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Package oracle.iam.certification.exception

Class Summary
DataEncodingException Exception thrown if certain expected data could not be read due to unkwown encoding or some other reason.
ParameterParsingException Exception thrown when there is issue in parsing parameters.


Exception Summary
AccessDeniedException This exception is thrown by the Authorization layer to indicate that a requested access (to a certification resource) is denied.
AlreadyExistsException Thrown from a create operation when the entity to save already exists
CertificationEngineException Exception to be thrown when something goes wrong in the server.
CertificationIllegalStateException Exception used when a client invokes an API method that is invalid due to the current state of the underlying certification entities.
CertificationServiceException Base class for all checked exceptions produced in the Certification services: Encourage use of error codes, and hence localized messages Instantiate error message in server locale here, instead of in every subclass Subclasses of this class provide an end-user with sufficient information to correct an invalid request so it can be resubmitted.
CertificationWorkflowException Exception used when unrecoverable condition is occurs during SOA interaction.
InvalidArgumentException Exception used when a client invokes an API method with an invalid argument.
InvalidPasswordException This exception could be thrown when certification completion needs password of the reviewer and incorrect/invalid password is supplied.
NotYetCompletedException This exception is thrown by Certification service layer to indicate that it is unable to complete the certification because the corresponding tasks are not complete.
PrimaryReviewerDelegationException This exception is thrown by Certification service layer to indicate that it cannot delegate to primary reviewer.
RemediationException This exception is thrown during remediation process for a Certification.
SelfCertificationException This exception is thrown by Certification service layer to indicate either self certification is not allowed or there is some problem.


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