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Transitioning From Oracle® Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer

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Updated: April 2020

How to Set Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart Server

  1. Install the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.
  2. Set up a static IP address.

    For information about how to set a static IP address, see the instructions in How to Configure an IPv4 Interface in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and the ipadm(1M) man page.

  3. Install the system/boot/network package from the solaris publisher.
    # pkg publisher
    PUBLISHER                TYPE     STATUS   URI
    solaris                  origin   online   http://pkg.oracle.com/solaris/release/
    # pkg install pkg:/system/boot/network
               Packages to install:  1
         Variants/Facets to change:  3
           Create boot environment: No
    Create backup boot environment: No
                Services to change:  1
    DOWNLOAD                                  PKGS       FILES    XFER (MB)
    Completed                                  1/1       13/13      0.0/0.0
    PHASE                                        ACTIONS
    Install Phase                                  34/34
    PHASE                                          ITEMS
    Package State Update Phase                       1/1
    Image State Update Phase                         2/2
    PHASE                                          ITEMS
    Reading Existing Index                           8/8
    Indexing Packages                                1/1
  4. Download the latest Oracle Solaris 10 DVD image.

    The current image is at https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris10/downloads/index.html. This image is the source of your install image and JumpStart tools. Note that JumpStart can be used to install only the Oracle Solaris 10 OS, not the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

  5. Set up a JumpStart install server.

    The following example uses the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 DVD image for SPARC.

    # cd /media/SOL_10_0113_SPARC/Solaris_10/Tools
    # ./setup_install_server /export/s10u11_sparc
    Verifying target directory...
    Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_10 product
    Calculating space required for the installation boot image
    Copying the CD image to disk...
    Copying Install Boot Image hierarchy...
    Copying /boot netboot hierarchy...
    Install Server setup complete
  6. Copy the jumpstart_sample files to the JumpStart profile location.
    # cd /media/SOL_10_0113_SPARC/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample
    # mkdir -p /export/profiles/s10profile
    # cp -pr * /export/profiles/s10profile
  7. Update the check script.

    Replace the first line of the /export/profile/s10profile/check script with the following line:

  8. Validate your JumpStart profile.

    In the following example, many lines of output are omitted for brevity. Note that the –p option does not work with all Oracle Solaris 10 update releases. Make sure you are using at least Oracle Solaris 10 Update 7.

    # cd /export/profile/s10profile
    # ./check -p /export/s10u11_sparc
    45 blocks
    Validating rules...
    Validating profile host_class...
    Validating profile zfsrootsimple...
    Validating profile net924_sun4c...
    Validating profile upgrade...
    Validating profile x86-class...
    Validating profile any_machine...
    The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.
  9. Make sure that udp6 is available and online.

    The udp6 service is delivered in the tftp package. Make sure the tftp package is installed.

    # pkg list tftp

    If the tftp package is not installed, use the following command to install it:

    # pkg install pkg:/service/network/tftp

    Once you have installed the tftp package, make sure the udp6 service is available and online.

    # svcs udp6
    STATE          STIME   FMRI
    disabled       8:36:55 svc:/network/tftp/udp6:default
    # svcadm enable network/tftp/udp6
    # svcs udp6
    STATE          STIME   FMRI
    online         8:38:28 svc:/network/tftp/udp6:default
  10. If you plan to use this server as both a JumpStart install server and an AI install server, link the /tftpboot directory to the /etc/netboot directory.

    If the /etc/netboot directory does not exist, create it.

    Although JumpStart uses /tftpboot for network booting, AI uses /etc/netboot. Therefore, /tftpboot needs to be a symbolic link to /etc/netboot so that the two tools can coexist.

    Tip  -  If you plan to use this server as only a JumpStart install server or only an AI install server, then this step is not required. However, doing this step avoids failed netboot errors if you change your plan later.
    # ls /etc/netboot
    /etc/netboot: No such file or directory
    # mkdir -m 755 /etc/netboot
    # ln -s /etc/netboot /tftpboot
    # ls -l /tftpboot
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          12 Sep 14 8:46:51 /tftpboot -> /etc/netboot
  11. Install the client.

    Make sure to use the fully qualified host name for the client. In this example, the client host name is line2-x4100.example.com.

    /export/s10u11_sparc/Solaris_10/Tools/add_install_client -e 8:0:20:fd:f2:18 \
    -c line2-x4100.example.com:/export/profiles/s10profile \
    -p line2-x4100.example.com:/export/profiles/s10profile line2-t1 sun4u
    /export/home is already shared. However, the zfs file system
    /export/home must be shared read-only with root access. Use the "zfs
    set" command to set the sharenfs property for file system /export/home
    as follows:Use ro and either anon=0 or
    root=line2-x4100.example.com for /export/home. This must be
    fixed and /export/home shared before line2-x4100.example.com can boot.

    Use the following commands to verify how the /export/home file system is shared, correct the share options if needed, and then check how the file system is shared to verify the change. In this example, the –anon=0 option has not been set.

    # share
    home    /export/home    nfs     sec=sys,ro         
    # share -F nfs -o ro,sec=sys,anon=0 /export/home
    # share
    home    /export/home    nfs     anon=0,sec=sys,ro