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Developing System Services in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: September 2018

Kerberos Stencil Service

Another example of an Oracle Solaris service that uses a stencil is Kerberos. The following command shows that the configfile property group is krb5_conf, the stencil file is /lib/svc/stencils/krb5.conf.stencil, and the configuration file is /etc/krb5/krb5.conf.

$ svcprop -g configfile svc:/system/kerberos/install:default
krb5_conf/disabled boolean true
krb5_conf/group astring sys
krb5_conf/mode integer 644
krb5_conf/owner astring root
krb5_conf/path astring /etc/krb5/krb5.conf
krb5_conf/stencil astring krb5.conf.stencil

These values are set in the service manifest as shown below. They could be changed by using svccfg setprop.

<property_group type="configfile" name="krb5_conf">
        <propval name="disabled" type="boolean" value="true" />
        <propval name="path" type="astring"
                value="/etc/krb5/krb5.conf" />
        <propval name="stencil" type="astring"
                value="krb5.conf.stencil" />
        <propval name="mode" type="integer" value="0644" />
        <propval name="owner" type="astring" value="root" />
        <propval name="group" type="astring" value="sys" />

You can view the stencil file in /lib/svc/stencils/krb5.conf.stencil and the resultant configuration file in /etc/krb5/krb5.conf.