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Interface AuditEventManager

public interface AuditEventManager

The AuditEventManager is the interface for the Lightweight Audit Framework. It gives various APIs to log successful and failure audit messages.

It provides getDetails() and search() APIs as well to find specific audit events

Method Summary
 AuditEventManagerResult create(AuditEvent auditEvent)
          Creates the audit event in the backend.
 AuditEventManagerBulkResult createBulkAuditEvents(java.util.List auditEvents)
          Bulk API to create the audit events in the backend.
 AuditEventManagerBulkResult deleteBulkAuditEvents(SearchCriteria filter, java.util.Map options)
 AuditEvent getDetails(java.lang.String eventId, java.util.Set retAttrs)
          Given an audit event ID, you can use this API to get the details of the audit event
 void log(AuditEvent event)
          This method logs the given event as is.
 void logFailure(java.lang.String entityId, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String action, java.util.Map addValues, java.util.Map removeValues, java.lang.String reason)
          This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates a failure audit event internally This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
 void logFailure(java.lang.String entityId, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String action, java.util.Map addValues, java.util.Map removeValues, java.lang.String toEntityId, java.lang.String toEntityName, java.lang.String toEntityType, java.lang.String reason)
          This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates a failure audit event internally This should be invoked for relationship entities (like RoleRole or RoleUser) This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
 void logFailure(java.lang.String entityId, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String reason)
          This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates a failure audit event internally This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
 void logSuccess(java.lang.String entityId, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String action)
          This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates an audit event internally This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
 void logSuccess(java.lang.String entityId, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String action, java.util.Map addValues, java.util.Map removeValues)
          This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates an audit event internally This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
 void logSuccess(java.lang.String entityId, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String action, java.util.Map addValues, java.util.Map removeValues, java.lang.String toEntityId, java.lang.String toEntityName, java.lang.String toEntityType)
          This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates an audit event internally This should be invoked for relationship entities (like RoleRole or RoleUser This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
 void logSuccess(java.lang.String entityId, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String toEntityId, java.lang.String toEntityName, java.lang.String toEntityType)
          This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates an audit event internally This should be invoked for relationship entities (like RoleRole or RoleUser This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
 java.util.List search(SearchCriteria sc, java.util.Set retAttrs, java.util.Map config)
          This API lets you query for audit events by most fields of audit event.


Method Detail


void log(AuditEvent event)
         throws AuditEventCreateException,
This method logs the given event as is. If there are any mandatory null fields, those are populated with default values as follows
eventActorId = -1000
eventActorName = ANONYMOUS eventMechanish = ADMIN This will internally invoke create(AuditEvent entity) API
event - The audit event to be logged
AuditEventCreateException - In case there's any exception while auditing the event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


void logSuccess(java.lang.String entityId,
                java.lang.String entityName,
                java.lang.String entityType,
                java.lang.String action)
                throws AuditEventCreateException,
This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates an audit event internally This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
entityId - The entityId (key) of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityName - The entity name of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityType - The entity type of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
action - The type of operation AuditConstants.AuditEventActions
AuditEventCreateException - In case there's any exception while auditing the event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


void logSuccess(java.lang.String entityId,
                java.lang.String entityName,
                java.lang.String entityType,
                java.lang.String action,
                java.util.Map addValues,
                java.util.Map removeValues)
                throws AuditEventCreateException,
This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates an audit event internally This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
entityId - The entityId (key) of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityName - The entity name of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityType - The entity type of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
action - The type of operation AuditConstants.AuditEventActions
addValues - the values being added in this operation on the entityId
removeValues - the values being replaced/removed (if any) during the operation
AuditEventCreateException - In case there's any exception while auditing the event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


void logSuccess(java.lang.String entityId,
                java.lang.String entityName,
                java.lang.String entityType,
                java.lang.String action,
                java.lang.String toEntityId,
                java.lang.String toEntityName,
                java.lang.String toEntityType)
                throws AuditEventCreateException,
This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates an audit event internally This should be invoked for relationship entities (like RoleRole or RoleUser This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
entityId - The entityId (key) of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityName - The entity name of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityType - The entity type of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
action - The type of operation AuditConstants.AuditEventActions
toEntityId - The other entityId in a relation - e.g. if entityId is for a role, then toEntityId can be a user id
toEntityName - The name of the other entity
toEntityType - The type of the other entity
AuditEventCreateException - In case there's any exception while auditing the event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


void logSuccess(java.lang.String entityId,
                java.lang.String entityName,
                java.lang.String entityType,
                java.lang.String action,
                java.util.Map addValues,
                java.util.Map removeValues,
                java.lang.String toEntityId,
                java.lang.String toEntityName,
                java.lang.String toEntityType)
                throws AuditEventCreateException,
This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates an audit event internally This should be invoked for relationship entities (like RoleRole or RoleUser This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
entityId - The entityId (key) of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityName - The entity name of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityType - The entity type of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
action - The type of operation AuditConstants.AuditEventActions
addValues - the values being added in this operation on the entityId
removeValues - the values being replaced/removed (if any) during the operation
toEntityId - The other entityId in a relation - e.g. if entityId is for a role, then toEntityId can be a user id
toEntityName - The name of the other entity
toEntityType - The type of the other entity
AuditEventCreateException - In case there's any exception while auditing the event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


void logFailure(java.lang.String entityId,
                java.lang.String entityName,
                java.lang.String entityType,
                java.lang.String action,
                java.lang.String reason)
                throws AuditEventCreateException,
This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates a failure audit event internally This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
entityId - The entityId (key) of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityName - The entity name of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityType - The entity type of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
action - The type of operation AuditConstants.AuditEventActions
reason - The reason for the failure - the error message
AuditEventCreateException - In case there's any exception while auditing the event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


void logFailure(java.lang.String entityId,
                java.lang.String entityName,
                java.lang.String entityType,
                java.lang.String action,
                java.util.Map addValues,
                java.util.Map removeValues,
                java.lang.String reason)
                throws AuditEventCreateException,
This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates a failure audit event internally This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
entityId - The entityId (key) of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityName - The entity name of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityType - The entity type of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
action - The type of operation AuditConstants.AuditEventActions
addValues - the values being added in this operation on the entityId
removeValues - the values being replaced/removed (if any) during the operation
reason - The reason for the failure - the error message
AuditEventCreateException - In case there's any exception while auditing the event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


void logFailure(java.lang.String entityId,
                java.lang.String entityName,
                java.lang.String entityType,
                java.lang.String action,
                java.util.Map addValues,
                java.util.Map removeValues,
                java.lang.String toEntityId,
                java.lang.String toEntityName,
                java.lang.String toEntityType,
                java.lang.String reason)
                throws AuditEventCreateException,
This API accepts the entity details as parameters and creates a failure audit event internally This should be invoked for relationship entities (like RoleRole or RoleUser) This will internally invoke log(AuditEvent event) API
entityId - The entityId (key) of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityName - The entity name of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
entityType - The entity type of the entity being audited (can NOT be null)
action - The type of operation AuditConstants.AuditEventActions
addValues - the values being added in this operation on the entityId
removeValues - the values being replaced/removed (if any) during the operation
toEntityId - The other entityId in a relation - e.g. if entityId is for a role, then toEntityId can be a user id
toEntityName - The name of the other entity
toEntityType - The type of the other entity
reason - The reason for the failure - the error message
AuditEventCreateException - In case there's any exception while auditing the event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


AuditEventManagerResult create(AuditEvent auditEvent)
                               throws ValidationFailedException,
Creates the audit event in the backend. If auditevent is populated correctly, this API may be directly called instead of logSuccess/logFailure
auditEvent - The audit event being created
the result with success/failure status
ValidationFailedException - In case there any validation failure
EntityAlreadyExistsException - Not applicable to AuditEvent
EntityLockedException - Not applicable to AuditEvent
EntityCreateException - In case there's any exception while creating the audit event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


AuditEventManagerBulkResult createBulkAuditEvents(java.util.List auditEvents)
                                                  throws ValidationFailedException,
Bulk API to create the audit events in the backend.
auditEvents - The list of audit event being created in bulk
the result with success/failure status
ValidationFailedException - In case there any validation failure
EntityAlreadyExistsException - Not applicable to AuditEvent
EntityLockedException - Not applicable to AuditEvent
EntityCreateException - In case there's any exception while creating the audit event
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to audit


AuditEvent getDetails(java.lang.String eventId,
                      java.util.Set retAttrs)
                      throws oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.NoSuchEntityException,
Given an audit event ID, you can use this API to get the details of the audit event
eventId - The audit event ID which would identify an audit event entry
retAttrs - The values to be retrieved for the audit event.
The audit event which matches the ID
oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.NoSuchEntityException - If this event id doesn't exist
EntitySearchException - If an error occurred while finding the audit event
ValidationFailedException - Not applicable to AuditEvent
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to find an audit event


java.util.List search(SearchCriteria sc,
                      java.util.Set retAttrs,
                      java.util.Map config)
                      throws EntitySearchException,
This API lets you query for audit events by most fields of audit event.
sc - The search criteria for finding audit events for specific entities
retAttrs - The values to be retrieved for the audit events
config - Parameters to further configure the search operation. There are four configuration parameters. STARTROW, ENDROW, SORTEDBY and SORTORDER.

The STARTROW and ENDROW search configuration parameters indicates which subset of the complete search result is to be fetched.

The SORTEDBY search configuration parameter indicates the attribute on which search result is to be sorted. This parameter is optional and is set to Role Name by default.

The SORTORDER search configuration parameter indicates the order of sorting. There are two possible values for this parameter. To sort the result in ascending order use SortOrder.ASCENDING and to sort the result in descending order use SortOrder.DESCENDING. This parameter is optional and is set to SortOrder.ASCENDING by default.

the list of auditevents matching the criteria. Empty list is returned if no matches are found
oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.NoSuchEntityException - Not applicable to AuditEvent
EntitySearchException - If an error occurred while searching by the criteria
ValidationFailedException - Not applicable to AuditEvent
AccessDeniedException - In case user doesn't have authorization to search for audit events


AuditEventManagerBulkResult deleteBulkAuditEvents(SearchCriteria filter,
                                                  java.util.Map options)
                                                  throws oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.NoSuchEntityException,
filter - The search criteria for finding Audit Events to delete.
options - The operation parameters, e.g. batch size.
AuditEventManagerBulkResult containing status plus a Map of returned values.
oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.NoSuchEntityException - Not applicable to AuditEvent
EntityDeleteException - If an error occurred while deleting the audit events.
oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.ProviderException - If the provider throws an exception.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - If the provider does not support the remove operation.

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