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Package oracle.iam.identity.exception

Exception Summary
AccessDeniedException An exception to signal the error condition that the user is not authorized to perform an operation.
IdentityException This class IdentityException and its subclasses indicate exceptions while performing operations on Identities.
InvalidAttributeValueException Thrown if an invalid attribute is provided as input in a user manager operation
InvalidSearchOperatorException Thrown if an invalid search operator is provided as input in a user search operation
NoSuchEntityException Thrown if the user manager operation is being performed on an entity that does not exist.
NoSuchGroupException Thrown if the role(group) being assigned to the user does not exist or the details of the role cannot be fetched.
NoSuchOrganizationException Thrown if the operation is being performed on an organization that does not exist.
NoSuchResourceException Thrown if the operation is being performed on a resource that does not exist.
NoSuchRoleCategoryException Thrown if the operation is being performed on an role category that does not exist.
NoSuchRoleException Thrown if the operation is being performed on an role that does not exist.
NoSuchRoleGrantException Thrown if the role granted does not exist.
NoSuchRoleRelationshipException Thrown if the Role Relationship requested for is not present .
NoSuchUserException Thrown if the user manager operation is being performed on an user that does not exist.
NotificationException Thrown if the notification operations fails .
OrganizationAlreadyDeletedException The OrganizationAlreadyDeletedException class is used when an attempt is made to delete an Organization whose status in the back-end DB is set to Deleted.
OrganizationBulkValidationFailedException Thrown when there is a validation exception while performing bulk operation on an Organization
OrganizationCreateException The OrganizationCreateException class is used to construct failure messages during the creation of an Organization.
OrganizationDeleteException The OrganizationDeleteException class is used to construct failure messages during the delete operation of an Organization.
OrganizationDeleteSubOrgsExistException The OrganizationDeleteSubOrgsExistException class is used to construct failure messages during the delete operation of a parent Organization which has sub-Organizations.
OrganizationDeleteSubOrgsUsersExistException The OrganizationDeleteSubOrgsUsersExistException class is used to construct failure messages during the delete operation of a Sub-Organization which has one or more existing User entities.
OrganizationDeleteUsersExistException Thrown when delete operation is being performed on an orgnazation which has active members
OrganizationDisableException The OrganizationDisableException class is used to construct failure messages during the disable operation of an Organization
OrganizationDisableSubOrgsExistException The OrganizationDisableSubOrgsExistException class is used to construct failure messages during the disable operation of a parent Organization which has sub-Organizations.
OrganizationDisableSubOrgsUsersExistException The OrganizationDisableSubOrgsUsersExistException class is used to construct failure messages during the disable operation of Sub-Organization which has one or more existing User entities.
OrganizationDisableUsersExistException The OrganizationDisableUsersExistException class is used to construct failure messages during the disable operation of an Organization which has one or more existing User entities.
OrganizationEnableException The OrganizationEnableException class is used to construct failure messages during the enable operation of an Organization
OrganizationEntityOperationException The OrganizationEntityOperationException class is used to construct generic failure messages while performing certain operation on an Organization.
OrganizationManagerException The OrganizationManagerException class is used to construct failure messages if there is an exception during an operation being performed on an Organization
OrganizationModificationException The OrganizationModificationException class is used to construct failure messages during the modify operation of an Organization.
OrganizationNotAlreadyDisabledException The OrganizationNotAlreadyDisabledException class is used to construct failure messages during the disable operation of an Organization.
OrganizationNotAlreadyEnabledException The OrganizationNotAlreadyEnabledException class is used to construct failure messages during the enable operation of an Organization.
OrganizationOrphanedPublishedEntitiesException Thrown when while deleting the Organization presence of published entities is detected that would be orphaned if this org is deleted.
OrganizationStatusChangeException The OrganizationStatusChangeException class is used to construct failure messages during the change status operation of an Organization.
OrganizationValidationFailedException Thrown when there is a validation exception while performing an operation on an organization
PasswordPolicyFailedException Thrown if the password provided as input in a user manager operation does not satisfy the applicable password policy.
PasswordVerificationException Thrown if the verification of the old password fails during a change password operation on a user.
RecursiveProxyException Thrown if there a recursive proxy being assgined to a user.
ResourceStatusChangeException Thrown when there is an exception while chaning the status of the provisioned resource
RoleAlreadyExistsException The RoleAlreadyExistsException class is used to construct failure messages during the create operation of Role.
RoleCategoryAlreadyExistsException The RoleCategoryAlreadyExistsException class is used to construct failure messages during the create operation of Role Category.
RoleCategoryBrowseException The RoleCategoryBrowseException class is used to construct failure messages during the browse operation of Role Category.
RoleCategoryCreateException The RoleCategoryCreateException class is used to construct failure messages during the create operation of Role Category.
RoleCategoryDeleteException The RoleCategoryDeleteException class is used to construct failure messages during the delete operation of Role Category.
RoleCategoryLookupException The RoleCategoryLookupException class is used to construct failure messages during modify, delete, get RoleCategory details operation of Role Category.
RoleCategoryModifyException The RoleCategoryModifyException class is used to construct failure messages during the modify operation of Role Category.
RoleCategorySearchException The RoleCategorySearchException class is used to construct failure messages during the search operation of Role Category.
RoleCreateException The RoleCreateException class is used to construct failure messages during the create operation of Role.
RoleDeleteException The RoleDeleteException class is used to construct failure messages during the delete operation of Role.
RoleGrantException The RoleGrantException class is used to construct failure messages during the grant operation of Role to one or more User entities.
RoleGrantLookupException The RoleGrantLookupException class is used to construct failure messages during the lookup operation of Role grant attributes.
RoleGrantRevokeException The RoleGrantRevokeException class is used to construct failure messages during the revoke operation of granted Role(s) to one or more User entities.
RoleGrantUpdateException The RoleGrantUpdateException class is used to construct failure messages during the update operation of Role grant.
RoleLookupException The RoleLookupException class is used to construct failure messages during modify, delete, get Role details operations of a Role.
RoleManagerException Thrown when there is an exception while performing an operation on the Role entity
RoleMemberException The RoleMemberException class is used to construct failure messages during the retrieval operation of Role members.
RoleModifyException The RoleModifyException class is used to construct failure messages during the modify operation of Role.
RoleRelationshipException The RoleRelationshipException class is used to construct failure messages during direct relationship assignment operation between Roles.
RoleRelationshipLookupException The RoleRelationshipLookupException class is used to construct failure messages during the lookup operation of Role relationships.
RoleRelationshipRemoveException The RoleRelationshipRemoveException class is used to construct failure messages during the remove operation of direct Role relationships.
RoleRelationshipUpdateException The RoleRelationshipUpdateException class is used to construct failure messages during the relationship update operation between two Roles.
RoleSearchException The RoleSearchException class is used to construct failure messages during the search operation of Role.
RuleEngineException Thrown when there is an exception in the rule engine.
SearchAttributeAccessDeniedException Thrown if the search criteria specified in a user manager operation contains attributes non-authorized for search
SearchKeyNotUniqueException Thrown if the search is performed with a criteria that doesnt yields a unique result.
UnknownAttributeException Thrown if an attribute provided as an attribute in a user manager operation is an unknown attribute
UnsearchableAttributeException Thrown when an attribute being searched for in a user manager operation is not searchable
UserAlreadyExistsException Thrown if the user Id specified for a user in a create user operation already exists
UserAttributeReservationException Thrown if there is an error while reserving a user attribute
UserBrowseException Thrown if there is an exception while browsing for user with a specified criteria.
UserCreateException Thrown if there is any exception while performing a create user operation
UserDeleteException Thrown if there is any exception while performing a delete user operation
UserDisableException Thrown if there is any exception while performing a disable user operation
UserEnableException Thrown if there is any exception while performing an enable user operation
UserLockException Thrown if there is any exception while performing a lock user operation
UserLookupException Thrown if there is any exception while performing a lookup user operation
UserManagerAccessDeniedException Thrown when logged in user doesnt' have the permisssion to perform the operation
UserManagerException This is a generic exception thrown if there is any exception while performing a user manager operation
UserMembershipException Thrown if there is any exception while finding role/group memberships for a user
UserModifyException Thrown if there is any exception while performing a modify user operation
UserNameGenerationException Thrown if there is any exception during user name generation
UserSearchException Thrown if there is any exception while performing a search user operation
UserUnlockException Thrown if there is any exception while performing an unlock user operation
ValidationFailedException Thrown if there is any exception while performing validation on input data in a user manager operation


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