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Interface PolicyViolationCauseManager

public interface PolicyViolationCauseManager

Public API for PolicyViolationCause entity operations.

Method Summary
 PolicyViolationCause getDetails(java.lang.String policyViolationCauseId, java.util.Set retAttrs)
          Loads the policy violation cause with for the given policy violation cause Id
 java.util.List search(SearchCriteria searchCriteria, java.util.Set retAttrs, java.util.Map configParams)
          Return the list of policy violation causes matching the search criteria.
 void submitRemediatorActions(java.util.List policyViolationCauseIds, PolicyViolationCause.Action action, java.lang.String comment, java.util.Date riskAcceptedExpirationDate)
          Submit a remediator action for specified policy violation causes.


Method Detail


PolicyViolationCause getDetails(java.lang.String policyViolationCauseId,
                                java.util.Set retAttrs)
                                throws IDAEngineException
Loads the policy violation cause with for the given policy violation cause Id
policyViolationCauseId - Id of the policy violation cause to be retrieved.
retAttrs - Set of attributes which need to populated, use null to get all attributes.
PolicyViolationCause entity with requested attributes
IDAEngineException - - A runtime exception containing information on how to find detailed information in a server log.


java.util.List search(SearchCriteria searchCriteria,
                      java.util.Set retAttrs,
                      java.util.Map configParams)
                      throws IDAEngineException
Return the list of policy violation causes matching the search criteria. Each returned entity will be populated with specified attributes. Range of items can be specified using configParams. Ordering of items can be specified using configParams.
searchCriteria - search criteria indicating which objects to retrieve. Use null to get all objects.
retAttrs - attributes to be filled in for each object returned. Use null to get all attributes.
configParams - parameters to configure ordering and range of results. Use null to get all results without sorting. There are four configuration parameters: STARTROW, ENDROW, SORTEDBY and SORTORDER. Defined as String constants in package oracle.iam.identity.utils.Constants: SEARCH_STARTROW, SEARCH_ENDROW, SEARCH_SORTEDBY and SEARCH_SORTORDER

The STARTROW and ENDROW parameters indicate the subset of the complete search result to be fetched. Default values are -1 (complete results are returned). If ENDROW < STARTROW then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown

The SORTEDBY parameter indicates the attribute used for sorting. This parameter is optional and set to null by default.

The SORTORDER parameter indicates order of sorting: ASCENDING or DESCENDING. Defined as an enum in package oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.spi.entity.Searchable.SortOrder. This parameter is optional and is ASCENDING by default.

List of PolicyViolationCause objects containing specified attributes.
IDAEngineException - A runtime exception containing information on how to find detailed information in a server log.


void submitRemediatorActions(java.util.List policyViolationCauseIds,
                             PolicyViolationCause.Action action,
                             java.lang.String comment,
                             java.util.Date riskAcceptedExpirationDate)
                             throws InvalidRiskAcceptedExpirationDateException
Submit a remediator action for specified policy violation causes.
policyViolationCauseIds - Policy violation cause ids on which remediator action is to be taken. Note that the referenced PolicyViolationCause entities must belong to a single PolicyViolation entity (that is, all PolicyViolationCause.getPolicyViolationId values must be the same)
action - action chosen by remediator, such as ACCEPT_RISK, FIXED_MANUALLY, REQUEST_REMEDIATION etc.
comment - optional comment to be associated with the action.
riskAcceptedExpirationDate - expiration date after which the violation will be reopened if it is still present. Required when action is ACCEPT_RISK; otherwise, it is ignored. The date supplied is assumed to be in the server timezone. Valid dates are in the range

now .. now + IDAConfiguration.getRiskAcceptedExpirationLimitInDays()

InvalidRiskAcceptedExpirationDateException - when the supplied riskAcceptedExpirationDate falls outside the range today through the configured limit.

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