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Package oracle.iam.platform.authopss.vo

Authorization Service model classes


Interface Summary
Obligation Represents an obligation entry that can be passed to the OIM Authorization layer.


Class Summary
AdminRole This class represents a admin role object and its attributes.
AdminRoleMembership This class represents a role membership object and its attributes.
AdminRoleMembershipWithoutHierarchy A class that represents the Admin role membership without hierarchy.
AdminRolePublicationWithoutHierarchy Marker class to handle the one to one mapping that toplink expects for pojo and DB tables for admin-roles.
AdminRoleVO This class represents a admin role object required for the UI train.
AppInstancePublicationWithoutHierarchy Marker class to handle the one to one mapping that toplink expects for pojo and DB tables for APP-INSTANCE.
Capability This class represents a admin role object and its properties.
Capability.Type Enum for capability types
EntitlementPublicationWithoutHierarchy Marker class to handle the one to one mapping that toplink expects for pojo and DB tables for entitlements.
EntityPublication This class represents a scope in which an entity is published.
EntityPublication.Attribute Enum that represents the sort fields (passed with control param).
RolePublicationWithoutHierarchy Marker class to handle the one to one mapping that toplink expects for pojo and DB tables for Roles.


Package oracle.iam.platform.authopss.vo Description

Authorization Service model classes

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