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Oracle® Communications Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.2

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15 Configuring Hosted Domain Support

This chapter describes how to configure hosted domains for Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server.

Instant Messaging Server Hosted Domains Overview

Instant Messaging Server provides support for hosted domains. In a hosted domain installation, each domain shares the same instance of Instant Messaging Server that enables multiple domains to exist on a single server. Each hosted domain has a name space that can contain unique users, groups, resources, preferences, and attributes.

Setting Up Schema 1 and Schema 2 for Instant Messaging Server Hosted Domains

Instant Messaging Server supports two schema versions: Schema 1 and Schema 2. This section describes the steps to set up the schema for hosted domains.

Schema 1 Structure

The directory structure of Schema 1 includes two trees for domain management: the organization tree and the domain component (DC) tree. For example, for domain, the tree structure is as follows:

A, dc tree: o=internet // dc tree root suffix
dc=xyz // domain node

The domain should contain the following attributes:

  • objectclass=inetDomain


  • dc=xyz,dc=abc, dc=com

inetDomainBaseDn is a mandatory attribute for the inetDomain object class. You should also specify the status of the inetDomainStatus attribute as active., dc=xyz,dc=abc,dc=com is the domain name of organization in the organization tree that contains the users for the domain

To Configure Instant Messaging Server for Schema 1

  • Run the imconfutil command to set the necessary parameters.

    imconfutil set-prop -c path iim_ldap.useidentityadmin=false iim_server.usesso=0 iim.policy.modules=iim_ldap_schema1 iim_ldap.schema1.domain_config_root=value


    path is the full directory path to and including iim.conf.xml, for example, /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml.

    xml.iim_ldap.schema1.domain_config_root is the DC tree root suffix, for example, o=internet.

Schema 2 Structure

Schema 2 has only the DC as the config root. Schema 2 has the following tree structure:

B, Organization tree: dc=xyz,dc=abc,dc=com // Base dn for users/groups
ou=people // Users are under this node

To Configure Instant Messaging Server for Schema 2

  • Run the imconfutil command to set the necessary parameters.

    imconfutil set-prop -c path iim_ldap.useidentityadmin=false iim_server.usesso=0 iim.policy.modules=iim_ldap_schema2 iim_ldap.schema2.domain_config_root=value


    path is the full directory path to and including iim.conf.xml, for example, /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml.

    iim_ldap.schema2.domain_config_root is the DC tree root suffix, for example, dc=red,dc=example,dc=com.

    If the default value of the iim.policy.modules parameter is iim_ldap, the users under the non-default domain cannot be searched. Users cannot log in to Instant Messaging Server. Instant Messaging Server, in this case, does not go through the DC tree to find the value of the inetDomainBaseDn attribute. The server uses the value of the iim_ldap.searchbase attribute to search users who exist in the default domain. You can specify the default domain by using the iim_server.domainname attribute.

    iim_ldap.schema2.domain_filter specifies the object class of the domain node. The default value is inetDomain.


    Instant Messaging Server does not provide a tool to create these topologies.

Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches

Cross domain search functionality enables users in one domain to search for users and groups in other domains. The search is enabled for contacts and conferences.

To Enable Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches

  1. Run the imconfutil command to set the necessary parameters.

    imconfutil set-prop -c path iim_server.discofilter.principal.any=true iim_server.discofilter.conference.any=true


    path is the full directory path to and including iim.conf.xml, for example, /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml.

  2. Add the following parameter, which loads the specified domains into the server memory upon server startup.

    imconfutil set-prop -c path iim_server.default_domains=value


    iim_server.default_domains is the domain, or comma-separated list of domains, on the server.