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Interface tcProvisioningOperationsIntf

All Superinterfaces:

public interface tcProvisioningOperationsIntf
extends tcUtilityOperationsIntf

Method Summary
 long addProcessTaskInstance(long plTaskKey, long plOrcKey)
          Provides the ability to add/execute a task where the task's manual insert property is enabled.
 void cancelProvisioningTasks(java.lang.String processTask, java.lang.String processDefn)
          This method cancels the pending provisioning tasks for a given process task of a process definition
 Thor.API.tcResultSet findAllOpenProvisioningTasks(java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses)
          This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) assigned to any user.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet findObjects(java.lang.String actionType, java.lang.String[] targetKeys, java.lang.String type, java.util.Map searchCriteria)
          This method returns all Resource Objects based on the parameters.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet findObjects(java.lang.String actionType, java.lang.String[] targetKeys, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String[] statusesIn, java.lang.String[] statusesNotIn, java.util.Map searchCriteria)
          This method returns all Resource Objects based on the parameters.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet findObjects(java.lang.String actionType, java.lang.String[] targetKeys, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String[] statusesIn, java.lang.String[] statusesNotIn, java.util.Map searchCriteria, boolean allowModifyOnProvisioningStatus)
          This method returns all Resource Objects based on the parameters.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getAssignedOpenProvisioningTasks(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses)
          This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the given user or to the groups to which the user belongs to.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getAssignedOpenProvisioningTasksPaged(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses, int startRow, int pageSize, java.lang.String[] order, boolean ascendingOrder, boolean getTotalRowCount)
          This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the given user or to the groups to which the user belongs to.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getAssignedProvisioningTasks(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses)
          This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the given user or to the groups to which the user belongs to.
 int getNumberOfOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToUser(long userKey)
          This method returns the number of provisioning tasks are assigned to a given user based on the given statuses.
 int getNumberOfProvisioningTasksAssignedToUser(long userKey, java.lang.String[] statuses)
          This method returns the number of provisioning tasks are assigned to a given user based on the given statuses.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getObjectDetail(long plProcessInstanceKey)
          Returns detailed object information about the process specified.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToManagedUsers(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses)
          This method returns a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the users for whom the specified user is a manager of.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToManagedUsersPaged(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses, int startRow, int pageSize, java.lang.String[] order, boolean ascendingOrder, boolean getTotalRowCount)
          This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the users managed by a given user or to the groups to which the user belongs to.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToSubgroups(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses, boolean hierarchyOrder)
          This method returns a list of all the assigned provisioning tasks that are visible to the specified user based on his indirect group membership.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToSubgroupsPaged(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses, boolean hierarchyOrder, int startRow, int pageSize, java.lang.String[] order, boolean ascendingOrder, boolean getTotalRowCount)
          This method returns a list of all the assigned provisioning tasks that are visible to the specified user based on his indirect group membership.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getOrganizationProvisioningProcessInformation(long plObjectInstanceForOrganizationKey)
          Returns information about the provisioning process associated with an object instance for an organization in the system.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getProcessDetail(long plProcessInstanceKey)
          Returns detailed task information about the process specified.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getProcessInstanceData(java.util.List processInstances)
          This method returns all the orc_tos_instance_keys corresponding to each process instance key.
 java.util.Date getProvisioingProcessOfflinedDate(long processInstanceKey)
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getProvisioningTaskDetails(long taskInstanceKey)
          Returns information about the provisioning process task instance.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getProvisioningTasksAssignedToManagedUsers(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses)
          This method returns a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the users for whom the specified user is a manager of.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getProvisioningTasksAssignedToSubgroups(long userKey, java.util.Map attributeList, java.lang.String[] statuses, boolean hierarchyOrder)
          This method returns a list of all the assigned provisioning tasks that are visible to the specified user based on his indirect group membership.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getResponsesForInstanceTask(long instanceKey)
          This method returns all the responses for a given a task instance.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getTaskHistory(long taskKey)
          Returns a history of the assignment of the indicated task.
 long getTasksArchived(java.lang.String reqKey)
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getTasksAvailableForUpdate(long taskInstanceKey)
          Returns task status and bucket against task instance key which are available for update.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getUserProvisioningProcessInformation(long plObjectInstanceForUserKey)
          Returns information about the provisioning process associated with an object instance for a user in the system.
 boolean isTaskNoteEncrypted(long plTaskInstanceKey)
 boolean isTaskUpdatable(long plTaskInstanceKey, long plUserKey)
          Verifies if the user has the permission to updates the details of a specified task instance.
 void reassignTasksToGroup(long[] taskInstanceKeys, byte[][] taskInstanceRowvers, long groupKey)
          This method re-assigns the selected tasks to the specified group.
 void reassignTasksToGroup(long[] taskInstanceKeys, long groupKey)
          This method re-assigns the selected provisioning tasks to the specified group.
 void reassignTasksToUser(long[] taskInstanceKeys, byte[][] taskInstanceRowvers, long userKey)
          This method re-assigns the selected tasks to the specified user.
 void reassignTasksToUser(long[] taskInstanceKeys, long userKey)
          This method re-assigns the selected tasks to the specified user.
 java.lang.String retryTask(long plTaskInstanceKey)
          Provides the ability to re-execute a task if any of its prior executions have failed.
 java.util.Map retryTasks(long[] taskInstanceKeys)
          This method provides the ability to re-execute the list of specified tasks if any of their prior executions have failed.
 void revokeDisconnectedAccount(long usrKey, long oiuKey)
          Performs revocation of disconnected account provisioned to a user.
 void setTasksCompletedManually(long[] taskInstanceKeys)
          This method provides the ability to set the task instance as manually completed given a list of specified tasks.
 void updateProcessDefinitionName(long msProcessDefnKey, java.util.Map attributes)
          Updates the specified Process Definition name instance.
 void updateTask(long taskInstanceKey, byte[] taskInstanceRowVer, java.util.Map phAttributeList)
          Updates the details of a specified task instance.
 void updateTask(long plTaskInstanceKey, java.util.Map phAttributeList)


Methods inherited from interface Thor.API.Base.tcUtilityOperationsIntf
close, getName, setCountry, setLanguage, setVariant


Method Detail


Thor.API.tcResultSet getUserProvisioningProcessInformation(long plObjectInstanceForUserKey)
                                                           throws tcAPIException,
Returns information about the provisioning process associated with an object instance for a user in the system. It locates the provisioning process, and returns a result set giving information about the provisioning process. If the provisioning process is a meta-process, it returns within the result set information about all the sub-processes involved in provisioning. The information provided is enough to recreate the process tree.
plObjectInstanceForUserKey - The key of the object instance for a user in the system.
A tcResultSet containing one to many rows, each row holding information about a process instance, its parent process instance and other key information. The following information is included in the resultset returned by this API:
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process.Process Definition.Process Key
  • Orders.Key
  • Process Definition.Key
  • Process Instance.Supplementary Code
  • Organizations.Key
  • Process Integration.Key
  • Users.Key
  • Process Instance.Assigned To
  • Process Instance.Status
  • Process Instance.Note
  • Process Instance.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Process Instance.Package Instance Key
  • Process Instance.Subprocess Key
  • Process Instance.Reference Key
  • Process Instance.Depends
  • Process Instance.Suborder
  • Process Instance.Service Order
  • Process Instance.Parent Key
  • Process Instance.Required Complete
  • Process Instance.Target
  • Process Instance.System Level
  • Process Instance.Order By Policy
  • Process Instance.Create
  • Process Instance.Created By


Thor.API.tcResultSet getOrganizationProvisioningProcessInformation(long plObjectInstanceForOrganizationKey)
                                                                   throws tcAPIException,
Returns information about the provisioning process associated with an object instance for an organization in the system. It locates the provisioning process, and returns a result set giving information about the provisioning process. If the provisioning process is a meta-process, it returns within the result set information about all the sub-processes involved in provisioning. The information provided is enough to recreate the process tree.
plObjectInstanceForOrganizationKey - The key of the object instance for an organization in the system.
A tcResultSet containing one to many rows, each row holding information about a process instance, its parent process instance and other key information. The following information is included in the resultset returned by the API:
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process.Process Definition.Process Key
  • Orders.Key
  • Process Definition.Key
  • Process Instance.Supplementary Code
  • Organizations.Key
  • Process Integration.Key
  • Users.Key
  • Process Instance.Assigned To
  • Process Instance.Status
  • Process Instance.Note
  • Process Instance.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Process Instance.Package Instance Key
  • Process Instance.Subprocess Key
  • Process Instance.Reference Key
  • Process Instance.Depends
  • Process Instance.Suborder
  • Process Instance.Service Order
  • Process Instance.Parent Key
  • Process Instance.Required Complete
  • Process Instance.Target
  • Process Instance.System Level
  • Process Instance.Order By Policy
  • Process Instance.Create
  • Process Instance.Created By


Thor.API.tcResultSet getProcessDetail(long plProcessInstanceKey)
                                      throws tcAPIException,
Returns detailed task information about the process specified. This detail covers all the tasks involved in the process, their current statuses and other such detailed information. It should only be used with atomic processes.
plProcessInstanceKey - The key of the process instance in the system.
A tcResultSet containing one to many rows, each row holding information about a task in the process. The following information is returned in the resultset:
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Type
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Task Offlined
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Data
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected Start
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected End
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual Start Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual End Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Reason
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Action
  • Process Instance.Task Details.System level
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Created By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Note
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Description
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Days
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Hours
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Minutes
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Milestone Datalabel
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Disable Manual Insert
  • Status.Category
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Description
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By User ID
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By Last Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Key
  • Groups.Key
  • Groups.Group Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assign Type


Thor.API.tcResultSet getObjectDetail(long plProcessInstanceKey)
                                     throws tcAPIException,
Returns detailed object information about the process specified. This detail covers object's current statuses and other such detailed information. It should only be used with atomic processes.
plProcessInstanceKey - The key of the process instance in the system.
A tcResultSet containing information about a object in the process. tcResultSet contains
  • Users.Key
  • Users.User ID
  • Objects.Key
  • Objects.Name
  • Process Definition.Key
  • Process Definition.Name
  • Objects.Object Status.Status


long addProcessTaskInstance(long plTaskKey,
                            long plOrcKey)
                            throws tcTaskNotFoundException,
Provides the ability to add/execute a task where the task's manual insert property is enabled. If an instance of this task already exists, the task must have 'Allow Multiple Instances' property set to true in order to be executed.
plTaskKey - The key of the process task defined in process definition
plOrcKey - The key of the process order instance
tcTaskNotFoundException - thrown when the task key passed is invalid
tcAPIException - thrown if any errors occur while adding the task instance


java.lang.String retryTask(long plTaskInstanceKey)
                           throws tcTaskNotFoundException,
Provides the ability to re-execute a task if any of its prior executions have failed.
plTaskInstanceKey - The key of the task instance to be re-executed
Status of the task instance after it's been re-executed


void updateTask(long plTaskInstanceKey,
                java.util.Map phAttributeList)
                throws tcTaskNotFoundException,
Updates the details of a specified task instance.
plTaskInstanceKey - The key of the task instance to be updated
phAttributeList - A Map of name-value pairs. The Map key should contain the following metadata codes:
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Note
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To User Key
The Map value should contain the respective update data.


boolean isTaskUpdatable(long plTaskInstanceKey,
                        long plUserKey)
                        throws tcTaskNotFoundException,
Verifies if the user has the permission to updates the details of a specified task instance.
plTaskInstanceKey - The key of the task instance to be updated
plUserKey - The key of user whose permissions need to be checked.
boolean If the task is assigned to the user a true value is returned.


Thor.API.tcResultSet getProvisioningTaskDetails(long taskInstanceKey)
                                                throws tcAPIException,
Returns information about the provisioning process task instance.
taskInstanceKey - The key of the task instance in a provisioning process.
A tcResultSet containing one to many rows, each row holding information about a process instance, its parent process instance and other key information. The following details about the task instance are returned in the resultset:
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Type
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Data
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Reason
  • Users.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assign Type
  • Organizations.Key
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process Definition.Name
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected Start
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected End
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual Start Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual End Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Action
  • Process Instance.Task Details.System level
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Created By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Note
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Description
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Days
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Hours
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Minutes
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Milestone Datalabel
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Disable Manual Insert
  • Status.Category
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Description
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By User ID
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By Last Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Key
  • Groups.Key
  • Groups.Group Name


Thor.API.tcResultSet getAssignedProvisioningTasks(long userKey,
                                                  java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                  java.lang.String[] statuses)
                                                  throws tcAPIException,
This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the given user or to the groups to which the user belongs to. For displaying the open pending and rejected tasks, the statuses argument filter can be used.
userKey - User to get the assigned provisioning tasks.
attributeList - List of attributes to filter the requested information.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
A resultset with each row having detailed information of each task. The returned result set also contains a column mentioning whether the specified user can see the task because he/she is a proxy for some other user. Also, it should returned a new column called "Date Assigned" which will have the date when the task was assigned to the user/group. The returning resultset columns are described below:
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name
  • Organizations.Organization Name
  • Status.Status
  • Status.Category
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Data
  • Objects.Key
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Type
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Type
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Action
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual Start Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual End Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Created By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected End
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected Start
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Task Offlined
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Created By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Retry Task
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To Group Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name
  • Groups.Key
  • Groups.Group Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Requests.Key
  • Process.Process Definition.Process Form Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assign Type
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred in the API
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not valid
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raise if an attribute is not valid


Thor.API.tcResultSet getProvisioningTasksAssignedToManagedUsers(long userKey,
                                                                java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                                java.lang.String[] statuses)
                                                                throws tcAPIException,
This method returns a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the users for whom the specified user is a manager of. For displaying the open pending and rejected tasks, the statuses argument filter can be used. The returned object is a result set with each row having detail information of each task. The result set also contain a column mentioning whether the specified user is a proxy for the user. Also, this method returnes a new column called "Date Assigned" which will have the date when the task was assigned to the user/group. The method also includes a Map as an argument that will contain name-value pairs so that the result set can be filtered over multiple columns. The attribute list should support the date search feature so that the tasks can be searched with start and end date ranges. This API has been modified in the following way: If the XL.AllowProxyVisibilityForAssignedTasks system property has been set then this API will return tasks that are assigned to Managed users of any user for whom the current user is a proxy. If the above system property is not set, then the API will return only the tasks assigned to managed users of the current user.
userKey - User to get the assigned provisioning tasks.
attributeList - List of attributes to filter the requested information.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
a result set with provisiong task information
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred in the API
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not valid
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raise if an attribute is not valid


void reassignTasksToUser(long[] taskInstanceKeys,
                         long userKey)
                         throws tcAPIException,
This method re-assigns the selected tasks to the specified user.
taskInstanceKeys - array of task instances that need to be re-assigned
userKey - the user key that all the task instance will re-assign to
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not a valid user.
tcTaskNotFoundException - raise if one or more task are not valid.
tcBulkException - raise if a problem occurred on any of the re-assigments of the task instance.


void reassignTasksToGroup(long[] taskInstanceKeys,
                          long groupKey)
                          throws tcAPIException,
This method re-assigns the selected provisioning tasks to the specified group.
taskInstanceKeys - array of task instances that need to be re-assigned
groupKey - the group key that all the task instance will re-assign to
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.
tcGroupNotFoundException - raise if the group is not a valid group.
tcTaskNotFoundException - raise if one or more task are not valid.
tcBulkException - raise if a problem occurred on any of the re-assigments of the task instance.


java.util.Map retryTasks(long[] taskInstanceKeys)
                         throws tcTaskNotFoundException,
This method provides the ability to re-execute the list of specified tasks if any of their prior executions have failed.
taskInstanceKeys - array of task instances to retry
a Map of keys and status of the retry of each of the instances.
tcTaskNotFoundException - raised if one or more task instances are not valid. isMessage will contain the list of invalid task instance keys separated by commas.
tcBulkException - raised if one or many task instance had errors retrying. getReturnValue() from this exception returns a Map of successfully retried tasks and isKeys is an array of task which retry caused problems.
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrying the task.


int getNumberOfProvisioningTasksAssignedToUser(long userKey,
                                               java.lang.String[] statuses)
                                               throws tcUserNotFoundException,
This method returns the number of provisioning tasks are assigned to a given user based on the given statuses.
userKey - The User Key of the user for whom to get the number of approval tasks.
statuses - An array of statuses to filter the tasks by. If multiple statuses are specified, they are evaluated using the OR operator. If no status is specified then it looks for all tasks irrespective of status.
the number of tasks assigned to the given user based on the given statuses
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not a valid user in the system.
tcAPIException - raise if there is a problem during the execution of the API.


void setTasksCompletedManually(long[] taskInstanceKeys)
                               throws tcTaskNotFoundException,
This method provides the ability to set the task instance as manually completed given a list of specified tasks.
taskInstanceKeys - array of task instances to retry
tcTaskNotFoundException - raised if one or more task instances are not valid. isMessage will contain the list of invalid task instance keys separated by commas.
tcBulkException - raised if one or many task instance had errors retrying.
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrying the task.


Thor.API.tcResultSet getResponsesForInstanceTask(long instanceKey)
                                                 throws tcAPIException,
This method returns all the responses for a given a task instance.
instanceKey - the task instance
a result set with all the responses given a task instance. The resultset contains the following columns:
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Status.Key
  • Event Handler Manager.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Response
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Description
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Update Date
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.System Level
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Creation Date
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Responses.Created By
tcAPIException - raise if a problem is found.
tcTaskNotFoundException - raise if the task instance is not valid.


java.util.Date getProvisioingProcessOfflinedDate(long processInstanceKey)
                                                 throws tcAPIException,
API to find out if a given provisioned instance for a user is in off-lined stage or not
processInstanceKey, - Process Instance Key value
a date indicating when the message is submitted for off-lining if the value returned is null, process is not in off-lined stage
tcAPIException, - if an error occurs while finding the off-lined stage of provisioned instance


void reassignTasksToUser(long[] taskInstanceKeys,
                         byte[][] taskInstanceRowvers,
                         long userKey)
                         throws tcAPIException,
This method re-assigns the selected tasks to the specified user. This version of API is introduced to have optimistic locking. When multiple users try to reassign the task at the same time, only the first one will succeed and other ones will fail
taskInstanceKeys - Task instance keys (Process Instance.Task Details.Key) of the tasks that need to be updated
taskInstanceRowvers - Task instance row versions (Process Instance.Task Details.Row Version) of the tasks that need to be updated
userKey - the user key that all the task instance will be re-assigned to
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not a valid user.
tcTaskNotFoundException - raise if one or more task are not valid.
tcStaleDataUpdateException - If the data that passed is stale. If data that is paased to the API contains multiple task instances, API attempts to reassign all the instances and reports at the end about the failed ones because of the stale data by throwing this exception.
tcBulkException - raise if a problem occurred on any of the re-assigments of the task instance.


void reassignTasksToGroup(long[] taskInstanceKeys,
                          byte[][] taskInstanceRowvers,
                          long groupKey)
                          throws tcAPIException,
This method re-assigns the selected tasks to the specified group. This version of API is introduced to have optimistic locking. When multiple users try to reassign the task at the same time, only the first one will succeed and other ones will fail
taskInstanceKeys - Task instance keys (Process Instance.Task Details.Key) of the tasks that need to be re-assigned
taskInstanceRowvers - Task instance row versions (Process Instance.Task Details.Row Version) of the tasks that need to be re-assigned
groupKey - the group key that all the task instance will be re-assigned to
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.
tcGroupNotFoundException - raise if the group is not a valid group.
tcTaskNotFoundException - raise if one or more task are not valid.
tcStaleDataUpdateException - If the Task instance row versions that passed is stale. If data that is paased to the API contains multiple task instances, API attempts to reassign all the instances and reports at the end about the failed ones because of the stale data by throwing this exception.
tcBulkException - raise if a problem occurred on any of the re-assignments of the task instance.


void updateTask(long taskInstanceKey,
                byte[] taskInstanceRowVer,
                java.util.Map phAttributeList)
                throws tcTaskNotFoundException,
Updates the details of a specified task instance. This version of API is introduced to have optimistic locking. When multiple users try to update the task at the same time, only the first one will succeed and other ones will fail
taskInstanceKey - Task instance key (Process Instance.Task Details.Key) of the task that needs to be updated
taskInstanceRowVer - Task instance row version (Process Instance.Task Details.Row Version) of the task that needs to be updated
phAttributeList - A Map of name-value pairs. The Map key should contain the following metadata codes:
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Note
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To User Key
The Map value should contain the respective update data.
tcStaleDataUpdateException - If Task instance row version that is passed to the API is stale


Thor.API.tcResultSet getProvisioningTasksAssignedToSubgroups(long userKey,
                                                             java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                             java.lang.String[] statuses,
                                                             boolean hierarchyOrder)
                                                             throws tcAPIException,
This method returns a list of all the assigned provisioning tasks that are visible to the specified user based on his indirect group membership. The attributeList parameter contains the name-value pairs used to filter the results returned by the result set.
userKey - the user key to find the approval tasks
attributeList - the list of attributes that filter the search of provisioning tasks
hierarchyOrder - a boolean that specifies the order of group hierarchy. If this is true, then we get all the parent groups and their member users. If this is false then we get all the subgroups and their member users.
A result set with the information matching the filter criteria. The following are the columns returned:
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name
  • Organizations.Organization Name
  • Status.Status
  • Status.Category
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Data
  • Objects.Key
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Type
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Type
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Action
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual Start Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual End Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Created By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected End
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected Start
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Task Offlined
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Created By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Retry Task
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To Group Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assign Type
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID
  • Groups.Key
  • Groups.Group Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User
  • Requests.Key
tcUserNotFoundException - raised if the user is not a valid user.
tcAPIException - raised if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raised if an attribute is not valid.


Thor.API.tcResultSet getTaskHistory(long taskKey)
                                    throws tcAPIException,
Returns a history of the assignment of the indicated task.
taskKey - The sch_key of the task.
A resultset containing the entire task assignment history of the indicated task. The following columns are returned in the result set: Status.Status Process Instance.Task History.Action Process Instance.Task History.Assign Type Process Instance.Task History.Assigned To User Process Instance.Task History.Assigned To Group Process Instance.Task History.Assigned By User Process Instance.Task History.Assign Date Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name Groups.Group Name ASSIGNER_USER_LOGIN ASSIGNER_USER_KEY ASSIGNER_FIRST_NAME ASSIGNER_LAST_NAME Users.Manager Key Users.Manager Login Users.Manager First Name Users.Manager Last Name


Thor.API.tcResultSet getTasksAvailableForUpdate(long taskInstanceKey)
                                                throws tcAPIException,
Returns task status and bucket against task instance key which are available for update. It is based on CURRENT status of task.
taskInstanceKey - The key of the task instance in the system.
A tcResultSet containing one to many rows, each row holding information about a task status and bucket against task instance key.


Thor.API.tcResultSet findAllOpenProvisioningTasks(java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                  java.lang.String[] statuses)
                                                  throws tcAPIException,
This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) assigned to any user. For displaying the open pending and rejected tasks, the statuses argument filter can be used. The returned object will be a result set with each row having detail information of each task. The returned result set also contains a column mentioning whether the specified user can see the task because he/she is a proxy for some other user. Also, it should returned a new column called "Date Assigned" which will have the date when the task was assigned to the user/group.This uses OTI table which has a subset of data present in OSI/SCH table
attributeList - List of attributes to filter the requested information.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred in the API


Thor.API.tcResultSet getAssignedOpenProvisioningTasks(long userKey,
                                                      java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                      java.lang.String[] statuses)
                                                      throws tcAPIException,
This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the given user or to the groups to which the user belongs to. For displaying the open pending and rejected tasks, the statuses argument filter can be used. The returned object will be a result set with each row having detail information of each task. The returned result set also contains a column mentioning whether the specified user can see the task because he/she is a proxy for some other user. Also, it should returned a new column called "Date Assigned" which will have the date when the task was assigned to the user/group.This uses OTI table which has a subset of data present in OSI/SCH table
userKey - User to get the assigned provisioning tasks.
attributeList - List of attributes to filter the requested information.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred in the API
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not valid
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raise if an attribute is not valid


Thor.API.tcResultSet getAssignedOpenProvisioningTasksPaged(long userKey,
                                                           java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                           java.lang.String[] statuses,
                                                           int startRow,
                                                           int pageSize,
                                                           java.lang.String[] order,
                                                           boolean ascendingOrder,
                                                           boolean getTotalRowCount)
                                                           throws tcAPIException,
This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the given user or to the groups to which the user belongs to. For displaying the open pending and rejected tasks, the statuses argument filter can be used. The returned object will be a result set with each row having detail information of each task. The returned result set also contains a column mentioning whether the specified user can see the task because he/she is a proxy for some other user. Also, it should returned a new column called "Date Assigned" which will have the date when the task was assigned to the user/group.This uses OTI table which has a subset of data present in OSI/SCH table
userKey - User to get the assigned provisioning tasks.
attributeList - List of attributes to filter the requested information.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
startRow - The starting row of the result
pageSize - The page size (how many rows to return)
order - The sort order. The sorting is done only on data from the database.
ascendingOrder - - a boolean value if the sorting is to be ascending or descending
getTotalRowCount - - a boolean value which specifies whether to get total number of rows along with paged results
tcResultSet with the information matching the filter criteria. The following are the columns returned:
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name
  • Organizations.Organization Name
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Status.Category
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Data
  • Objects.Key
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Type
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Row Version
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Type
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Action
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual Start Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected End
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected Start
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Task Offlined
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To Group Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name
  • Groups.Key
  • Groups.Group Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User Last Name
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Requests.Key
  • Process.Process Definition.Process Form Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assign Type
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred in the API
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not valid
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raise if an attribute is not valid


Thor.API.tcResultSet getOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToManagedUsers(long userKey,
                                                                    java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                                    java.lang.String[] statuses)
                                                                    throws tcAPIException,
This method returns a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the users for whom the specified user is a manager of. For displaying the open pending and rejected tasks, the statuses argument filter can be used. The returned object is a result set with each row having detail information of each task. The result set also contain a column mentioning whether the specified user is a proxy for the user. Also, this method returnes a new column called "Date Assigned" which will have the date when the task was assigned to the user/group. The method also includes a Map as an argument that will contain name-value pairs so that the result set can be filtered over multiple columns. The attribute list should support the date search feature so that the tasks can be searched with start and end date ranges. This API has been modified in the following way: If the XL.AllowProxyVisibilityForAssignedTasks system property has been set then this API will return tasks that are assigned to Managed users of any user for whom the current user is a proxy. If the above system property is not set, then the API will return only the tasks assigned to managed users of the current user. This uses OTI table which has a subset of data present in OSI/SCH table
userKey - User to get the assigned provisioning tasks.
attributeList - List of attributes to filter the requested information.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
a result set with provisiong task information
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred in the API
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not valid
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raise if an attribute is not valid


Thor.API.tcResultSet getOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToManagedUsersPaged(long userKey,
                                                                         java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                                         java.lang.String[] statuses,
                                                                         int startRow,
                                                                         int pageSize,
                                                                         java.lang.String[] order,
                                                                         boolean ascendingOrder,
                                                                         boolean getTotalRowCount)
                                                                         throws tcAPIException,
This method return a list of all the provisioning tasks (and their details) that are assigned to the users managed by a given user or to the groups to which the user belongs to. For displaying the open pending and rejected tasks, the statuses argument filter can be used. The returned object will be a result set with each row having detail information of each task. The returned result set also contains a column mentioning whether the specified user can see the task because he/she is a proxy for some other user. Also, it should returned a new column called "Date Assigned" which will have the date when the task was assigned to the user/group.This uses OTI table which has a subset of data present in OSI/SCH table
userKey - User to get the assigned provisioning tasks.
attributeList - List of attributes to filter the requested information.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
startRow - The starting row of the result
pageSize - The page size (how many rows to return)
order - The sort order. The sorting is done only on data from the database.
ascendingOrder - - a boolean value if the sorting is to be ascending or descending
getTotalRowCount - - a boolean value which specifies whether to get total number of rows along with paged results
tcResultSet with the information matching the filter criteria. The following are the columns returned:
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name
  • Organizations.Organization Name
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Status.Category
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Data
  • Objects.Key
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Type
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Row Version
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Type
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Action
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual Start Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected End
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected Start
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Task Offlined
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To Group Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name
  • Groups.Key
  • Groups.Group Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User Last Name
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Requests.Key
  • Process.Process Definition.Process Form Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assign Type
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred in the API
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not valid
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raise if an attribute is not valid


int getNumberOfOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToUser(long userKey)
                                                   throws tcUserNotFoundException,
This method returns the number of provisioning tasks are assigned to a given user based on the given statuses. This uses OTI table which has a subset of data present in OSI/SCH table
userKey - The User Key of the user for whom to get the number of approval tasks.
the number of tasks assigned to the given user based on the given statuses
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not a valid user in the system.
tcAPIException - raise if there is a problem during the execution of the API.


Thor.API.tcResultSet getOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToSubgroups(long userKey,
                                                                 java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                                 java.lang.String[] statuses,
                                                                 boolean hierarchyOrder)
                                                                 throws tcAPIException,
This method returns a list of all the assigned provisioning tasks that are visible to the specified user based on his indirect group membership. The attributeList parameter contains the name-value pairs used to filter the results returned by the result set. This uses OTI table which has a subset of data present in OSI/SCH table
userKey - the user key to find the approval tasks
attributeList - the list of attributes that filter the search of provisioning tasks
hierarchyOrder - a boolean that specifies the order of group hierarchy. If this is true, then we get all the parent groups and their member users. If this is false then we get all the subgroups and their member users.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
A result set with the information matching the filter criteria. The following are the columns returned:
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name
  • Organizations.Organization Name
  • Status.Status
  • Status.Category
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Data
  • Objects.Key
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Type
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Type
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Action
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual Start Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual End Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Created By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected End
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected Start
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Task Offlined
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Created By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Retry Task
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To Group Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assign Type
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID
  • Groups.Key
  • Groups.Group Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User
  • Requests.Key
tcUserNotFoundException - raised if the user is not a valid user.
tcAPIException - raised if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raised if an attribute is not valid.


long getTasksArchived(java.lang.String reqKey)
                      throws tcUserNotFoundException,
This method would derive if the tasks for a particular process instance are archived or not
reqKey - The request Key
A number indicating the number of tasks archived, or zero if there are no tasks archived.
tcAPIException - raise if there is a problem during the execution of the API.


Thor.API.tcResultSet getOpenProvisioningTasksAssignedToSubgroupsPaged(long userKey,
                                                                      java.util.Map attributeList,
                                                                      java.lang.String[] statuses,
                                                                      boolean hierarchyOrder,
                                                                      int startRow,
                                                                      int pageSize,
                                                                      java.lang.String[] order,
                                                                      boolean ascendingOrder,
                                                                      boolean getTotalRowCount)
                                                                      throws tcAPIException,
This method returns a list of all the assigned provisioning tasks that are visible to the specified user based on his indirect group membership. The attributeList parameter contains the name-value pairs used to filter the results returned by the result set. This uses OTI table which has a subset of data present in OSI/SCH table
userKey - the user key to find the approval tasks
attributeList - the list of attributes that filter the search of provisioning tasks
hierarchyOrder - a boolean that specifies the order of group hierarchy. If this is true, then we get all the parent groups and their member users. If this is false then we get all the subgroups and their member users.
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
statuses - an array of status strings to filter the result set
startRow - The starting row of the result
pageSize - The page size (how many rows to return)
order - The sort order. The sorting is done only on data from the database.
ascendingOrder - - a boolean value if the sorting is to be ascending or descending
getTotalRowCount - - a boolean value which specifies whether to get total number of rows along with paged results
tcResultSet with the information matching the filter criteria. The following are the columns returned:
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Key
  • Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name
  • Organizations.Organization Name
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Status.Category
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Data
  • Objects.Key
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Type
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Key
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Row Version
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Status
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Type
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Action
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Actual Start Date
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected End
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Projected Start
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To
  • Process Instance.Task Details.Task Offlined
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Creation Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Update Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Updated By
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned To Group Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assigned Date
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee User ID
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assignee Last Name
  • Groups.Key
  • Groups.Group Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User First Name
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Target User Last Name
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Requests.Key
  • Process.Process Definition.Process Form Key
  • Process Instance.Task Information.Assign Type
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred in the API
tcUserNotFoundException - raise if the user is not valid
tcAttributeNotFoundException - raise if an attribute is not valid


boolean isTaskNoteEncrypted(long plTaskInstanceKey)
                            throws tcTaskNotFoundException,
Verifies if the the Process Instance.Task Details.Note of task instance contains a encrypted data or non encrpted data.
plTaskInstanceKey - The key of the task instance
boolean return true if Process Instance.Task Details.Note contains encryted data or Process Instance.Task Details.Note contains non encrypted data


Thor.API.tcResultSet findObjects(java.lang.String actionType,
                                 java.lang.String[] targetKeys,
                                 java.lang.String type,
                                 java.lang.String[] statusesIn,
                                 java.lang.String[] statusesNotIn,
                                 java.util.Map searchCriteria,
                                 boolean allowModifyOnProvisioningStatus)
                                 throws tcAPIException,
This method returns all Resource Objects based on the parameters.
actionType - Enable/Disable/Revoke/Modify. Used to search the valid statuses from Lookup.Object.Status.Filter
targetKeys - string array to hold either user keys or organization keys
type - U is user type, O is organization type.
statusesIn - A string array that specifies the statuses of the objects to be returned
statusesNotIn - A string array that specifies the statuses that the objects should not be in.
searchCriteria. - Object name and value pair need to be passed in.
allowModifyOnProvisioningStatus - boolean that specifies if resources in Provisioning status should be included for 'Modify' operation. If this is true and actionType is Modify, resources in 'Provisioning' status will be included in the result.
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Key
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Key/ Organization-Object Instance-Process Instance.Key
  • Object Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Process Instance.Key
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.


Thor.API.tcResultSet findObjects(java.lang.String actionType,
                                 java.lang.String[] targetKeys,
                                 java.lang.String type,
                                 java.lang.String[] statusesIn,
                                 java.lang.String[] statusesNotIn,
                                 java.util.Map searchCriteria)
                                 throws tcAPIException,
This method returns all Resource Objects based on the parameters.
actionType - Enable/Disable/Revoke/Modify. Used to search the valid statuses from Lookup.Object.Status.Filter
targetKeys - string array to hold either user keys or organization keys
type - U is user type, O is organization type.
statusesIn - A string array that specifies the statuses of the objects to be returned
statusesNotIn - A string array that specifies the statuses that the objects should not be in.
searchCriteria. - Object name and value pair need to be passed in.
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Key
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Key/ Organization-Object Instance-Process Instance.Key
  • Object Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Process Instance.Key
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.


Thor.API.tcResultSet findObjects(java.lang.String actionType,
                                 java.lang.String[] targetKeys,
                                 java.lang.String type,
                                 java.util.Map searchCriteria)
                                 throws tcAPIException,
This method returns all Resource Objects based on the parameters.
actionType - Enable/Disable/Revoke/Modify. Used to search the valid statuses from Lookup.Object.Status.Filter
targetKeys - string array to hold either user keys or organization keys
type - U is user type, O is organization type.
searchCriteria. - Object name and value pair need to be passed in.
  • Objects.Name
  • Objects.Key
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Key/ Organization-Object Instance-Process Instance.Key
  • Object Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
  • Process Instance.Key
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.


Thor.API.tcResultSet getProcessInstanceData(java.util.List processInstances)
                                            throws tcAPIException
This method returns all the orc_tos_instance_keys corresponding to each process instance key.
processInstances - list that contains all the process instances for which orc_tos_instance_key is to be gotten
null if processInstances is null or empty
else tcResultSet
  • Process Instance.Key
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data
tcAPIException - raise if a problem occurred when retrieving the information.


void updateProcessDefinitionName(long msProcessDefnKey,
                                 java.util.Map attributes)
                                 throws tcAPIException,
Updates the specified Process Definition name instance.
msProcessDefnKey - The key of the Process Definition instance
attributes - A map of name-value pairs, each entry holding an attribute-value pair to set/modify for this Process Definition. The Attribute names are the String column codes (from the Xellerate metadata). The Attribute Values are the String attributes of the columns to set.
  • Process Definition.Name
tcAPIException - Thrown if an error occurs while retrieving the data about unassigned groups from the database
tcInvalidAttributeException - If one or more of the attributes in the map are invalid attributes of the specified Process Definition instance


void cancelProvisioningTasks(java.lang.String processTask,
                             java.lang.String processDefn)
                             throws tcAPIException,
This method cancels the pending provisioning tasks for a given process task of a process definition
processTask - the process task name.
processDefn - the process definition name
tcAPIException - thrown if data set errors occur


void revokeDisconnectedAccount(long usrKey,
                               long oiuKey)
                               throws tcAPIException,
Performs revocation of disconnected account provisioned to a user.
usrKey - The key of the user.
oiuKey - The key of the object instance for a user in the system.

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