
tcUserAccountLockedByAdminException tcUserAccountLockedByAdminException is thrown if the specified user account has been locked by the administrator.
tcUserAlreadyLoggedInException tcUserAlreadyLoggedInException is thrown if the specified user is already logged In.
tcUserContactInformationNotFoundException tcUserContactInformationNotFoundException is thrown if the specified user contact infomation does not exist.
tcUserNotFoundException tcUserNotFoundException is thrown if the specified user does not exist.
tcVersionNotDefinedException tcVersionNotDefinedException is thrown if invalid version type exists or the form version is not defined.
tcVersionNotFoundException tcVersionNotFoundException is thrown if the version of the form with which the process instance is saved is not found.


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