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Package oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.recon

Class Summary
AbstractReconTask Base class for recon tasks.
EntitlementReconTask This task performs Lookup recon with a twist: If "Is Entitlement" parameter is set to true, it also sets additional entitlement attributes in the ENT_LIST table, and makes sure it gets synchronized with Catalog.
LookupReconTask Lookup reconciliation scheduled task implementation.
SearchReconDeleteTask Common implementation of Target Delete Reconciliation, it uses SearchApiOp and OIM deletion detection under the hood

The following task parameters are supported: IT Resource Name - IT Resource used for reconciliation Object Type - Type of object which is reconciled, this parameter is used for creation of ObjectClass, which is provided to ICF's SearchOpApi.

SearchReconTask Common Target Reconciliation which uses SearchApiOp operation in its implementation

The following task parameters are supported: IT Resource Name - IT Resource used for reconciliation Object Type - Type of object which is reconciled, this parameter is used for creation of ObjectClass, which is provided to ICF's SearchOpApi.

SyncReconTask Common Target Reconciliation based on SyncApiOp - handles also the deleted objects, doesn't support filter and is incremental by nature


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