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Package oracle.iam.notification.exception

Exception Summary
EventException This exception occurs if any exception occurs while working with notification events.
InvalidSearchOptionException This exception occurs if invalid search option is passed for searching a notification template
LastModifyDateNotSetException This exception occurs if timestamp is not set.
MultipleTemplateException This exception occurs if more than one notification templates exists with specified details.
NotificationException This is a generic exception.
NotificationManagementException This exception occurs if any authorization/access related exception occurs or any generic exception occurs.
NotificationProviderException This exception occurs if any generic exception occurs while working with notification providers
NotificationResolverNotFoundException This exception occurs if notification resolver class against a specified notification event is not found in OIM repository
ProviderNotEnabledException This exception occurs if specified notification provider is not enabled to send notifications
ProviderNotFoundException This exception occurs if specified notification provider is not found in OIM repository
TemplateAlreadyExistsException This exception occurs if notification template with given details already exists in OIM repository.
TemplateNotFoundException This exception occurs if notification template is not found in OIM repository.
UnresolvedNotificationDataException This exception occurs if notification resolver is not able to resolve data in notification template
UserDetailsNotFoundException This exception occurs if user details are not found for notification receiver or sender


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