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Package com.thortech.xl.gc.spi

Interface Summary
ProvisioningFormatProvider This interface should be implemented by a layer that incorporates provisioning functionalities with a particular type of target application, to be used by a connector created through the generic technology connector.
ProvisioningTransportProvider This interface should be implemented by a layer that incorporates provisioning functionalities with a particular type of target application, to be used by a connector created through the generic technology connector.
ReconFormatProvider This interface should be implemented by a layer that incorporates reconciliation functionalities with a particular type of target application, to be used by a connector created through the generic technology connector.
ReconTransportProvider This interface should be implemented by a layer that incorporates reconciliation functionalities with a particular type of target application, to be used by a connector created through the generic technology connector.
TransformationProvider This interface should be implemented by a layer that incorporates data transformation functionalities to be used by a connector created through the generic technology connector framework.
ValidationProvider This interface should be implemented by a layer that incorporates data validation functionalities to be used by a connector created through the generic technology connector.


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