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Class CatalogSearchCriteria

  extended by oracle.iam.catalog.vo.CatalogSearchCriteria

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CatalogSearchCriteria
extends java.lang.Object

This object can be used to create search object for cataog search. TAGS has to be part of SearchCriteria. API will not give you serach result if TAGS is not a part of catalog search criteria.

It takes three parameter to create a CatalogSearchCriteria object. First parameter being an attribute value on which you intend to search on, It could be either TAGS or CATEGORY. Second argument is value using which you want to perform search. Third parameter is the operator

Way to create SearchCriteria object is

CatalogSearchCriteria criteria = new CatalogSearchCriteria(Argument.TAG, "Marketing FINANACE", Operator.EQUAL);

In the above example: CatalogSearchCriteria criteria = new CatalogSearchCriteria(Argument.TAG, "Marketing FINANACE", Operator.EQUAL); User wants to search all the catalog items with tag as Marketing and FINANACE.

To create more complex SearchCriteria object, say for example while refining search

 CatalogSearchCriteria criteria = new CatalogSearchCriteria(Argument.TAG, "Marketing FINANACE", Operator.EQUAL);
 CatalogSearchCriteria criteria1 = new CatalogSearchCriteria(Argument.CATEGORY, "Finance,ADServer", Operator.EQUAL);
 CatalogSearchCriteria criteria2 = new CatalogSearchCriteria(criteria, criteria1, Operator.AND);

In the above example user wants to search with tag as Marketing and FINANACE. Category he has selected as Finance,ADServer. For category the point to note is, if user wants to have more than one category then values should be Comma(,) separated.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class CatalogSearchCriteria.Argument
static class CatalogSearchCriteria.Operator
static class CatalogSearchCriteria.SortCriteria


Constructor Summary
CatalogSearchCriteria(java.lang.Object leftOperand, java.lang.Object rightOperand, CatalogSearchCriteria.Operator op)


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getFirstArgument()
 CatalogSearchCriteria.Operator getOperator()
 java.lang.Object getSecondArgument()
 java.lang.String toString()


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public CatalogSearchCriteria(java.lang.Object leftOperand,
                             java.lang.Object rightOperand,
                             CatalogSearchCriteria.Operator op)

Method Detail


public CatalogSearchCriteria.Operator getOperator()


public java.lang.Object getFirstArgument()


public java.lang.Object getSecondArgument()


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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