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Class tcUtilLDAPController

  extended by com.thortech.xl.util.adapters.tcUtilLDAPController

public class tcUtilLDAPController
extends java.lang.Object

Class that provides the JNDI Interface to LDAP Director.
Requires that jndi.jar be in the classpath.

Field Summary
          The home directory is required.
static int UAC_LOCKEDOUT
          The account is currently locked out.
          Organization is disabled
          The user cannot change the password.
          The user can send an encrypted password.
          The password for this account will never expire.
static int UAC_PWD_NOTREQD
          No password is required.
static int UAC_SCRIPT
          The logon script is executed.
static int UAC_SMARTCARD
          The user must log on using a smart card.


Constructor Summary
tcUtilLDAPController(java.lang.String server, java.lang.String rootcon, java.lang.String princ, java.lang.String p_password)
          Contructor that sets the primary connection parameters
tcUtilLDAPController(java.lang.String server, java.lang.String rootcon, java.lang.String princ, java.lang.String p_password, boolean pSecure)
          Contructor that sets the primary connection parameters, and also provides a method to set the security constraint
tcUtilLDAPController(java.lang.String server, java.lang.String rootcon, java.lang.String princ, java.lang.String p_password, java.lang.Boolean pSecure)
          Creates a new tcUtilLDAPController object.


Method Summary
 void connect(java.lang.String hierarchy)
          Connects to a directory object.
 boolean createObject(java.lang.String name, pattrs)
          Method used internally to create any type of object.
 boolean deleteObject(java.lang.String name)
          Internal method that executes the JNDI delete method.
 void disconnect()
          Closes connection to directory server getAttributeObject(java.lang.String psProperty, java.lang.String psValue)
          UTILITY method that returns an Attribute object given an attribute name and an attribute value
 java.util.Hashtable getAttributes(java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String name)
          Returns a hash of the objects attributes and their values. getAttributesObject(java.util.Hashtable poProperties)
          UTILITY method that returns an Attributes object given a hashtable containing attribute name-value pairs getAttributesObject(java.util.Vector poProperties)
          UTILITY method that returns an Attributes object given a vector containing attribute name-value pairs
 java.lang.String getAttributeValueBasedOnSearch(java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String distinguishName, java.lang.String ObjectClass, java.lang.String attrname)
          This method will search in the specified hierarchy using the specified distinguished name and objectclass.
 java.util.Vector getAttributeValues(java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String attrname)
          Lists the value(s) of a particular object attribute.
 boolean getBitMaskedAttribute(java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String attrName, int attrMask)
          There are many attributes in LDAP that are stored as integers but are actually bit masks (e.g.
 java.lang.String getCanonicalName(java.lang.String nameDN)
          UTILITY method that extracts the canonical name of an object from its Distinguished Name.
 java.lang.String getCountryCode(java.lang.String country)
          Utility that returns the 2-letter code associated with the country specified.
 java.lang.String getCountryNum(java.lang.String country)
          Utility that returns the AD-specific Numeric code associated with the country specified.
 java.util.Hashtable getHashtableFromAttributes( poAttr)
          returns a hashtable containing all the attributes
 java.util.Hashtable getHashtableFromVector(java.util.Vector poVector)
          UTILITY method that returns a Hashtable object given a vector containing name-value pairs in string array format.
 java.util.Vector getHierarchyVector(java.lang.String nameDN, java.util.Vector basehier)
          UTILITY method that constructs the hierarchy vector for an object from the Relative Distinguished Name of that object.
 java.lang.String getParentHierarchyDN(java.lang.String nameDN, java.lang.String basehier)
          UTILITY method that constructs the hierarchy vector for the parent of an object from the Relative Distinguished Name of that object.
 java.util.Vector getParentHierarchyVector(java.lang.String nameDN, java.util.Vector basehier)
          UTILITY method that constructs the hierarchy vector for the parent of an object from the Relative Distinguished Name of that object.
 java.lang.String getPath(java.lang.String hierarchy)
          Forms the basis of building the hierarchical tree to the LDAP object.
 java.lang.String getPathFromVector(java.util.Vector hierarchy)
          This method will return a string representation of the LDAP hierarchy path which is encapsulated in the Vector.
 java.lang.String getRelativeDistinguishedName(java.lang.String nameDN, java.lang.String basehier)
          UTILITY method that extracts the canonical name of an object from its Distinguished Name.
 java.lang.String getRootDSEProperty(java.lang.String attrName)
          Searches LDAP for the RootDSE object and get the value of a particular property from it
 void listEnvironment(java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String filter)
          Returns a List of Environments
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 boolean modifyAttributesAdd(java.lang.String name, pattrs)
          Internal method that executes the JNDI modifyAttributes method, specifying the mode as "add".
"add" means that the attributes are set only if they don't already exist.
 boolean modifyAttributesDelete(java.lang.String name, pattrs)
          Internal method that executes the JNDI modifyAttributes method, specifying the mode as "delete".
"delete" means that the existing name/value pairs get deleted.
 boolean modifyAttributesReplace(java.lang.String name, pattrs)
          Internal method that executes the JNDI modifyAttributes method, specifying the mode as "replace".
"replace" means that the value(s) of the existing attributes get replaced with those specified.
 boolean moveObject(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination, java.lang.String name)
          Moves an LDAP object
 java.lang.String removePlus(java.lang.String parent, java.lang.String accept)
          This function replace all the occurences of "+" in the "parent" string with the "accept" string
static java.lang.String removeSpace1(java.lang.String parent, java.lang.String accept)
          Removes the spaces from the first string
 boolean rename(java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String oldname, java.lang.String newname)
          Internal method that executes the JNDI rename method.
 java.util.Vector search(java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String filter)
          Searches LDAP for the objects fulfilling the criteria specified by the search filter.
 java.util.Vector searchResult(java.lang.String orgRDN, java.lang.String filter)
          Searches LDAP for the objects fulfilling the criteria specified by the search filter.
 java.util.Vector searchResult(java.lang.String orgRDN, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String[] returnAttributes)
          Searches LDAP for the objects fulfilling the criteria specified by the search filter.
 boolean setBitMaskedAttribute(java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String attrName, int attrMask, boolean check)
          There are many attributes in LDAP that are stored as integers but are actually bit masks (e.g.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static int UAC_SCRIPT
The logon script is executed.


Organization is disabled


public static int UAC_HOMEDIR_REQD
The home directory is required.


public static int UAC_LOCKEDOUT
The account is currently locked out.


public static int UAC_PWD_NOTREQD
No password is required.


public static int UAC_PWD_CANTCHANGE
The user cannot change the password.


public static int UAC_PWD_ENCRYPTED
The user can send an encrypted password.


public static int UAC_PWD_NOEXPIRE
The password for this account will never expire.


public static int UAC_SMARTCARD
The user must log on using a smart card.

Constructor Detail


public tcUtilLDAPController(java.lang.String server,
                            java.lang.String rootcon,
                            java.lang.String princ,
                            java.lang.String p_password)
Contructor that sets the primary connection parameters
server - The domain or the IP address of the LDAP Server, e.g. w2kaddcd02,
rootcon - The domain root for the LDAP structure, e.g. DC=THORTECH,DC=com
princ - The Distinguished Name of the Admin User the program will log in as, e.g. CN=Admin,CN=Users,DC=THORDEV,DC=com
p_password - The password of the Admin User


public tcUtilLDAPController(java.lang.String server,
                            java.lang.String rootcon,
                            java.lang.String princ,
                            java.lang.String p_password,
                            boolean pSecure)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Contructor that sets the primary connection parameters, and also provides a method to set the security constraint
server - The domain or the IP address of the LDAP Server, e.g. w2kaddcd02,
rootcon - The domain root for the LDAP structure, e.g. DC=THORTECH,DC=com
princ - The Distinguished Name of the Admin User the program will log in as, e.g. CN=Admin,CN=Users,DC=THORDEV,DC=com
p_password - The password of the Admin User
pSecure - boolean telling whether to use secure connection (SSL) or not


public tcUtilLDAPController(java.lang.String server,
                            java.lang.String rootcon,
                            java.lang.String princ,
                            java.lang.String p_password,
                            java.lang.Boolean pSecure)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Creates a new tcUtilLDAPController object.
server - The domain or the IP address of the LDAP Server, e.g. w2kaddcd02,
rootcon - The domain root for the LDAP structure, e.g. DC=THORTECH,DC=com
princ - The Distinguished Name of the Admin User the program will log in as, e.g. CN=Admin,CN=Users,DC=THORDEV,DC=com
p_password - The password of the Admin User
pSecure - boolean telling whether to use secure connection (SSL) or not

Method Detail


public boolean moveObject(java.lang.String source,
                          java.lang.String destination,
                          java.lang.String name)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Moves an LDAP object
source - Parent heirarchy of the Objects current location, e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
destination - Parent heirarchy of the Objects destination location, e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
name - The name of the object, including the object type, e.g. "cn=Consultant" uses the rename method to specify that the member attributes distinguished name is to be changed. Since this includes the full path, it changes the location also
boolean True if renaming has been successful, else false
See Also:
tcUtilLDAPController.rename(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public boolean rename(java.lang.String hierarchy,
                      java.lang.String oldname,
                      java.lang.String newname)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Internal method that executes the JNDI rename method. It is used by moveObject
hierarchy - The hierarchy of the object to connect to (to get permissions), e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
oldname - The old name of the object, including the object type, e.g. "cn=Consultant"
newname - The new name of the object, including the object type, e.g. "cn=Consultant"
boolean True if renaming has been successful, else false
See Also:
tcUtilLDAPController.moveObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public java.util.Vector search(java.lang.String hierarchy,
                               java.lang.String filter)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Searches LDAP for the objects fulfilling the criteria specified by the search filter. It scans the whole tree below the specified OU.
hierarchy - The hierarchical structure to the OU to search below, e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
filter - Specifies the conditions to search for in the form of a search filter. A search filter is a search query expresed in the form of a logical expression in prefix notation (i.e., the logical operator appears before its arguments). Some examples are:
1) Search for an Object where sn = "Geisel" and mail has a value (any value)
(&(sn=Geisel) (mail=))
2) Search for Objects where either sn is "Geisel" and mail is any value, or sn begins with "L"
(| (& (sn=Geisel) (mail=)) (sn=L))
For further information, look at RFC 2254
Commonly Used Search Filters Are:
1)Search for group policies: (objectClass=groupPolicyContainer)
2)Search for the Group "groupname": (&(objectClass=group)(cn=groupname))
Returns a Vector of Strings containing the DN of the object (relative to parameter v). Returns null vector if not found


public java.util.Vector searchResult(java.lang.String orgRDN,
                                     java.lang.String filter)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Searches LDAP for the objects fulfilling the criteria specified by the search filter.
orgRDN - the name of the context to search
filter - filter criteria
Vector containg the searched results


public java.util.Vector searchResult(java.lang.String orgRDN,
                                     java.lang.String filter,
                                     java.lang.String[] returnAttributes)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Searches LDAP for the objects fulfilling the criteria specified by the search filter. Returns a set of attributes specified as an input parameter
orgRDN - the name of the context to search
filter - Filter Criterion
returnAttributes - List of attributes to be returned
Vector containing the searched results


public java.lang.String getRootDSEProperty(java.lang.String attrName)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Searches LDAP for the RootDSE object and get the value of a particular property from it
attrName - The attribute name to get
Returns a String containing the value of that attribute if found Returns "" if not found


public void listEnvironment(java.lang.String hierarchy,
                            java.lang.String filter)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a List of Environments
hierarchy - The hierarchy of the object to connect to (to get permissions), e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
filter - filter criteria


public java.util.Hashtable getAttributes(java.lang.String hierarchy,
                                         java.lang.String name)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a hash of the objects attributes and their values. The key is the attribute name, while the value is a vector containing the list of values for that object.
hierarchy - The hierarchy of the object to connect to (to get permissions), e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
name - The path of the object relative to the connected hierarchy, usually it is just the objects name
A Hastable of the form {attribute name, Vector of attribute values}


public java.util.Vector getAttributeValues(java.lang.String hierarchy,
                                           java.lang.String name,
                                           java.lang.String attrname)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Lists the value(s) of a particular object attribute. Returns it as a vector to accommodate properties that have a list of values.
hierarchy - The hierarchy of the object to connect to (to get permissions) e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
name - The path of the object relative to the connected hierarchy, usually it is just the objects name
attrname - The name of the attribute (property) whose value(s) needs to be retrieved.
A Vector of Strings, consisting of all the values this attribute was set to.


public java.lang.String getAttributeValueBasedOnSearch(java.lang.String hierarchy,
                                                       java.lang.String distinguishName,
                                                       java.lang.String ObjectClass,
                                                       java.lang.String attrname)
                                                throws java.lang.Exception
This method will search in the specified hierarchy using the specified distinguished name and objectclass. From the search result, it will return the value of the specified attribute. A possible call to this method can look like: String attrVal = getAttributeValueBasedOnSearch( "ou=people,dc=oracle,dc=com", "cn=adharmad, ou=idmgmt, ou=stit", "inetOrgPerson", "givenName") This call should search for an LDAP object having DN: "cn=adharmad,ou=idmgmt, ou=stit", in the hierarchy: "ou=people,dc=oracle,dc=com", having objectClass "inetOrgPerson" and return the "givenName" attribute if this object is found.
hierarchy - The hierarchy of the object to connect to (to get permissions), e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
distinguishName - Distinguishing name
ObjectClass - Object Class
attrname - attribute name
String value of the specified attribute


public java.lang.String removePlus(java.lang.String parent,
                                   java.lang.String accept)
This function replace all the occurences of "+" in the "parent" string with the "accept" string
parent - The string in whicjh "+" is to be replaced
accept - The String with which "+" is to be replaced
String Updated String


public void connect(java.lang.String hierarchy)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Connects to a directory object. Usually it is the parent of the object you want to modify. This method uses the class variables dirserver, rootcontext, principal and principal_password
hierarchy - Object path from object to root context (excluding root context). It must be a String of format "Class Type=Object CN,Class Type=Object CN" where:
- Class Type is the objects class type ("CN", "OU", ...)
- Object CN is the LDAP objects common name (" nkaushik", "finance group", ... ). Basically whatever is assigned to the mandatory property "cn" or "ou".
So to get to the LDAP object with the distinguished name:
and with the constructor parameter rootcon = "DC=thordev,DC=com",
the string would be


public void disconnect()
Closes connection to directory server


public java.lang.String getPath(java.lang.String hierarchy)
Forms the basis of building the hierarchical tree to the LDAP object. Used by connect to build the correct connection.
hierarchy - Contains the elements in the tree, deepest one first. The String must be of format "Class Type=Object CN,Class Type=Object CN" where:
- Class Type is the objects class type ("CN", "OU", ...)
- Object CN is the LDAP objects common name (" nkaushik", "finance group", ... ). Basically whatever is assigned to the mandatory property "cn" or "ou".
e.g. CN=Dumbo,OU=Leaders,OU=Elephants
String of the canonical path (including the root context), e.g. OU=Users,OU=abc,OU=Companies,DC=thordev,DC=com


public java.lang.String getPathFromVector(java.util.Vector hierarchy)
This method will return a string representation of the LDAP hierarchy path which is encapsulated in the Vector. The Vector contains objects of type String array (String[]). Each element of the vector will be a string array of size 2. The first element of the string array will be the node type, and the second element will be the node value. eg - Consider this call to the method: Vector v = new Vector(); v.add(new String[] {"ou", "servertech"}); v.add(new String[] {"dc", "oracle"}); v.add(new String[] {"dc", "com"}); String dirPath = getPathFromVector(v); This call will return the string "ou=servertech,dc=oracle,dc=com".
hierarchy - The hierarchy of the object to connect to (to get permissions), e.g OU=Devel,OU=Engineering
String string representation of the LDAP hierarchy path


public boolean createObject(java.lang.String name,
Method used internally to create any type of object. Please Note: the attributes must contain the following attributes: "objectclass" and "cn"
name - The name of the object to be created, e.g. the username
pattrs - The various attributes that need to be set, as an Attributes object
boolean True if the creation is successful, else false


public boolean modifyAttributesReplace(java.lang.String name,
Internal method that executes the JNDI modifyAttributes method, specifying the mode as "replace".
"replace" means that the value(s) of the existing attributes get replaced with those specified. If an attribute does not exist, then it gets created. Assumes that the connection is already made.
name - The RDN path of the object (relative to the connected hierarchy), usually it is just the objects name (e.g. CN= nkaushik)
pattrs - The list of attributes and their values that need to be set
boolean True if modification is successful, else false


public boolean modifyAttributesAdd(java.lang.String name,
Internal method that executes the JNDI modifyAttributes method, specifying the mode as "add".
"add" means that the attributes are set only if they don't already exist. Assumes that the connection is already made.
name - The RDN path of the object (relative to the connected hierarchy), usually it is just the objects name (e.g. CN= nkaushik)
pattrs - The list of attributes and their values that need to be set


public boolean modifyAttributesDelete(java.lang.String name,
Internal method that executes the JNDI modifyAttributes method, specifying the mode as "delete".
"delete" means that the existing name/value pairs get deleted. Assumes that the connection is already made.
name - The RDN path of the object (relative to the connected hierarchy), usually it is just the objects name (e.g. CN= nkaushik)
pattrs - The list of attributes and their values that need to be set. It must contain the name AND the value of the attribute to be deleted.


public boolean setBitMaskedAttribute(java.lang.String hierarchy,
                                     java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.String attrName,
                                     int attrMask,
                                     boolean check)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
There are many attributes in LDAP that are stored as integers but are actually bit masks (e.g. userOrganizationControl, systemFlags).
This Internal method allows you to set or unset a particular bit (or group of bits) using a bit mask.
hierarchy - The hierarchy to the LDAP object to connect to (to get permissions)
name - The path of the object relative to the connected hierarchy, usually it is just the objects name and class (e.g. CN= nkaushik)
attrName - The name of the attribute to be set
attrMask - The integer mask to use to locate the bit(s) to be modified. e.g. if we want to change the 5th bit, the mask would be binary 10000, and so attrMask = 16
check - boolean indicating if we want to set the bit(s) (check=True) or unset the bit(s) (check=False)
boolean indicating success
java.lang.Exception - boolean


public boolean getBitMaskedAttribute(java.lang.String hierarchy,
                                     java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.String attrName,
                                     int attrMask)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
There are many attributes in LDAP that are stored as integers but are actually bit masks (e.g. userOrganizationControl, systemFlags).
This Internal method allows you to see if a particular bit is set or unset
hierarchy - The hierarchy to the LDAP object to connect to (to get permissions)
name - The path of the object relative to the connected hierarchy, usually it is just the objects name and class (e.g. CN= nkaushik)
attrName - The name of the attribute to be checked
attrMask - The integer mask to use to locate the bit(s) to be checked. e.g. if we want to see the 5th bit, the mask would be binary 10000, and so attrMask = 16
True if the bit is set (corresponding to the property being checked), False if the bit is unset (corresponding to the property being unchecked)


public boolean deleteObject(java.lang.String name)
Internal method that executes the JNDI delete method. Assumes that the connection is already made.
name - The RDN path of the object (relative to the connected hierarchy), usually it is just the objects name, e.g CN= nkaushik
boolean true is able to delete successfully else false


public java.util.Hashtable getHashtableFromVector(java.util.Vector poVector)
UTILITY method that returns a Hashtable object given a vector containing name-value pairs in string array format. Useful for generating hashtables to use for setting properties
poVector - A vector of string arrays, in which the first element of the array is the key, the second is the value
The Hashtable representing the key-value pairs


public java.util.Hashtable getHashtableFromAttributes( poAttr)
                                               throws java.lang.Exception
returns a hashtable containing all the attributes
poAttr - Attributes
hashtable containing all the attributes


public getAttributesObject(java.util.Hashtable poProperties)
UTILITY method that returns an Attributes object given a hashtable containing attribute name-value pairs
poProperties - A hashtable in which the keys are the attribute names and the objects are the attribute values
The Attributes object representing the list of name-value pairs


public getAttributesObject(java.util.Vector poProperties)
UTILITY method that returns an Attributes object given a vector containing attribute name-value pairs
poProperties - A vector of string arrays, in which the first element of the array is the attribute name, the second is the attribute value
The Attributes object representing the list of name-value pairs


public getAttributeObject(java.lang.String psProperty,
                                                           java.lang.String psValue)
UTILITY method that returns an Attribute object given an attribute name and an attribute value
psProperty - The attribute name
psValue - The attribute value
The Attribute object representing this name-value pair


public java.lang.String getCanonicalName(java.lang.String nameDN)
UTILITY method that extracts the canonical name of an object from its Distinguished Name. Useful when working with objects retrieved from a search result, when all you have is the DN.
nameDN - The names of the various LDAP objects in the hierarchy, from parent to root, Important: deepest first
A String which is the objects canonical name, e.g. nkaushik


public java.lang.String getRelativeDistinguishedName(java.lang.String nameDN,
                                                     java.lang.String basehier)
UTILITY method that extracts the canonical name of an object from its Distinguished Name. Useful when working with objects retrieved from a search result, when all you have is the DN.
nameDN - The names of the various LDAP objects in the hierarchy, from parent to root, Important: deepest first
basehier - The basehier with respect to which the RDN should be given
A String which is the objects relative distinguished name, e.g. CN= nkaushik


public java.util.Vector getHierarchyVector(java.lang.String nameDN,
                                           java.util.Vector basehier)
UTILITY method that constructs the hierarchy vector for an object from the Relative Distinguished Name of that object. Useful when working with objects retrieved from a search result, when all you have is the Relative DN and the hierarchy the search was conducted below.
The returned hierarchy vector is a vector of 2-element string arrays.
Important: Remember, that since the relative DN was probably retrieved through a search which returns RDNs(like getUsers, getGroup, etc), to get the hierarchy relative to the root context, you must pass in as the second parameter the hierarchy below which the search was done.
nameDN - The names of the various LDAP objects in the hierarchy, from parent to root, Important: deepest first
basehier - The hierarchy that the nameDN is relative to, in case it needs to be appended. Can be NULL
A Vector of String arrays, where each element is ["object class", "object name"], e.g. ["ou", "abc company"]


public java.util.Vector getParentHierarchyVector(java.lang.String nameDN,
                                                 java.util.Vector basehier)
UTILITY method that constructs the hierarchy vector for the parent of an object from the Relative Distinguished Name of that object. Useful when working with objects retrieved from a search result, when all you have is the Relative DN and the hierarchy the search was conducted below.
The returned hierarchy vector is a vector of 2-element string arrays.
Important: Remember, that since the relative DN was probably retrieved through a search which returns RDNs(like getUsers, getGroup, etc), to get the hierarchy relative to the root context, you must pass in as the second parameter the hierarchy below which the search was done.
nameDN - The names of the various LDAP objects in the hierarchy, from parent to root, Important: deepest first
basehier - The hierarchy that the nameDN is relative to, in case it needs to be appended. Can be NULL
A Vector of String arrays, where each element is ["object class", "object name"], e.g. ["ou", "abc company"]


public java.lang.String getParentHierarchyDN(java.lang.String nameDN,
                                             java.lang.String basehier)
UTILITY method that constructs the hierarchy vector for the parent of an object from the Relative Distinguished Name of that object. Useful when working with objects retrieved from a search result, when all you have is the Relative DN and the hierarchy the search was conducted below.
The returned hierarchy vector is a string.
Important: Remember, that since the relative DN was probably retrieved through a search which returns RDNs(like getUsers, getGroup, etc), to get the hierarchy relative to the root context, you must pass in as the second parameter the hierarchy below which the search was done.
nameDN - The names of the various LDAP objects in the hierarchy, from parent to root, Important: deepest first
basehier - The hierarchy that the nameDN is relative to, in case it needs to be appended. Can be NULL
A String arrays, where each element is ["object class", "object name"], e.g. ["ou", "abc company"]


public java.lang.String getCountryCode(java.lang.String country)
Utility that returns the 2-letter code associated with the country specified. If the hashtable countryCodes does not exist, then it builds it.
country - The name of the country specified in AD terms (United States,...)
The two-letter code


public java.lang.String getCountryNum(java.lang.String country)
Utility that returns the AD-specific Numeric code associated with the country specified. If the hashtable countryNums does not exist then it builds it.
country - The name of the country specified in AD terms (United States,...)
The numeric code


public static java.lang.String removeSpace1(java.lang.String parent,
                                            java.lang.String accept)
Removes the spaces from the first string
parent -
accept -
string without any spaces


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)

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