You use the idmap import command to import a set of rule-based user mappings that are stored in a file.
The idmap supports the following file formats:
The NetApp usermap.cfg rule-mapping format:
Windows-username [direction] UNIX-username
Windows-username is a Windows user name in either the domain-name\username or username@domain-name format.
UNIX-username is an Oracle Solaris user name.
direction is one of the following:
== indicates a bidirectional mapping, which is the default
=> or <= indicates a unidirectional mapping
The IP qualifier is not supported.
The Samba smbusers rule-mapping format:
UNIX-name = winname1 winname2 ...
The mappings are imported as unidirectional mappings from one or more Windows names to an Oracle Solaris name.
This format is based on the username map information on the smb.conf man page, which is available on the web site. The use of an asterisk (*) for winname is supported. However, the @group directive and the chaining of mappings are not supported.
By default, if no mapping entries are in the smbusers file, Samba maps a winname to the equivalent UNIX-name, if any. The following idmap command shows this mapping:
# idmap add -d winuser:"*@*" unixuser:"*"
For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3.
# idmap import [-F] [-f file] format
In the following example, a file called myusermaps uses the usermap.cfg format to specify the following user name mappings:
# cat myusermaps == mary => mary
You would use one of the following commands to add these mappings to the database:
# cat myusermaps | idmap import usermap.cfg
# idmap import -f myusermaps usermap.cfg