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Developer's Guide for Migrating to Oracle Solaris 11

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Updated: April 2020

Optimizing Applications by Using Oracle Developer Studio

The tools provided by Oracle Developer Studio enable you to leverage the processing capabilities of the latest CPU architectures such as the Oracle SPARC T-Series and M-Series, Intel Xeon, and AMD Opteron processors. The tools enable easier creation of parallel and concurrent software applications for these platforms. For more information about SPARC M-Series and T-Series servers see and for other Oracle servers, see x86 Servers.

If the migrated application does not have strict requirements for adherence to standards, you can obtain additional performance gains by using optimization flags to build higher-performing binaries. For example, the –fast macro in Oracle Developer Studio is the easiest way to generate an optimized binary for specific target hardware.

Note -  The –fast macro implies the –fns option.

This section provides information about optimizing applications by using Oracle Developer Studio.

Oracle Developer Studio Tools

To generate high-performing binaries and isolate code issues that are difficult to detect, you can use the following Oracle Developer Studio tools:

  • Performance Analyzer – Analyzes application performance, identifies performance hotspots, and determines the parts of a program that need to be improved.

  • Thread Analyzer – Detects code issues in multithreaded programs. For example, you can detect data races and deadlock conditions.

  • Discover – Detects programming errors related to the allocation and use of program memory at runtime. You can detect the following types of programming errors:

    • Reading from and writing to unallocated memory

    • Freeing the wrong memory blocks

    • Using free memory

    • Accessing memory beyond allocated array bounds

    • Memory leaks

    • Accessing uninitialized memory

  • Uncover – Measures the code coverage of user applications. The coverage information reported by this tool could be at the level of a function, statement, basic block, or instruction By default, the high-performance libumem library is bundled with Oracle Solaris 11. The libumem library, along with the dbx debugging tool, finds memory leaks and buffer overruns that are difficult to detect.

For more information, see the Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 Documentation Library.