Screen capture shows the Add Application dialog described in Figure 3 and Figure 6, except with settings for an app store native app that has been added to the Catalog. The dialog has two sections: App Details and Distributions. There are two buttons at the bottom: Add and Cancel.

The App Details section contains eight fields: App Type, Containerized, Secure Workspace App, Name, Description, Platform, Vendor, and Icon. Name and Platform are required fields. App Type can be set to either App (which is selected) or Virtual App. Containerized can be set to Yes or No (selected). Secure Workspace App is a check box (left empty in this image). Name is a text field (in the image it says "Oracle Expenses"). Description is a text field (in the image it says "Oracle Fusion Expenses"). Platform is a drop-down menu (set to iOS in this image). Vendor is a text field (in the image it says "Oracle".) Icon has a Choose File button. Following the button is text that says "No file chosen."

The Distributions section in this image contains one tab for iOS. The iOS tab contains five fields: Distribution Location, Binary, App ID, App URL, Package Name, Version, and Min OS Version. All fields are required fields. Distribution Location can be set to either iTunes App Store (selected) or Binary, followed by a grayed out button that says Choose File. Following the button is text that says "No file chosen." App ID is a text field (in the image it says 516172076). App URL is a text field (in the image it is partially cut off and says Package Name is a text field that says Version is a text field that says 3.1.0. Min OS Version is a text field that says 4.3.