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Oracle® Communications Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 9.0.2

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6 Upgrading Instant Messaging Server

This chapter explains how to upgrade your existing system to the latest release of Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server.


You can upgrade to Instant Messaging Server only by using the Communication Suite installer.

About Upgrading Instant Messaging Server

The process for upgrading the Instant Messaging server and multiplexor is the same and should take only a few minutes. The upgrade procedure automatically copies the pre-upgrade release product configuration and other data to the post-upgrade version. If Instant Messaging Server is configured to provide email notifications, or calendar alerts, the configuration data of these features is migrated to the post-upgrade version.

Upgrading from to

You can upgrade from release to

If you are not yet running a version of Instant Messaging Server 9, see "Upgrading Instant Messaging Server (Prior to Version 9 to".


Java is no longer bundled with the Oracle Communications Unified Communications Suite installer and requires manual installation. It is important that you install the correct version of Java for Instant Messaging For information, see "Installing Java".

Upgrading Instant Messaging Server ( to

To upgrade to

  1. Stop Instant Messaging Server.

    imadmin stop
  2. Use the Communications Suite installer to upgrade Instant Messaging.

    commpkg upgrade

    For more information, see the commpkg upgrade documentation at:

  3. Select the Instant Messaging Server component from the Product Selection list.

  4. Respond to the Communications Suite installer prompts to upgrade.

  5. Restart Instant Messaging Server.

    imadmin start
  6. (Optional) If you have deployed any Web applications, redeploy them.

    iwadmin redeploy app_name

    where app_name can be im, httpbind, or all.

    This step completes the upgrade process and redeploys the specified component(s).

  7. If you had previously configured your deployment to use Service Management Facility (SMF), run the following command to enable SMF, as the upgrade does not preserve SMF status.

    imadmin smf-register
  8. When upgrading to Instant Messaging Server, check if you are using any of the following items and do not wish to reconfigure:

    • Components: Calendar Agent, HTTPBind, and so on

    • S2S Federation

    • Server Pool

    • Server health monitoring using Watchdog

If you use any of these items, and if you continue to use the existing configuration file and do not wish to reconfigure, then you must set the iim_server.useport property to true by using the imconfutil command. For example:

imconfutil -c xml_config_file set-prop iim_server.useport=true

Upgrading Instant Messaging Server (Prior to Version 9 to

Upgrading to Instant Messaging Server from an Instant Messaging Server release prior to version 9 is a two step process. You must first upgrade to Instant Messaging Server 9. Then, you upgrade to Instant Messaging Server

To upgrade from a version prior to Instant Messaging Server 9:

  1. To upgrade to Instant Messaging Server 9, see the upgrade documentation at:

  2. Run the following commands for the Instant Messaging Server 8 parameters that did not get migrated:

    imconfutil set-listener-prop -u -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml c2s port=45222 worker-out=muxout
    worker-in=muxin protocols=c2s
    imconfutil set-prop -u -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_server.deliverofflinechat=true
    iim_mux.jvm.maxmemorysize=2048 iim_ldap.conferencecontainer="ou=sunConferences" iim.policy.cachevalidity=3600
  3. To upgrade from Instant Messaging Server 9 to Instant Messaging Server, see "Upgrading Instant Messaging Server ( to".

Post-Upgrade Tasks

See known problems in Instant Messaging Server Release Notes for post-upgrade tasks that might be necessary.

Upgrading from to in a Highly Available Environment

Upgrading Instant Messaging Server in an HA environment consists of upgrading the Instant Messaging Server software followed by upgrading the Instant Messaging Server Sun Cluster Agent.

To Upgrade to Instant Messaging Server in an HA Environment

  1. Disable the Instant Messaging Server resource.

    scswitch -n -j im-server-resource
  2. Make sure that the non-active node does not have access to the configuration directory.

  3. Run the commpkg upgrade command on all cluster nodes.

  4. Copy the Instant Messaging 9 configuration file iim.conf.xml to the iim.conf file with the same permissions.

    Also copy the iim.conf.xml file to iim.conf after any future configuration changes as cluster uses the iim.conf file.

  5. To use the new 'GatewayConnector' service in HA, update this service configuration with the virtual host name or IP address and port number as follows:

    imconfutil --config config_file set-prop iim_gwc.hostport=virtual host-name or ip:port

    For example:

    imconfutil --config /DATA1/default/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_gwc.hostport=
  6. Enable the Instant Messaging server resource.

    scswitch -e -j im-server-resource

To Upgrade to Instant Messaging Server Sun Cluster Agent (IM_SCHA)

Run the commpkg upgrade command on all nodes on the cluster. If cluster node is a non-global zone, run commpkg upgrade in global zone as well as in non-global zones.

Rolling Back an Upgrade

If the upgrade fails or if you need to go back to the previously working version of Instant Messaging Server, you can roll back the upgrade process.

To roll back the upgrade process:

  1. Stop all services.

    imadmin stop
  2. Remove the Instant Messaging Server packages.

    For example, on Solaris, use the pkgrm command.

  3. Install a prior version of Instant Messaging Server by using the Communications Suite installer for that version.