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Package oracle.iam.scheduler.exception

Exception Summary
CreateScheduleTaskDefinitionException This exception is thrown if MetaData repository throw any exception while creating a Schedule task in MDS.
DeleteScheduleTaskDefinitionException This exception is thrown if MetaData repository throw any exception while deleting a Schedule task from MDS.
IncorrectScheduleTaskDefinationException This exception occurs if Schedule task definition is incorrect.
InvalidParameterForExpressionException This exception will be thrown if parameters passed for cron expression is wrong.
JobParameterNotFoundException This exception will be thrown if Task Parameter is not found in the system
LastModifyDateNotSetException This exception occurs if last modify date is not set for a job.
NoJobHistoryFoundException This exception will be thrown if corresponding job history object doesn't exists in OIM repository.
ParameterValueTypeNotSupportedException This exception will be thrown if value set for required parameters of a schedule task is not supported in application.
RequiredParameterNotSetException This exception will be thrown if value is not set for required parameters of a schedule task.
SchedulerAccessDeniedException This exception occurs if any access related issues occurs.
SchedulerConverterException This exception occurs if any error occurs while converting 9x schedule task XML to 11g format.
SchedulerException This is a generic exception.
SchedulerJobNotDeletableException This exception occurs if schedule job is not in deletable state.
UpdateScheduleTaskDefinitionException This exception is thrown if MetaData repository throw any exception while updating a Schedule task in MDS.


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