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Oracle® Solaris 11.3 DTrace (Dynamic Tracing) Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2018

Anonymous Tracing Examples

Example 31  Enabling Anonymous Tracing for the iprb Module

The following example shows an anonymous DTrace enabling for every probe in the iprb module:

# dtrace -A -m iprb
dtrace: saved anonymous enabling in /kernel/drv/dtrace.conf
dtrace: added forceload directives to /etc/system
dtrace: run update_drv(1M) or reboot to enable changes
# reboot

After rebooting, dtrace prints a message on the console to indicate that it is enabling the specified probes:

  Copyright 1983-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  Use is subject to license terms.
  NOTICE: enabling probe 0 (:iprb::)
  NOTICE: enabling probe 1 (dtrace:::ERROR)
  configuring IPv4 interfaces: iprb0.

When the system has rebooted, the anonymous state may be consumed by specifying the –a option with dtrace:

# dtrace -a
  CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
    0  22954                      _init:entry 
    0  22955                     _init:return 
    0  22800                  iprbprobe:entry 
    0  22934          iprb_get_dev_type:entry 
    0  22935         iprb_get_dev_type:return 
    0  22801                 iprbprobe:return 
    0  22802                 iprbattach:entry 
    0  22874               iprb_getprop:entry 
    0  22875              iprb_getprop:return 
    0  22934          iprb_get_dev_type:entry 
    0  22935         iprb_get_dev_type:return 
    0  22870             iprb_self_test:entry 
    0  22871            iprb_self_test:return 
    0  22958            iprb_hard_reset:entry 
    0  22959           iprb_hard_reset:return 
    0  22862       iprb_get_eeprom_size:entry 
    0  22826              iprb_shiftout:entry 
    0  22828            iprb_raiseclock:entry 
    0  22829           iprb_raiseclock:return 
Example 32  Enabling Anonymous Tracing for Functions Called From iprbattach

The following example focuses only on those functions called from iprbattach. In an editor, type the following script and save it in a file named iprb.d.

        self->trace = 1;


        self->trace = 0;

Run the following commands to clear the previous settings from the driver configuration file, install the new anonymous tracing request, and reboot:

# dtrace -AFs iprb.d
dtrace: cleaned up old anonymous enabling in /kernel/drv/dtrace.conf
dtrace: cleaned up forceload directives in /etc/system
dtrace: saved anonymous enabling in /kernel/drv/dtrace.conf
dtrace: added forceload directives to /etc/system
dtrace: run update_drv(1M) or reboot to enable changes
# reboot

After rebooting, dtrace prints a different message on the console to indicate the slightly different enabling:

  Copyright 1983-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  Use is subject to license terms.
  NOTICE: enabling probe 0 (fbt::iprbattach:entry)
  NOTICE: enabling probe 1 (fbt:::)
  NOTICE: enabling probe 2 (fbt::iprbattach:return)
  NOTICE: enabling probe 3 (dtrace:::ERROR)
  configuring IPv4 interfaces: iprb0.

After the system has completely booted, run the dtrace with the -a option and the -e option to consume the anonymous data and then exit.

# dtrace -ae
  CPU FUNCTION                                 
    0  -> iprbattach                            
    0    -> gld_mac_alloc                       
    0      -> kmem_zalloc                       
    0        -> kmem_cache_alloc                
    0          -> kmem_cache_alloc_debug        
    0            -> verify_and_copy_pattern     
    0            <- verify_and_copy_pattern     
    0            -> tsc_gethrtime               
    0            <- tsc_gethrtime               
    0            -> getpcstack                  
    0            <- getpcstack                  
    0            -> kmem_log_enter              
    0            <- kmem_log_enter              
    0          <- kmem_cache_alloc_debug        
    0        <- kmem_cache_alloc                
    0      <- kmem_zalloc                       
    0    <- gld_mac_alloc                       
    0    -> kmem_zalloc                         
    0      -> kmem_alloc                        
    0        -> vmem_alloc                      
    0          -> highbit                       
    0          <- highbit                       
    0          -> lowbit                        
    0          <- lowbit                        
    0          -> vmem_xalloc                   
    0            -> highbit                     
    0            <- highbit                     
    0            -> lowbit                      
    0            <- lowbit                      
    0            -> segkmem_alloc               
    0              -> segkmem_xalloc            
    0                -> vmem_alloc              
    0                  -> highbit               
    0                  <- highbit               
    0                  -> lowbit                
    0                  <- lowbit                
    0                  -> vmem_seg_alloc        
    0                    -> highbit             
    0                    <- highbit             
    0                    -> highbit             
    0                    <- highbit             
    0                    -> vmem_seg_create     