2 Mobile App Catalog Page Help

System Administrators use the Mobile App Catalog to manage the lifecycle of enterprise apps for users, including installation and update. Apps can include native iOS and Android apps that are containerized or non-containerized, and "virtual apps"—either a Web app that displays in a web browser, or a Shared Folder app that connects to a network file share. Apps in the Catalog are assigned to policies so that they can be made available to users based on their role assignments.

The following topics are covered:

2.1 Mobile App Catalog Page

Use the Mobile App Catalog page to:

  • Search the catalog for apps.

  • View and edit app details.

  • Add and remove apps in the catalog.

  • Assign a graphic icon to an app for use in the Mobile Security Manager console.

The Mobile App Catalog page is arranged in the following sections:

Command Bar and Search

Search for apps by name, then use the Sort menu to reorder the search results. The buttons on the command bar are described in the following table.

Element Description


Type a search term and press the search button. Both the app Name and the description fields are searched.You cannot use wildcards but partial matches will return results, for example: cal will return results for "Calculator."


Click to add an app to the catalog. The Add Application dialog box opens. Only Systems Administrators can add apps to the catalog.


Click to refresh the search results table.


Choose from the following:
  • Last Updated - Sort search results such that the most recently updated apps are returned first.

  • Display Name - Sort search results alphabetically by app name.

Table of Apps (Search Results Section)

Apps that meet the search criteria display in the area below the command bar. Click the app record to toggle the App Details panel open and closed.

Element Description

App Icon

The graphic icon that helps users identify the app.


The name of the app.


A brief note regarding the app created by a Mobile Security Manager administrator.


One of the following:
  • App - A native iOS or Android app. The app can be containerized or uncontainerized.

  • Virtual App - Either a Web app that runs on a remote server and displays in a Web browser, or a Shared Folder app that users can mount on the Workspace.


Indicates if a native iOS or Android app has been secured using the Oracle Mobile Security Suite Application Containerization Tool.

Virtual App Type

One of the following:
  • Web App - An app that runs on a remote server and displays in a Web browser.

  • Shared Folder App - A desktop folder that users can mount on the Workspace.


Either iOS or Android, or both iOS and Android.

Installed On

Indicates how many devices the app is installed on.


Click to delete the app from the catalog. Only Systems Administrators can delete the app from the catalog.

"Managing Apps" in Administering Oracle Mobile Security Suite

2.2 Add Application Dialog

Complete the form to add an app to the Mobile App Catalog. If the app supports multiple platforms (iOS and Android), add the app once and configure the platform specific details in the Distributions section.

The Create App dialog is arranged in the following sections:

App Details

Complete this section of the form to configure general information about the app. Depending on your selections, only some of the following elements will be available.

Element Description

App Type

Choose App if the app is a native iOS or Android app. Choose Virtual App if the app is a Web app that runs on a remote server and displays in a Web browser or it is a network file share.


Choose Yes if a native iOS or Android app has been secured using the Oracle Mobile Security Suite Application Containerization Tool.

Secure Workspace App

Only select if the app is the Secure Workspace app. Typically, there should be only one such app. The Secure Workspace app is installed on users' devices as part of Workspace registration and provides the Secure Workspace functionality. For all other apps, do not select this option.


Type the name of the application.


A short description to help you or another administrator identify this app in the future.


Choose from the following:
  • iOS - The app runs on mobile devices that run the iOS mobile operating system from Apple.

  • Android - The app runs on mobile devices that run the Android operating system from Google.

  • All - The app runs on both iOS and Android.


Type the name of the company or developer that created the app.


Upload an app icon that will display alongside the app name in the Mobile Security Manager console. Click Choose File and navigate to the icon file.

The icon file should be in the PNG format. The recommended icon size in pixels is 114 x 114.

Implementation Type

Choose Web App if the app runs in a Web browser, or choose Shared Folder App to configure a desktop folder that users can mount on the Workspace.

Target URL

If configuring a Web app, type the complete URL starting with the protocol (for example, http:// or https://).

Target Folder

If configuring a Shared Folder app, type the path to the folder that users will mount on the Workspace. For example: smb://sharedfolder

You can also enter the *Homedirectory* LDAP attribute without the smb or http protocol identifier and the system will internally convert it to the correct URL.


Choose from the Platform menu to populate the Distributions section. If the app supports both iOS and Android, use the tabs to configure each separately.

Element Description

Distribution Location

To upload a Containerized app or the Secure Workspace app, click Choose File to upload the app binary.

For all other apps, choose from the following to specify the distribution location:

  • Specify the public app store for the platform (iTunes App Store or Google Play Store)

  • Click Choose File to upload the binary directly

If Binary is selected for the distribution location, the Package Name, Version, and Min OS Version fields are automatically populated after you extract the uploaded binary file.

AppID For an iOS app, add the App ID.


Enter the URL where users can download the app if you are not directly uploading the binary and if you are not distributing the app using the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store.

Package Name

The app's complete package name, for example: com.oraclecorp.internal.WhitePages


The version name or number assigned to the app by the app creator.

Containerization Version

If the app is containerized, the version of the containerization tool that was used to process the app.

Min OS Version

The minimum version of the mobile operating system software needed to run the app.

"About the Mobile App Catalog and Adding Apps to the Device" in Administering Oracle Mobile Security Suite