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Managing IP Quality of Service in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: October 2017

Troubleshooting IPQoS Error Messages

The following table lists error messages that are generated by IPQoS and their possible solutions.

Table 3  IPQoS Error Messages
Error Message
Undefined action in parameter parameter-name's action action-name
In the IPQoS configuration file, the action name that you specified in parameter-name does not exist in the configuration file.
Create the action or refer to a different, existing action in the parameter.
Action action-name involved in cycle
In the IPQoS configuration file, action-name is part of a cycle of actions, which is not allowed by IPQoS.
Determine the action cycle. Then, remove one of the cyclical references from the IPQoS configuration file.
Action action-name isn't referenced by any other actions
A non-ipgpc action definition is not referenced by any other defined actions in the IPQoS configuration, which is not allowed by IPQoS.
Remove the unreferenced action. Alternatively, make another action reference the currently unreferenced action.
Missing/Invalid config file fmt_version
The format of the configuration file is not specified as the first entry of the file, which is required by IPQoS.
Unsupported config file format version
The format version that is specified in the configuration file is not supported by IPQoS.
Change the format version to fmt_version 1.0, which is required beginning with the Solaris 9 9/02 release of IPQoS.
No ipgpc action defined.
An action is not defined for the ipgpc classifier in the configuration file, which is an IPQoS requirement.
Can't commit a null configuration
ipqosconf -c was run to commit a configuration that was empty, which IPQoS does not allow.
Be sure to apply a configuration file before you attempt to commit a configuration. For instructions, see How to Start the ipqos Service.
Invalid CIDR mask on line line-number
In the configuration file, a CIDR mask is used as part of the IP address that is out of the valid range for IP addresses.
Change the mask value to be in the range of 1–32 for IPv4 and 1–128 for IPv6.
Address masks aren't allowed for host names line line-number
In the configuration file, a CIDR mask is defined for a host name, which is not allowed in IPQoS.
Remove the mask or change the host name to an IP address.
Invalid module name line line-number
In the configuration file, the module name specified in an action statement is invalid.
Check the spelling of the module name. For a list of IPQoS modules, refer to Figure 8, Table 8, IPQoS Modules.
ipgpc action has incorrect name line line-number
The name of the ipgpc action in the configuration file is not the required name ipgpc.classify.
Rename the action ipgpc.classify.
Second parameter clause not supported line line-number
In the configuration file, two parameter clauses are specified for a single action, which IPQoS does not allow.
Combine all parameters for the action into a single parameters clause.
Duplicate named action
In the configuration file, two actions have the same name.
Rename or remove one of the actions.
Duplicate named filter/class in action action-name
Two filters or two classes have the same name in the same action, which is not allowed in the IPQoS configuration file.
Rename or remove one of the filters or classes.
Undefined class in filter filter-name in action action-name
In the configuration file, the filter references a class that is not defined in the action.
Create the class, or change the filter reference to an already existing class.
Undefined action in class class-name action action-name
The class refers to an action that is not defined in the configuration file.
Create the action, or change the reference to an already existing action.
Invalid parameters for action action-name
In the configuration file, one of the parameters is invalid.
For information about the module that is called by the named action, refer to the module entry in IPQoS Architecture and the Diffserv Model. Alternatively, refer to the ipqosconf(1M) man page.
Mandatory parameter missing for action action-name
A required parameter is not defined for an action in the configuration file.
For information about the module that is called by the named action, refer to the module entry in IPQoS Architecture and the Diffserv Model. Alternatively, refer to the ipqosconf(1M) man page.
Max number of classes reached in ipgpc
More classes are specified than are allowed in the ipgpc action of the IPQoS configuration file. The maximum number is 10007.
Review the configuration file and remove unneeded classes. Alternatively, you can raise the maximum number of classes by adding to the /etc/system file the entry ipgpc_max_classes class-number.
Max number of filters reached in action ipgpc
More filters are specified than are allowed in the ipgpc action of the IPQoS configuration file. The maximum number is 10007.
Review the configuration file, and remove unneeded filters. Alternatively, you can raise the maximum number of filters by adding the entry ipgpc_max_filters filter-number to the /etc/system file.
Invalid/missing parameters for filter filter-name in action ipgpc
In the configuration file, filter filter-name has an invalid or missing parameter.
Refer to the ipqosconf(1M) man page for the list of valid parameters.
Name not allowed to start with '!', line line-number
An action, filter, or class name begins with an exclamation mark (!), which is not allowed in the IPQoS file.
Remove the exclamation mark, or rename the action, class, or filter.
Name exceeds the maximum name length line line-number
An action, class, or filter name in the configuration file exceeds the maximum length of 23 characters.
Assign a shorter name to the action, class, or filter.
Array declaration line line-number is invalid
In the configuration file, the array declaration for the parameter on line line-number is invalid.
For the correct syntax of the array declaration that is called by the action statement with the invalid array, refer to IPQoS Architecture and the Diffserv Model. Alternatively, refer to the ipqosconf(1M) man page.
Quoted string exceeds line, line-number
The string does not have terminating quotation marks on the same line, which is required in the configuration file.
Make sure that the quoted string begins and ends on the same line in the configuration file.
Invalid value, line line-number
The value that is given on line-number of the configuration file is not supported for the parameter.
For the acceptable values for the module that is called by the action statement, refer to the module description in IPQoS Architecture and the Diffserv Model. Alternatively, refer to the ipqosconf(1M) man page.
Unrecognized value, line line-number
The value on line-number of the configuration file is not a supported enumeration value for its parameter.
Check that the enumeration value is correct for the parameter. For a description of the module that is called by the action statement with the unrecognized line number, refer to IPQoS Architecture and the Diffserv Model. Alternatively, refer to the ipqosconf(1M) man page.
Malformed value list line line-number
The enumeration that is specified on line-number of the configuration file does not conform to the specification syntax.
For the correct syntax of the module that is called by the action statement with the malformed value list, refer to the module description in IPQoS Architecture and the Diffserv Model. Alternatively, refer to the ipqosconf(1M) man page.
Duplicate parameter line line-number
A duplicate parameter was specified on line-number, which is not allowed in the configuration file.
Remove one of the duplicate parameters.
Invalid action name line line-number
The name of the action on line-number of the configuration file uses the predefined name “continue” or “drop.”
Rename the action so that the action does not use a predefined name.
Failed to resolve src/dst host name for filter at line line-number, ignoring filter
ipqosconf could not resolve the source or destination address that was defined for the given filter in the configuration file. Therefore, the filter is ignored.
If the filter is important, try applying the configuration at a later time.
Incompatible address version line line-number
The IP version of the address on line-number is incompatible with the version of a previously specified IP address or ip_version parameter.
Change the two conflicting entries to be compatible.
Action at line line-number has the same name as currently installed action, but is for a different module
An action tried to change the module of an action that already exists in the system's IPQoS configuration, which is not allowed.
Flush the current configuration before you apply the new configuration.